Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1802: Small people also play a big role

At the moment when the two were just fighting, they fought each other for 3 attacks. Lu Yang avoided Aletri ’s spell of attacking his head and ate two other attacks. At the same time, Lu Yang ’s Divine Flame burst into only one He hit Aledri but it was his head.

Aledri is equivalent to being killed by Lu Yang's one blow, but he is extremely suffocated. This is a matter of absolute strength and a problem of skill. He is not reconciled.

However, Lu Yang did not take Aledri seriously. After killing him, he didn't stay for more than 0.1 seconds. He continued to beat and kill. More than 40 of the more than 100 subordinate gods in front of him could no longer jump.

He stared at these people and killed them. A **** of flames killed one, 40 people took only 4 seconds, and the remaining 80 people had no way to deal with it. They could only fight back while playing magic. The afterimage of Yang.

Looking up at Weiguang and Hansha, they were almost unable to carry it, but suddenly found that the pressure around them was gone. Looking closely, Lu Yang even attracted the enemy's firepower all by himself, and suppressed them.

"Boss is amazing." Han Sha said, he is also a player with a reaction speed within 0.1 seconds. Originally, he thought that the difference between him and Lu Yang would not be too big, but now it seems that the distance between the two is quite the same. Big, this is not easy to understand in one or two sentences or one or two things.

"Fortunately, the boss won, and I can't hold on anymore." Looking up at Weiguang is worse than Han Sha, he is also on the verge of collapse.

Han Sha smiled at him and said, "You take a break, I will help the boss."

"No, I can fight for a little longer." Looking up at Shimmer, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the front.

Han Sha was worried about his problems, and followed him 30 meters away, but the effect was limited. In this level of battle, life and death were only instantaneous.

But in the same way, morale is also more important. When the morale of one side rises and the morale of the other side falls, you only need to find such a critical point to find the breakthrough.

"Boss, our support is here." Looking up at the shimmering light, he rushed towards the temple player.

In the five years of war in the blood-stained battlefield, the sharpened mental perseverance looking up at the shimmer, when he roared and rushed up, the sound scared the players of the temple.

They jumped at high speed to avoid Lu Yang ’s attack, and they were extremely nervous. They were afraid of being killed by Lu Yang ’s explosion at any time. In panic, they had no time to look back. Only this sound became the last to crush their inner defense. A straw.

"Run, the enemy's reinforcements are here." I don't know who shouted first, and the remaining 100 people turned and ran.

Lu Yang looked at them using various high-speed mobile skills to escape, and then looked back at the shimmering light, and could n’t help but laugh, and walked to the side of the light, helped him up, Said: "Good job, your roar scared the enemy away."

"Hey." Looking up at Weiguang and scratching his head, he said, "So I was so powerful."

The next second, looking at the twilight falling down, his head hurt, he had to cover his forehead and could not stand at all.

Lu Yang looked at the Three Thousand Killing Sword that came over and said, "Send him back to rest, he has done enough."

"Yes." Three Thousand Killing Swords found two players around him, but now he is fighting, who wants to leave? Just when the two showed an unwilling expression, looking up at Weiguang but holding his head, said: "It's fine Boss, you are moving forward. It is safe here for the time being. I will be able to keep up with it after a short break. Do n’t worry about me. "

Lu Yanggang wanted to persuade him to look up at Weiguang and continue to say: "The opportunity did not come easily because I was defeated. I can't afford this responsibility. Leave me alone. I'm fine."

The gap has just been torn open three times, but it has moved less than one kilometer, and there are more than 50 kilometers behind. If you want to completely tear this gap, you need more effort, maybe tearing so a bit It's not easy anymore. If you can't keep it, it will be replaced by the opponent, and the battle will return to the original point.

In order to give the sisters a chance to dive into the Firestone Mountain, Lu Yang must lead the team forward, dared to kill the enemy's defense line, and disrupt the enemy's entire front.

"Okay, rest at ease, don't be too crazy, there is more than just fighting, there are many battles behind, we all need you." Lu Yang patted the shoulder looking up at Shiguang.

Looking up at Weiguang, he nodded and forced to see Lu Yang disappeared in the distance. He fell to his knees on the ground, and the pain caused him to roar out.

No one can feel his current pain, and no one knows how painful his heart is. I thought that then, I would look up to Weiguang to join the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. The purpose is only one, that is Xia Yuwei.

But later, five years, five years of crush, this pain and torture is not what ordinary people can imagine, and it is precisely because of this torture that he became more and more powerful, but slowly, he found that he gradually recognized The Iron-Blood Brothers Alliance, like this guild, are willing to dedicate and pay for this guild, and are more willing to stay close to Xia Yuwei.

But for this companionship, he hopes to be accompanied by a strong man. Now he does not expect Xia Yuwei's love. This kind of wonderful feeling, he likes to let Xia Yuwei feel dependent on him.

Sometimes he also feels that he is a little abnormal, but he just likes to get Xia Yuwei's recognition and praise, but now, he has fallen behind.

In the Divine Realm, his reaction speed did not enter 0.1 seconds. He knew that if he did n’t work hard, they would be thrown away by Hansha. They did n’t want this, although his love was humble, but this is him .

It is the humbleness of an ordinary person and the dedication to love that should not be!

On the vast orange light plain, looking down at the shimmering one kneeling on the ground, the unwilling roar came thousands of meters away, the kind of loneliness and loneliness, and the unwillingness of the heart were caught by the camera.

Du Bin looked at this scene and said with a sigh: "No wonder the Iron-Blood Brothers Alliance can be so arrogant, just pull out a person and be so desperate for the guild."

Ma Feng said: "Yeah, it's terrible. The connection between his consciousness and helmet will never exceed 91%, and there is only one line away from the drop. I am afraid he did not drop the line with perseverance."


Almost every anchor in the major live broadcast rooms who saw this shot was lamenting the strength of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, but the shadow thief Xia Ye Chenfeng who was rushing to this side scolded.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Ye Chenfeng gritted her teeth and ran desperately towards the position of looking at the shimmer.

They are two brothers. The famous light and dark thieves, Bai Hong killer looked up at the shimmer and shadow killer Xia Ye Chenfeng. When Xia Yuwei recruited players, both were because of the blood brothers who entered Xia Yuwei together.

No one knew the pain in his brother's heart better than he did. The two had always acted together, but there were no buildings and trees on the orange plains to provide shadows, and the summer night and morning wind did not participate in the fighting here.

His strength is in the place where there are many buildings. This time, he stayed behind as a reserve team. Lu Yang opened his mouth and Xia Yuwei sent him over.

Not only him, there are more than 100 subordinate gods behind UU reading Just now he was worried about whether he was on a fork. In the war state, the map coordinates are blocked, he can only find it by feeling , Now it's easy, there are videos and shouts of looking up at the shimmer in the distance.

"Brothers keep up." Xia Ye Chenfeng waved his hand and ran towards the 11 o'clock direction. Within two minutes, he saw the glimmering kneeling on the ground in the distance.

He quickly came to his side, holding one hand on the shoulder looking up at Shimmer, looking at the painful expression of his brother, and said, "Hold on, brother, I believe you."

Only two of them knew what this sentence meant. He looked up at the shimmering head, and although his head was still sore, he could know that the people around him were Xia Ye Chen Feng, and that his own reinforcements were coming.

"In front, the boss is in front, you go first, and I'll be there later." Looking up at Weiguang, he pointed to the road ahead.

"Okay." Xia Ye Chenfeng punched in the chest looking up at Shimmer, and said, "Don't fall down, I'll pass first, there are big troops behind."

He chased forward with the next 200 gods.

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