Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1806: Break through Hemlock Ridge

Players in Tieshanling are now bored and watching videos in the tunnel. Some people who like to watch the battle stare at the battles in other regions. Some who like to watch the anchors dance and sing are watching the anchor.

For these players, the purpose of coming here is to get guild points. As for Gertz and the Liberty Army, they don’t care too much, because Gertz has not given them any benefits.

Jellz’s first vice president, Pons, didn’t have much salary, let alone these ordinary players. It was only because of this battle that Jellz put a return of blood, and gave out money and equipment to reward the participating players. As for If there is no battle, only guild points will be given.

In this case, with the exception of a small number of management personnel, ordinary players have no one to observe the surroundings without fighting.

In the Tieshanling defense area, there are a total of 37 legion chiefs who are responsible for receiving wages. After the personnel can be transferred, there are four heads left.

These four people are responsible for patrolling the vast Tieshan Ridge, which is basically stretched. The area that everyone needs to monitor is a few kilometers wide.

In fact, there is no way, these army commanders want to find the leader of the first-level players to help, but the other party said: "We don’t get salary, you look at it yourself."

It is almost impossible to send wages to the level of the head of the league like the Iron-Blood Brothers. The players under these heads are also ordinary members, who can gather together. It is all about the head of the individual, regardless of the head of the army. Therefore, these army commanders still have to rely on them, and they dare not lose their temper with them.

"Brothers, anyway, we are here too. With some effort, let's go to the tree to monitor and see what's going on." The head of the large army commander, Achilles, looked at these forty The head said.

"You haven't paid us the salary to monitor the surrounding area. If you are willing to pay an extra amount than the salary, we are willing to pay the labor." Head Ogers said.

Achilles scolded the bastard, and said with some excitement: "You have already earned the guild points."

"That's the guild points that let us participate in the war, not the guild points that are monitored. We are fair, and we will monitor the money immediately." Ogers was still not relieved.

Achilles, where are they willing to pay this money, this is what Gertz should pay, not what they should pay, he shrugged his shoulders and said: "Forget it, let's take 4 army commanders to monitor. "

"How to monitor such a large area." Malfoy Commander asked.

Achilles looked at him uncomfortably and said: "With your eyes, there are traps all around, and there are traps on the top of the tree. As long as you are not stupid, you can see clearly."

Malfoy didn't dare to talk back, he was paid, if Achilles hit his small report, he would be finished, so he honestly climbed the tree and looked around at night.

But the sky was dark, and there was no moon in the night sky. Malfoy and others were able to see the situation around them. Under desperation, they could only continue to lay traps on top of the trees.

There are really few people, and they don’t have a better way, but what Malfoy didn’t know is that just under the top of the tree where they placed the trap, between the branches, Li Mao, Liu Xiang, and Tao Fei Their sister group adopted a new method.

They simply walked on top of the tree, but used the spider silk that was spit out to make a connection between the tree branch and the quake area between the trees. They were walking at two-thirds of the height of the tree, neither at the top of the tree On, not under the tree.

Ten thousand little spiders, so quickly on the road in front of them, while spinning, below them are Gertz players, and even they can clearly hear the voices of the players below.

Faced with various variables that may occur at any time, members of the sister group such as Li Mao and Liu Xiang clenched their teeth and moved quickly and carefully between the branches. For three hours, when the distant horizon rose a red sun At that time, Malfoy and Achilles and others looked at each other.

"Huh, it's finally daylight."

"Are you all right?"

"It's okay, no one is."

"Me, too, without any hostility."


The four people looked at the vast tree top area of ​​Tieshanling, and they all showed a relaxed expression, but what they did not know was that on the cliff of the poisonous demon bee immediately behind Tieshanling, little girls like Li Mao and Liu Xiang There are 10,000 sisters who are hiding in a cave on the cliff.

Not even Gerlze knew about this cave, but his vice president, Pons, knew that the betrayed Pons used the summaries of intelligence reported by ordinary players.

In many cases, the situation uploaded by ordinary players is very important, but they are not obscure. For example, in this cave, someone told the poison demon bee to see a burrow in the middle of the cliff. Ask more.

Because the Toxic Bee Cliff itself is not a place where players often come. At the top of the Toxic Bee Cliff is a red-colored stone mountain named Red Neck Mountain. The top of the mountain is very flat, but very narrow, the narrowest area It is only 3 meters wide and 50 meters long.

And behind the narrowest area, it is very wide, just like the area where a person’s neck and shoulder are connected. If the enemy wants to pass, he has to go to the neck, and the defending enemy is in the shoulder and chest area. This terrain allows The enemy can arrange a large number of players to defend and the attacker is not even enough for one tenth of the opponent.

Therefore, Gertz has a second line of defense here, where there are not only teleportation arrays and 10,000 players, but also three lower gods. Pence explained the situation here very clearly.

Li Mao, Liu Xiang and others looked at each other, nodded their heads, and did not need to speak. Before the battle, they had already figured out the terrain here.

Why did they know they could climb between the branches, and Pongs slept in the office for more than half a month, in fact, using his position to investigate the weaknesses of various defense areas.

As a vice president, he naturally has advantages over others. Pons's strength is to use terrain and enemies to fight. When he inspected Tieshanling, he saw the flaws here, simple and Lu Yang. Negotiations set a method for the Spider Legion to walk through Tieshan Ridge and Poison Deer Bee Cliffs into Firestone Mountain.

Normally you have to enter the Firestone Mountain, and the straight-line distance is 60 kilometers, but the 60-kilometer area is full of traps and defensive positions. If you want to hit there, it is impossible for a few months.

If you attack from the side and walk here on the cliff of the Poison Deer Bee, although it is farther away, there are more than 100 kilometers, but you can enter the Fire Rock Mountain without encountering the enemy all the way. It is more suitable.

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