Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1799: 2 consecutive lines of defense

Lu Yang looked at the front and found that several enemies of the enemy rushed over. He signaled the two to follow and rushed forward.

There are a total of 8 lower gods rushing over. They are all under Gerz, an initial ancient **** suit, and are attacking randomly with Di Shi Tianhuo and other skills.

At a glance, Lu Yang saw that they were not elite players, and continuously launched the ember skills to jump in front of them, his hands pointing at their heads.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"

The pure golden fireball fired from Lu Yang's palm at a speed of 0.1 seconds, hitting precisely four elite players' heads.

"-1182" (Crit)

"-1192" (Crit)

Lu Yang's magic damage is more than 500 points under the addition of the code of rebellion, the heart of the demon **** and the flame set, and the ordinary ancient **** set player's health is less than 400 points.

The four players of Gertz found Lu Yang, and saw that the chairman of the Brotherhood of Blood Brothers personally went to the battlefield, and they were excited to point their weapons at Lu Yang.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"


Lu Yang didn't wait for them to release their skills. His hands instantly fired four golden fireballs within 0.4 seconds, accurately hitting four of them, killing them all on the ground.

This is the difference between top-level Shenjing players and ordinary Shenjing players. In this state of Shenjing, ordinary players cannot kill the Shenjing players, and the Shenjing players face Lu Yang, leaving only despair!

As soon as the eight lower **** players died, tens of thousands of ordinary players behind them were exposed, and Lu Yang held his hands forward.

"Di Shi Tian Huo"

A flame of red gold sprayed from his palm. The flame of 10 meters wide was as long as 100 meters. It wrapped all the enemies in front of Lu Yang. In the blink of an eye, all those who were sprayed by the flame died.

The flames in Lu Yang's hands swept horizontally, and the enemies within 100 meters in front were all seconds. No ordinary player could resist his flame attacks. Even if the invincible skills were turned on, they would be instantly seconds away. Ice shield.

The three-thousand-killing swords in charge of the ordinary player team and the players behind them were originally carefully following Lu Yang, but when they saw Lu Yang killing 8 lower gods and thousands of people with such an easy person, they There is a crazy feeling.

Lu Yang looked back at them, raised his right hand and shouted, "Iron Brothers League, kill ~!"

"Kill!" Three thousand killing sword roared excitedly, carrying a shield to open the acceleration skills, and rushed towards the enemy's last 200 meters front.

These people are all Paladins. They all have holy shields. In a blink of an eye, they rushed to the trap area. Driving invincible, they lined up a 200-meter straight line, and drove more than 100 meters along the trap.

Lu Yang personally opened the way in front of him. When he saw the next god, he killed. No one expected that in such a short time of less than 10 seconds, Lu Yang broke through the enemy ’s first front. Players have a crazy feeling.

In the live room.

Du Bin grabbed his head with his crazy hands and shouted: "Invincible, too invincible, Lu Yang is simply the God of War. He even led the team through the enemy's defense zone, and has already reached the trench of the first front. , It ’s incredible, is it incredible, is the subordinate **** so powerful? "

On the other side, Gerlz's side was also ignorant. No one expected Lu Yang to go to the battlefield personally. Ricks was not convinced after the battle. He didn't tell Lurz's news in time. Of course, he didn't. Obligation to inform, but not long after he ran out of the city, he heard the inquiry from the upper level of the temple.

"I lost to Lu Yang." Rex said awkwardly.

"Damn, why don't you report, the first line of defense was pierced by Lu Yang." The senior executive hung up the phone angrily.

Rex was also a little ignorant. Although he thought of Lu Yang being very strong, he did not expect that Lu Yangqiang had reached this level, which was no longer in the category of human beings.

On the battlefield.

Lu Yang is still attacking forward, and has played the first line of defense. Lu Yang did not attack the left and right in parallel. He is betting that his second and third lines of defense are based on the lower gods. Set up under the circumstances, if there is no subordinate god, these lines of defense are unbreakable garbage.

He looked at the Three Thousand Killing Swords and asked, "Tell me, how many of you can release Holy Shield."

Three Thousand Killing Swords said: "There are 1500 people, and 500 people are used to break through the front line of defense."

Lu Yang said with a loud voice: "Pay attention to all and follow me forward. I will not stop. You must not stop and move on."

With a wave of his arm, he ran towards the front in person. Both Hansha and Wang Guangwei were already scared. They were really afraid that the enemy ’s subsequent defense line would be buried with weapons like Fengshen Lei that killed the next god. In addition, if the enemy ’s next **** rushed over, they were too few and could easily be killed.

But on the other hand, their bosses dare to go, they have no reason to be afraid, the two summoned the courage and followed Luyang on both sides.

On the first position of Gerds, not only was there a trench, but a chain of trenches consisting of 40 trenches.

Lu Yang came to the first trench and looked at the stunned players of the Freedom Legion inside the trench, pointing his left and right hands to both sides.

"Di Shi Tian Huo"

Two hundred-meter-long flames burned all the players in the 100-meter area on both sides, and he looked at the catapults that attacked incessantly in front.

"Di Shi Tian Huo"

Two flames destroyed nearly a thousand trebuchets, and after opening a 200-meter-wide road, Lu Yang hurried towards the front.

Just ran through 40 trenches, and came to the flat ground behind him, a light illuminated under his feet, he touched a flame trap, did not cause any harm to him, he said to the three thousand killing sword behind him: "I At the foot is the trap area, turn on Holy Shield, and push the trap here. "

"Yes." Three thousand killing swords waved, and 500 people lined up, staring at the invincible holy shield and running forward.

As Lu Yang had expected, many traps along the way were detonated by 500 of them, but in the presence of Holy Shield, they would not cause any damage to these Paladins, but when the Holy Shield was gone, in The player in front commanded roared: "Brothers, the cooldown of Holy Shield is 10 minutes, we do n’t have that time, we open the way for the brothers, we fight, follow me on the thunder, and the blood-blooded brotherhood, kill ~ ! "

500 people opened the effect of freedom blessing and damage reduction by 50%, and rushed towards the front. The three thousand killing swords behind them saw this scene and their eyes turned red instantly, and roared: "You are crazy, no. The Holy Shield followed me and gave them sacrifices and blessings. We resisted 50% of the damage for them. We added blood to them one-on-one, and the brothers behind added blood to us. Thousands of swords are crazy.

But before he went crazy, he issued an extremely calm and useful tactic ~ ~ is to protect the group of players in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yang was also somewhat moist in his eyes. His brothers were so desperate, what else could he ask for, he could only walk in front of them and face up with the enemy.

"Xia Yuwei, I have opened the gap and quickly sent for support. From here, we will disrupt the enemy's front." Lu Yang said in a message.

"Seeing that, there are 100 fast-moving subordinates who are behind you, and there are 100,000 people accompanying them," Xia Yuwei said.

"Very good." Lu Yang smiled and hung up the phone to move on.

In fact, this time Lu Yang bet on the right, the front line is almost nobody, only a variety of traps, in fact, the purpose of the second trap is to delay the offense of the Predator Brothers, everyone knows, if the first The front line collapsed, and the second front could not work immediately, so the entire second line of defense played a deferring role.

But Professor Andre did n’t expect Lu Yang ’s offensive to be so fast, and he did n’t predict the strength of the top gods. Therefore, Lu Yang easily broke through the second line of defense, watching the trenches of the second line of defense almost empty There was no player with a sneer on his face, and he rushed towards the third line of defense.

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