Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1795: The decisive battle begins

Lu Yang's arrangement was over here, and on the other side, the spies ambushing in the area of ​​the Brotherhood of Blood Alliance also gathered the intelligence they got at the table in Gerz.

In the conference room of the main fortress of Orange Fortress, Gertz knocked on the table and said: "If there is no accident, tomorrow morning in the China region will be the attack time of the Brotherhood of Blood, and their deployment arrangements are all clear to us. According to the plan, we also Deploy 2 million people in each region and fight day and night with the Iron-Blood Brothers Alliance to see if his Iron-Blood Brothers Alliance is stronger or we are stronger. "

Gertz's eight vice presidents stood up at the same time. Margaret, the vice president of intelligence, was an extremely beautiful female player. She elegantly said to Gertz: "Lu Yang will participate in the battle of tomorrow. The goal is Orange Fortress. "

"Good job, my goddess." Gertz praised and turned to look at Andrei, the sixth vice president, and said with a smile: "My dear professor, it's time to test your defense, Lu Yang himself Come here, don't let me down. "

Andre's eyes showed an extremely excited look, like a lion mad in the cage, his hands firmly grasped the edge of the conference table, said: "I am looking forward to the Iron-Blood Brotherhood coming to die, do you know, in order to arrange this Defence, how much effort my students and I have spent, he will let the Predator Brothers know that this front is the death line, a death line they will never pass. "

Gertz stared at Andre and said, "If you succeed, I will give you the biggest praise."

Andrea spread his hands and laughed exaggeratedly: "No, no, no, the biggest praise is that I successfully blocked the Brotherhood of Blood, and let the so-called world's strongest guild be blocked by my method. This is the biggest. Testimonials. "

"..." Everyone looked at Andrea and thought to themselves: "Crazy."

Gertz laughed more exaggeratedly and said, "I like your confidence."

He looked at the second vice president Gulander and said, "Tomorrow you will follow me with Andre and we will give Lu Yang a big meeting together."

"Yes." Guland said.

Gertz looked at the other five vice presidents and said, "You are defending according to the original plan, and we will give Lu Yang a surprise together."

Everyone responded in unison, and dispersed. The first vice president, Pons, also left the team, but when he left, his expression was different from the others.

At this time, he regretted that he agreed to the request of his wife Anisa, and accepted the 5 million euros of cash sent by Bagley. Because of this money, he promised Luyang to send troops to attack Tom, which triggered Tom and Jell The decisive battle here.

At the time Gertz almost fired him because of this incident, but at that time the war was imminent, Gertz was helpless, but he only scolded him for a meal, and later the war was won, but Pence had been uneasy in his heart.

He is not a fool. He knows that the Jagged Brothers will attack Gerzi next, and he, as a traitor, must provide information to Lu Yang, but he does n’t want to do this. He always hopes that his life is clear. In vain.

But ... but, whenever he returned home, he saw the picture of his wife lying down and sleeping happily on the money, watching his wife smile after she bought precious jewelry and limited watches, clothes and cosmetics.

How long has he not seen his wife smile so happily, it seems? It seems that after marrying him, he never smiled so happy.

He likes his wife's smile. Therefore, he never dared to tell his wife to return the money and never to be a traitor. Therefore, he can only pray in his heart that this day will come later and later.

However, this day is still here, this time he is trembling every day, fearing that Bagley or even his wife's phone call, once it is related to the guild war, tens of millions of brothers will be slaughtered by the League of Blood Brothers, he I dare not think about this picture, I dare not think about it at all, but the nightmare comes night after night.

"Slap" a back of his hand suddenly shot on Pons 'back. Frightened Pons' legs softened and he almost knelt on the ground. He looked back and found Gerlze looking at him in surprise, asking: "I Dear Pons, are you okay, have you been too tired recently? "

Pons didn't go home for five days. He ate and slept in the game city of Gerz. He woke up and worked because his workload was indeed huge. The ordinary players of the entire guild were ultimately managed by him.

Including Claudio's affiliated guild players, they are under the jurisdiction of Pons. Every day he has to face various problems and he is too busy.

Gertz despised Ponce the most, but he was the most meticulous of all the vice presidents. This troublesome job could only be left to him. Pons needed more effort over the past, Gertz thought He asked Ponce a few more words, but he was a little embarrassed to see Ponce this way.

Pons thought he had been discovered about this. He was relieved when he heard Gertz's words, and stood up and said, "I'm okay, I can hold on."

Gertz nodded and said: "Must ensure the attendance of ordinary players, can promise them some sweetness, ah!"

Pons nodded, sighing in his heart, and said, "No matter what I honored, you haven't promised. It's not me who came to me."

He turned and left, but just 200 meters away, the phone shook violently.


Pons was startled again. He thought he was called by his wife, but he saw the name on the phone, glaring his eyes wide, looked at no one on the left and right, he found a hidden position, and barely recovered Fear in my heart, press the call button, lower the voice and say: "Mr. Bagley, hello, what do you want me to do."

Bagley's whisper came from the other side of the phone and said with a smile: "My dear Mr. Pence, I believe you know what I need you to do, you are a smart person, do not need me to repeat, and, in order to show sincerity , I brought you 5 million euros in cash, and your wife has already received it for you. I believe that this money is enough to keep you and your wife happy for the rest of your life. "

"You." Pence gritted his teeth and sighed, "Well, you are waiting for me at home, and I will go back and tell you."

Bagley said: "Thank you for your invitation."

Pang Si was helpless. After hanging up the phone, he found more than 20 deputies. After a brief meeting, he quit the game and returned to his home.

Compared to China Time, it is already 4 o'clock in the morning, Poland time is 6 hours later than China Time, and it is more than 10 o'clock at night.

Bagley's wife, Anisa, is making a huge dinner for Bagley, and has brought out the fine wines in her home.

"My dear Mr. Bagley, this is the red wine I bought at the auction, 20,000 euros. To celebrate your arrival, we drank him today." Anisa said happily, taking it with you Her large 10-carat diamond ring, sapphire necklace and earrings are revealed.

Bagley stood up elegantly and bowed to Anisa, saying: "This is my honor. You are really too beautiful. The beauty of diamonds and jewelry is overshadowed by your face. They are you. The best foil. "

"Really, you can praise me so much, I'm really happy." Anisa said excitedly.

She has always wanted to be recognized by a higher level of people. In her heart, Bagley, an elegant nobleman, is the high-level person she thinks can get his praise, making her happier than buying anything.

Bagley said with a smile: "This is my truth, and it does not compliment you."

Anisa is even happier and asks: "A lot of ladies told me that I should buy more beautiful jewelry and more beautiful clothes, but I always feel that there is a problem, can you guide me?"

Bagley smiled more and said, "This is my pleasure."

Anisha's eyes lit up and sat in front of Bagley quickly, like a believer, and said, "You said."

Bagley said gracefully: "You shouldn't live here anymore. The people here are no longer in line with your status. They are vulgar and exaggerated. You should go to a more upscale residence, or you can buy one castle."

"It's expensive." Anisa is very emotional, and she feels that she and the people around her are not the same kind of people, and want to contact more "noble" people.

Bagley shook his head and said: "If you believe me, I suggest you immigrate to the UK. Many castles in the UK have no one to take over. Their price is not expensive, about 600,000 to 1 million pounds, buy After the repair, the maintenance cost is not much, about 400,000 pounds. "

Anisa carefully calculated and said, "It's really not much."

Bagley continued: "You can hire several servants by then, they can come from the Philippines, and then send them to Nolan College to study, and then hire a British butler, yes, you need a London The villas in the rich area are about 1.5 million pounds. "

Anisha looked sad, and said, "My money is not enough."

Bagley said with a smile: "Don't worry, this time the battle is over, your husband will let you live the life you want."

Anisha said firmly: "I will let Pons say everything he knows."

Bagley knew that it was easiest to start with Anisha, and said with a smile: "By the lady, you have to go to Tailor Street to find someone to order a dress. As for meals, the baked snails in Spain and the caviar in Russia still There are many delicious, I believe you must have never tasted, I will tell you ... "

Before he finished talking, Pence pushed open the door and saw Bagley, he gritted his teeth and said, "You come with me."

He wanted to beat Bagley first, but Anisa grabbed Pons and pulled into the room, and Bagley heard a familiar voice.

The roar of the man, followed by the roar of the woman, the cry of the woman, and the way Ponse walked out helplessly, he sat in front of Bagley and said, "Well sir, you succeeded in making me a traitor, Now I will tell you the layout of Gertz. "

Bagley opened the recording device and said, "Thank you for your help."


Early the next morning.

At 12 noon, at 6 a.m. Polish time, Lu Yang fully heard Bagley ’s reports and recordings. He looked at the area of ​​the defense line of the half-hour path in front of the orange and purple fortresses and said with exclamation: "This Ander Lie is really a genius defender. If there is no leak of Pons, we really have his way. "

Within 3 minutes of Jerz ’s first line of defense, more than 10 million 180-level alchemy traps were buried. This alchemy trap is divided into freezing, slowing, damage, stun, and damage reduction.

The outer and middle traps are mainly damage. The near side traps are also divided into remote control damage traps and freezing, deceleration and other traps, especially within the last 30 distances. Do n’t underestimate the distance of 30 seconds. This is the most initiated charge. The good distance is also the longest distance that the defensive square turret and catapult can shoot.

Xia Yuwei frowned and said: "The most difficult thing is Fengshen Lei. I didn't think there were items similar to our God Lei in the Jerz area. Even if the next **** led the team to attack, it would not be easy."

Pridefully said: "The most hateful thing is that we don't know how they are arranged, and mine clearance is very difficult."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "Unfortunately fortunately, at least we know who the enemies we are facing, and their equipment situation. Today we first tried to attack once, in order to prevent the enemy from using secret roads to reinforce reinforcement, Everyone must attack at the same time as me at 2 pm, and absolutely must not give the opponent any chance. "

During the battle, both sides must turn on the world and super electromagnetic storm skills. Once these two skills come out, ordinary players on both sides of the land cannot use the transmission skills and treatment, and it becomes impossible to use the phone. Therefore, the war between the two sides The first thing to look at is the level of understanding between the commanders of the two battlefields.

If someone from the Brotherhood of Blood starts first, or quits the battle first, Gertz can take this opportunity to easily mobilize players in this area to support other areas in crisis, then the overall battle, the Brotherhood of Blood will not Any chance of winning.

The White Lion, Zhou Tianming, and the half-life of love all nodded at the same time and said, "The boss is at ease. At 2 pm, we will definitely go to war and put the greatest pressure on the enemy."

Lu Yang said: "The time of the first battle, played for 6 hours, ended at 8 o'clock in the evening, the players on the night shift went online, and then prepared to play the second game, the meeting ended."

"Yes." The people answered in unison.

Lu Yang looked at the people with solemnity and said: "The prosperity of the Brotherhood of Blood Alliance is in decline and battle. I wish you all a successful return."

White Lion, Zhou Tianming and others focused on their heads and used the teleportation scepter to fly to their respective battlefields.

Lu Yang looked at Xia Yuwei and his pride and said, "We should go too."

The light flickered, and everyone flew outside of the Fire Dragon Fortress with Lu Yang. At this time, the various army commanders and army commanders had gathered their respective players, and more than 2 million people stopped under the west wall of the Fire Dragon Fortress.

"Roar ~!"

The sound of Long Xiao suddenly sounded, and the players who were chatting looked up, and in the sun, a ten-meter-long flying dragon fluttered and flew quickly to the city wall.

"President Lu Yang!"

"The boss is here."

"The battle is about to begin."





The tsunami-like voice of 2 million people went from chaotic to gradually tidy. For a time, the entire Fire Dragon Plain echoed these two words. In the distance, the birds in the forest were swayed by the sound of the sound, and the beast was huddled. Dare not come out in the hole.

Do n’t look at only these two words, this is the most crazy worship of Lu Yang Brothers players, two consecutive wars, playing three friend Weimen in the north, Tom and Christina in the south, Lu Yang is not taking a penny. Next, everyone under the player is crazy.

The two wars are equivalent to their two years of hard-earned income in the game. From ancient times to the present, they are clever. No guild president can help his players make money in this way. This is at the expense of Lu Yang's interests to achieve them.

Lu Yang did just that, because Lu Yang, their lives have changed a lot. Their relatives no longer see them as ordinary people playing games in their eyes, and no longer regard them as gnawed by the elderly and their families. Moths are gone, their girlfriends love them more, and they have more face in their friends.

They respect Lu Yang from the bottom of their hearts, so they have such a neat cry!

Lu Yang controlled the flying dragon to a height of 50 meters, overlooking his own 2 million men from above, with a satisfied smile on his face, he raised his right hand staff and signaled everyone to be quiet.

In a blink of an eye, the shout stopped, and everyone was silent, and the entire Fire Dragon Plain became a pin-drop sound that could be heard clearly.

Lu Yang used a loudspeaker and said loudly: "Brothers of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, we are going to fight again today. This time, our goal is to curl up in the southernmost region of Gerz. This battle has won. In the future The initiative of the New World will fall into the hands of our blood-brothered brotherhood. If we lose, our greatest chance is to roll back to the tiger ’s mouth and face the situation of siege by various countries. "

"How many years, any game, when did Chinese players unify all maps, no! Never!"

"Not only China did not, the guild of any country in the world did not do it ~ ~ Today, our Jagged Brothers Alliance was the first to have the opportunity to do all this, and our voice was very short. Half the life we ​​have to grow up slowly, learn knowledge, learn to be a man. In middle age, we have to think about making money to take care of parents, wives and children, care for mother-in-law and elders, not only to face social hardships, but also to experience the family Chai rice oil salt and **** vinegar tea, so, the time left for us to build meritorious service is very short. "

"It ’s only ten years, there is only one decade in life. Everyone trusts me Lu Yang and follows me into the game. Then, I hope that everyone will continue to trust me, follow me, help me, we will lay this new continent together. In addition, just for the ideals in our hearts, for us to have a great life, for the day we grow old, our children and grandchildren mentioned the game "Second World", we can all proudly say that the New World, I Hit down.

People are not rampant, teenagers, I do n’t care what age you are, what you do in reality, it ’s our turn to be crazy. Now people all over the world are watching us, do n’t live up to your life, do n’t live up to your choices Brothers, follow me. We will level the new continent, aim at the orange fortress, and prepare to move forward. "

Two million people turned around at the same time. Xia Yuwei and Hao Qing Wanzong and other vice-chairmen took orders from many army commanders. For a time, 2 million people, like a giant, took his solid and powerful steps towards the orange fortress. The first line of defense in half an hour walked past.

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