Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1779: Alien God Battleship-Star Wheel

"Boss." In the distance, Heiyan took 19 people to Lava Island and ran towards the landing sun.

Lu Yang waited for them to approach, and took them to the Fire Spirit Tower. While there was no one left or right, he told them the way the Fire Spirit Tower played.

There are too many materials for the Fire Tower, and Lu Yang will not be able to sort them out in a moment and half, so it ’s better to talk to them in person and record the video at the same time.

Here, he also attached a video of his fire spirit tower. Under the guidance of Lu Yang, a successful teacher, Hei Yan and their understanding of the fire spirit tower is very fast.

Lu Yang was not in a hurry to let them go down for more than two hours. After they had studied almost, he said to everyone: "Try to go down again, the score is not important, and slowly get familiar with the situation inside."

"Yes." 19 people said together.

The people who chose to enter the Fire Spirit Tower this time are all genius players in the Fire Department of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, including Black Flame, Vulcan M16, and Luo Siyu, as well as six foreign players he recruited.

The names of these six people are called Flam, Briz, Vulcan, Most, Kannu, and Jokot. They glance at each other, and they still cannot believe it.

"Boss, you actually believe us so much, this level of secrets will be shared with us, you really are." Flam did not know what to say.

Briz and Volican and others nodded their heads, they looked at Lu Yang's eyes full of disbelief.

This is the perfect way to play the Fire Tower. They do n’t need to explore. They can do it according to Lu Yang ’s teaching method. Not only can they get a lot of equipment, if they sell this information, they can make money, Enough to keep them from working for the next ten years.

Lu Yang looked at them with a smile, he also thought about this problem, but as the president of the strongest guild in the new continent, Lu Yang has this confidence. He believes that Flam will not betray themselves, and that they will be the Brotherhood of Blood Treat yourself as your home.

"I don't doubt the use of the person, I don't need the person, I believe you, work hard, the Iron-Blood Brotherhood has not appeared a foreign vice president, I hope to be among you." Lu Yang said with a smile.

In the glorious and splendid history of China, at any time, the powerful empire had foreign legions, such as the Huns servants in the Han dynasty, the Xianbei servants in the Tang dynasty, the Turkic servants, and even the Song dynasty.

As of the Ming and Qing dynasties, foreigners in the Qing Dynasty became senior officials in the Chaotang. Lu Yang was looking forward to the appearance of a true foreign legion in the guild.

Flem and Britz and others did not expect that Lu Yang could allow them to rise to the position of vice president. For a time, everyone's face was filled with excitement.

"Boss, we will do our best to protect the game city." Flam said respectfully.

Lu Yang nodded with a smile and said, "Go, hit as many fireballs as possible."

19 people nodded together, turned around and entered the Fire Spirit Tower.

Lu Yang looked at the time, and it was almost evening. He was determined to go to the next area to make drawings, but the time was no longer allowed. He flew directly to the seabed cave and continued to collect the Shenhuo spar.

Three hours later, Hei Yan and Luo Siyu and others gradually came out of the Fire Ling Tower and reported the Luyang fighting situation. The layer with the largest number was Flam, and the 68th layer was under the rest. Hovering around the 60th floor.

They all had good luck, and a total of 22 fire spirit beads were hit, so that 22 people can join the battle tomorrow.

Lu Yang is not in a hurry now. He took a rest that night and waited for the early morning of the next day. He asked Heiyan to transfer another 22 to the Fire Spirit Tower. He took enough gold coins and swam towards the lava Hainan side.

This time he was pure luck. In the lava sea, there is a special thing called the broken star wheel.

Star Wheel, strictly speaking, is an alien spaceship, which is actually the spacecraft aboard alien gods who invaded the New World.

After the alien gods were defeated, all those who could not escape were hiding, and some of them were hiding in the lava sea. They are also gods of the fire system, relying on the pure energy in the lava sea to provide energy to the broken star wheel, so that their The star wheel can be invisible.

If you can find the star wheel, you can accept the hidden missions provided by the protoss inside, which are very good reward missions, which is exactly what Lu Yang needs.

As for how to find the star wheel, the players of the previous generation have already cracked the approximate location of the star wheel, but they still need to take luck. If you are lucky, you can go in when you go.

Another one, the star wheel is also a good place. If you have a good relationship with the star spirit in the star wheel, this star wheel can also provide players with a lot of convenience.

Recalling the extensive role of the previous star wheel, Lu Yang couldn't help swimming towards the star wheel.

Two hours later, Lu Yang came to the area on the south side of Lava Island. On the bottom of the lava sea, in a large fissure, Lu Yang looked carefully.

Suddenly, in the purple rock area near the fissure, there was an almost invisible ripple. Yes, it was the sea floor ripple. Normally, it should be caused by something swimming on the sea floor. Here, it appeared out of thin air.

Lu Yang shook his fist hard, he knew he had good luck recently, he hit the star wheel!


A red golden light flashed, Lu Yang appeared in the ripple area instantly, the next second, Lu Yang's body disappeared into the lava sea.

System prompt: You found the star wheel!

After the strong light dissipated, Lu Yang opened his eyes with a smile and saw what he saw. He was in a pure white space. Dozens of strange creatures with a height of 2 meters, white skin and a shape like aliens were holding purple. The spear made an attacking stance, staring at the landing sun.

"You don't belong here, tell me, what kind of creature are you?" An alien headed came to Lu Yang with a cautious and alert expression in his eyes.

"Ask him what he is doing? Kill him, or we will expose it." Another alien said angrily.

"No, he is different from the creatures here, we have to find a way to release, this person may be the key." The alien headed turned his head and continued to stare at the landing Yang, his eyes full of curiosity.

Lu Yang smiled, exactly the same as the Raiders burst from the last player, he slowly said his situation one by one, and finally concluded: "I am a human being, a dead enemy of all creatures in the New World."

A variety of aliens showed a surprised look, led by the aliens put away their spears, walked to Lu Yang and said excitedly: "My name is Akobo, the commander of this star wheel, human beings, I represent the Protoss, welcome Your coming. "

System prompt: You have opened the reputation of the Protoss!

Akobo did not give Lu Yang the opportunity to speak, and continued to introduce their origins and the difficulties they are now in.

"In short, we need a lot of gold coins. If there are gold coins, we can pretend to be Les Fire Spirits and trade with other Fire Spirits outside to exchange some of the necessary items. If you can provide us with money, then we Willing to exchange some items with you. "Akobo said.

An interface popped up in front of Lu Yang, with:

Alchemy Recipe: Elixir of God's Magic Recovery Price: 1000 gold coins.

Alchemy formula: God's Qi and blood recovery potion, price: 1000 gold coins.

Drawing: Shenyang Belt, selling price: 1000 gold coins.

Drawing: Gauntlets of Shenyang, price: 1000 gold coins.


Lu Yang sighed. Sure enough, he was a black-hearted businessman. Each one is so expensive, but these are the things Lu Yang needs most. He bought these four formulas.

"Thank you for your generosity." Akobo is even happier.

System Tip: Your reputation in the star wheel is increased by 4000 points, and your reputation in the star wheel is friendly!

Lu Yang had a golden light on her body, and the alien creatures were all put away and left. Obviously, Lu Yang was no longer regarded as an enemy.

Akobo's head appeared a blue question mark, Lu Yang asked: "Is there anything I need to do for you?"

"The star wheel needs more energy to start, I hope you can provide us with more Zede fire monsters." Akobo handed Luyang a cage.

Forbidden God Cage

Description: The weak target is trapped in the cage and cannot be escaped.

Lu Yang took the cage and said to Akobo: "I have no problem catching the Zede Fire Demon, but I need your help. The spaceship should not leave this area, lest I come back and find you.

Akobo thought about it and said, "I can give you 5 hours, beyond this time, I can't guarantee that we can stay here safely."

"Thank you." Lu Yang flew back to the lava sea through the teleportation array. He knew that this task of Akobo was for the fireball. Every time he caught 10, he could get as many as many missions. Fireball.

The light flashed.

Lu Yang found himself appearing near the sea cave, and the star wheel turned into a huge lava sea rock, floating in the upper part of the cave, he smiled, it was so simple, he did not need to run back and forth to delay time.

The so-called forbidden **** cage traps the weak target in the cage, which means that the target's blood volume is less than 50% of normal health.

Zhede Fire Demon's blood volume is 3000 points, and Lu Yang reads a spell at the following Zede Fire Demon.

"The Demon God Controls"

Flame energy turned into a huge palm, instantly caught this Zede fire demon, with the blood damage damage +300 damage value every 0.1 seconds, while returning toward the landing sun side, while dropping blood.

As soon as he arrived, Lu Yang raised the forbidden God cage in his hand, and a flash of light flashed, and Zede Fire Demon entered the cage.

System prompt: The arrest was successful!

Lu Yang smiled and launched an attack on the next Zede Fire Demon. His arrest speed was very fast. His skill cooling was 2 seconds. On average, he could catch 20, and an hour was 1200.

Wait for 5 hours to pass, Lu Yang actually caught about 6,000 Zede fire monsters, and completely emptied two submarine caves.

He handed the cage to Akobo and said, "Fortunately, it is not humiliating."

Akobo's eyes were bright, he received 6000 Zede fire monsters, and handed them to Luyang with 600 fire beads. He said: "With this batch of Zede fire monsters, our spacecraft can operate normally for a long time. It's time. "

A fat alien next to him came closer. His shape was closer to humans, but his tail was longer. He spread his hands and said to Akobo: "I'm sorry to disturb your interest. Another part of our spaceship is broken. , We need more parts to supplement. "

Akobo showed a helpless look and said to Lu Yang: "Man, I'm afraid we will be separated for some time. In order to obtain parts, we need to go deep into the lava sea. There are many wreckages of our other spaceships. The areas under the enemy's control will be attacked by the enemy forcefully once we appear, which is very dangerous. "

This is not a lie, it is not only very dangerous, but also very very dangerous. It is the marginal area between the lower **** and the middle god. With Luyang ’s current strength, it is no problem to pick a single middle **** monster. If he singled out two, he would have to run away.

Lu Yang had never received this task since last time, because when he came here, the only task of the star wheel was completed. Obviously, the task he received now is the only task. It is estimated that the things given are good ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ He said: "Let me go with you, I will find the parts, at least if I go, it will not cause too much hostility to the enemy."

If these eccentric plane gods appear, they must be killed by the gods in the lava sea, and if they fail, the star wheel will have to be exploded.

The previous star wheel was not exploded. If he was exploded here, he would be miserable. He also expected the star wheel to become his mobile spaceship.

Akobo was also worried about Lu Yang's thoughts, and said gratefully: "Our friends, if you can help us retrieve the parts, I really appreciate it."

Lu Yang smiled, which was not solved by a word or two of thanks. He said to Akobo: "I can help you, as a friend, I also hope you can help me."

"You said." Akobo said happily.

Lu Yang said: "I hope this can become a teleportation area for me to become a player of my guild. Let me build a sentry tower here and send them all over. At the same time, I hope you will not let non-guild players enter again Your star wheel. "

Akobo thought for a while and said, "The first request is ok, the second one is not."

Lu Yang lamented that it was good to get the first request. The second one was difficult for some strongmen, but this is not impossible. In the last life, there was indeed a guild that blocked the star wheel for more than half a year before the star wheel It is estimated that the relationship between Lu Yang and Akobo is not good enough.

"Let's go get parts." Lu Yang said.

"Let's go to the Golden River." Akobo ordered loudly that the entire spaceship turned into an invisible and shot toward the distance.

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