Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1788: All together

Steiger said: "You've never gotten soft with your compatriots."

Liu Jie smiled and said: "I have a quarter of Finnish origin, not to mention this, we have 10,000 each of our four families, there are already 40,000 people, now to Radvedev and Stephen II Now, what do you think. "

Stephen and Radvedev are glaring at each other. The two of them have fought more than ten times in the border area. There are countless small battles, and both of them are almost dead.

"Now that you have enough 40,000 people, plus Gerrze is 50,000 people, what do you need me to do, I'm gone." Radvedev directly exited the special space.

"I'm gone too, this **** must wipe me out, sorry, I can't support." Stephen also left.

Gertz looked at the two leaving with a helpless face, and Liu Jie also sighed and said: "Unfortunately, the best chance to eliminate the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, so missed."

"I'm very grateful to keep it. For every 500 million US dollars, I will never let everyone do nothing." Gertz said.

The four Liu Jie readily agreed.

"Let's mobilize our staff. At the same time, Steiger and I will take precautions in the border area. If Lu Yang comes in, we will send people back at any time." Liu Jie said.

Sanyou Weimen said: "We opened the transmission fortress along the way. Everyone passed in advance. On the one hand, we arranged the defense line. We also have a buffer process on our side."

The area of ​​Gerds that needs to be defended is too large. There are twelve fortresses in the southeast area of ​​the New World bordering Luyang. Once the war begins, these fortresses need to be prepared. There are also two fortresses in the eastern area, which together add up to fourteen fortress.

Not only the frontier fortress needs defense, but the back of supplies and the player's defense area, many things need to be prepared in advance. If it is said that this time it was not because of the sister group ’s mother that the intention was exposed, Gertz may not be able to hold even for half a month. Now it is different.

The five people each showed a smiley expression, and withdrew from the special space. The five guilds adjusted together. This large-scale transfer could not conceal anyone. Tu Feng discovered this problem for the first time, and at this time, Lu Yang It's still a press conference.

Tu Feng couldn't care about anything else. He broke into the press conference and came to Lu Yang. He told the news. Lu Yang, who was accepting media accountability, couldn't help but hit the table with a punch.


The reporters were taken aback. They thought Lu Yang was irritated by them. They were even more excited. The reporter who was speaking asked excitedly: "Are you a bad character by yourself, or do you have a problem ..."

"Shut up." Tu Feng glared at the reporter angrily, and couldn't help saying: "What do you know? Just because of these stupid women, do you know how badly they hurt us?"

"How can a few women treat you?" The reporter asked in disbelief.

Tu Feng just wanted to continue talking, but Lu Yang stopped him. He knew that Tu Feng was not good at this. He said: "You tell the brothers first, the plan remains unchanged, let everyone continue to prepare for the war, and the sneak attack becomes a strong attack."

"Yes." Tu Feng glared at the reporter and walked away.

Lu Yang stood up, looked at a group of reporters, and said, "I will continue to talk about what Tu Feng said just now, just now, we have held the press conference, the presidents of the four strongest guilds in the New World, Liu Jie, Shi Tiger, Sanyoumen and Roland sent 10,000 lower gods into the Gerds area at the same time to help him defend. "

"What?" Many reporters were shocked.

Lu Yangqiang endured his anger and said: "You all know that if the Jagged Brothers can't defeat Gertz before the end of the summer vacation, they will definitely be attacked by Gertz, Sanyouweimen and Roland, so I will be in a month The battle plan was formulated before, and it was officially implemented in secret today. I plan to carry out the 40,000 subordinate gods cultivated by the Jagged Brotherhood to launch a surprise attack on Gertz at the end of the month. Erz defeated, but you saw it because of the trouble of these dozen women, because of your report, my secret plan was seen by the enemy. "

"How is this possible?" Said a reporter in horror. He already knew the consequences.

Lu Yang smashed a punch on the table and said angrily: "How is it impossible? Hmm? Because of the reports of your idiots, the best chance of the Jagged Brothers to defeat Gerzi is gone. Now, Jagged The Brotherhood ca n’t sneak attack, and can only think of other ways.

But how much time do I have, two months, I only have two months, if I ca n’t beat Gertz in two months, then I will face four guilds with nearly one hundred thousand gods Players' joint attack, you tell me, how should I fight with my blood brothers. "

"What should we do?" A female reporter sneered.

Lu Yang laughed sarcastically and pointed at the female reporter and all the reporters here and said, "What should you do? You have me remembered that if the Brotherhood of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood fails, all the strongholds in the new continent are lost. Bankruptcy, the day the game city disbanded, all of you here are historical sinners, all will be nailed to the column of historical shame, because, the only player in the world, a land of players, a game that attracts worldwide attention The city was leaked because of the random broadcast of you unscrupulous reporters, and everyone will scold you in the future, you bastards. "

He turned and left the meeting place, leaving only the people who were shocked. The female reporter reacted for the first time and said bitterly: "What has to do with us, what should we do."

An old reporter next to him sighed and said, "First of all, find a way to leave here alive, and then find a way to keep your job. We can't do this in the reporter's business."

"Leave here alive? Why? How dare they treat me, believe me or not?" The female reporter said with staring eyes.

"Shut up, you idiot." A male reporter next to him couldn't help but overthrow the female reporter on the ground, scolding: "Don't take us to death, all government departments and public security departments in the development zone are paid by games. City tax, you are here to find the police, you want to die, you die, do n’t take us. "

Not to mention the hatred of the government against them, just saying that the more than 400,000 players and millions of relatives in the game city can tear them alive, and today Lu Yang said so mercilessly, that is, he did not intend to let them go. , These reporters who understand the matter do not know what to do.

In the office on the 33rd floor, Lu Yang returned to his seat and received multiple calls without waiting for a rest. After dealing with each other, Lu Yang looked at the incoming Xia Yuwei and Zhuojiu and others, sighed and said, " The sneak attack has become a tough battle, and you must be ready. "

Zhuojiu smiled and said, "With us in, you have a hundred hearts."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Be careful, this time the enemy is very strong, and it was not something that could be easily fought before. Gertz has run the guild for more than five years. He is quite experienced, and he has a large number of loyal people. Player, although I have a king bomb in my hand, it is not easy to use it until the critical moment. "

Gertz has been in control of the guild for five years, developing from the weak to the strongest guild, and now annexes Claudio, and Gerzi also uses Huairou means to absorb most of the players in the Claudio area and most of the original guild members. Go in.

With Gerlz's current strength, it is not difficult for a family to mobilize 15 million people. In the case of both players with lower gods, the lower gods are no longer invincible. As long as they fall into the encirclement, the opponents are inferior. The three men of God attacked together and would die if they were hit.

Lu Yang used a virtual helmet to project the map onto the coffee table, pointing to the four fortresses of black, orange, purple and blue in the border area and said: "We focus on attacking, or these four fortresses, only to break in from here In order to completely eliminate the enemy. "

Tu Feng said: "These four fortresses are fortresses defended by the enemy's first group of heavy soldiers. As long as there are 5 million people defending in this area, and the trenches here are not trenches, they are authentic. According to the report of the agent, The super electromagnetic storm can't hit the underground teleportation array. When fighting overhead, the enemy can be transferred in large quantities through the teleportation array. No matter which side is subjected to a large-scale attack, the enemy can respond quickly. "

Zhuojiu, White Lion, Hard-loved Half-Life, and Zhou Tianming all showed surprised expressions. Zhou Tianming said: "If this is the case, we will be difficult to fight, and we must re-enact a tactic."

Originally, Zhou Tianming and Zhuojiao and others thought that the frontal attack, with their more professional command and better players, positively defeated the main force of Gertz, but now it becomes this look, let Zhuojiu them Some will not play anymore.

Xia Yuwei asked: "Why can they make so many holes under the ground? Is this allowed by the game?"

Tu Feng said: "The terrain in Jerz area is special. Their method is officially allowed, but underground transmission is also required. They cannot be transmitted too far at once. Their transmission array is supported by something called Tianjing. Yes, you can only jump 20 kilometers at a time. "

Zhou Tianming reacted and said, "So if we kill their teleportation arrays before each fortress, can we isolate each fortress?"

Lu Yang said: "This is indeed a solution, but the news we have obtained is that the enemy has a complete defense system underground, and the possibility of breakthrough is very unlikely, especially for the mountain sandwiched between the fortresses, the defense is more complete. "

Between the Black Fortress and the Orange Fortress, there is a Flint Mountain, just 1km behind the center of the two fortresses. In order to improve the defense, Gertz turned the two fortresses into the frontiers of defense. Flint Mountain is the command center.

Normally, it is very difficult to break through the defense between the black fortress and the orange fortress, not to mention rushing into the mountain behind, and attacking the enemies with a complete teleportation system in the mountain.

Xia Yuwei saw this place but her eyes were shining. She stood up excitedly and looked at Lu Yang, saying: "Boss, give the sisters a chance to let them attack the Fire Rock Mountain and interrupt the enemy's teleportation."

"Sisters?" Everyone frowned a little. Now that the sisters are a taboo in the Iron-Blood Brothers League, these people sent everyone to call, if not because they were girls, they would not even dare to go out.

Xia Yuwei said excitedly: "I know that everyone looks down on the sister group, but now is an opportunity. The sister group dare not go out, so that they look normal on the outside, but they are given the opportunity inside to let them do their best. The sapphire fort north of the orange fort was dug to Flint Mountain. This is a viable method. Even if it fails, everyone loses nothing, right? "

Lu Yang looked at the map and said, "This is indeed a solution. I promised your request, but it must be guaranteed to be successful. So far, the Jagged Brotherhood has not failed on the battlefield. News of morale. "

"Thank you boss." Xia Yuwei sincerely thanked Lu Yang for those little sisters, and sincerely thanked Lu Yang for believing her at this time.

"I will talk to them tonight." Xia Yuwei said.

Lu Yang nodded and looked at the others and said, "Be prepared for mobilization. This battle is treated as the final battle for the future victory of the blood-blooded brothers. If you win, we still take the initiative in the New World. Now, we are all ready to return to the tiger's mouth, and then face the storm of the enemy. "

Zhuojiu, Baishi and Zhou Tianming and other vice-chairmen rose up together and said to Lu Yang: "The boss is at ease, we know what to do."

Lu Yang nodded, indicating that everyone could leave.

He returned to his seat, put the gaming helmet on his head, and the light flashed. Lu Yang appeared in the Demon Temple. Looking at Salamanca, who was still swearing in front of him, he pronounced a spell.

"The Flame of Punishment"

Flames continue to attack ~ ~ At this time, Salamanca's blood volume is only about 3000 points, Lu Yang can be worn to death in the middle of the night, and the time of the war is getting closer and closer. He also wanted to know what this upper **** could burst him out.

When Lu Yang attacked here, on the other side, the Iron-Blood Brotherhood also began to move in an orderly manner, and the nine major vice presidents and cute queens, Liu Ruohuai, Wan Zhonghui and others could stand alone.

The players who are fighting monsters are also aware of the fact that the secrets of the Brotherhood of Blood Alliance have been leaked, and those who know the crisis of the Brotherhood of Blood have a familiar expression on their faces.

"Let Qin Lao Qin, go to the country together, blood is not drained, vow not to truce! 》 On the forum, an anonymous player posted such a post. In the game, I do n’t know who it was, and the first one followed the slogan.

"Brothers of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, the guild is in trouble. When it is time for our brothers to gather again, we want to destroy the Iron-Blood Brothers League and pass our brothers first." Commanders such as Wan Zhonghui, Liu Ruohuai, Jiang Chen and Lu Yuming shouted their arms around the fortresses.

Hundreds of millions of Brothers of the Iron-Blood League started to gather again!

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