Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1827: Claudio regional shock

Lu Yang smiled and watched them leave, and at the same time sent invitations to Parame, Mariano and Navier, the three waiting were immediately entered the special space.

"Your excellency." The three bowed at the same time.

Lu Yang looked at them with a smile and asked, "How is it going?"

"Ready." The three said together.

As agreed before, Parame brought in 400,000 people, Mariano summoned 500,000 people, and Navier summoned to 800,000 people. If they weren’t worried about Gertz’s spies, the three of them could call again. There are more than 3 million people, but these people are enough now. The purpose of this war is just to eliminate Gertz’s fortress and open the gap in Claudio. Nothing else matters.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "The plan remains the same. Parame hits the Fortress of Great River, Mariano fights the condemnation of fortress, and the staff of Navier is divided into two parts, one for the Ba Ling Fortress and one for the Duo Xin Fortress. It’s set in an hour."

"Yes." The three said together.

Lu Yang withdrew from the special space, looked at De Bu, who had completed the team, and said: "With the Phoenix Legion and the Black Iron Warhawk Legion, they quickly flew over the Fortress, coordinates 1293823.1392033, there is an enemy underground transmission array, Pulled this teleportation array for me."

According to Lu Yang’s plan, the Grand Druid Army will be divided into two parts. The first part is only 1,000 players. Their task is to sneak into the underground teleportation behind the light fortress, and after occupying it, hold it there.

Another part flew over the Fortress without light, and cooperated with the ground players to attack, fighting for the battle to knock down the fortress.

"Boss, rest assured, I will definitely complete the task." German Buddy nodded hard, turned back to look upset and waited for the head of the army to say: "Big Druid Army, take off."

20,000 Phoenix and 50,000 Black Iron Warhawks, with 1,000 people as a team, fluttered their wings in batches. After circling in the air several times, they disappeared into the clouds and disappeared.

Lu Yang looked at the pride of his side and said: "It's time for you to show, the task of Thunder is all on you."

"Leave it to me." Pride said with emotion.

"Crazy Wolf Legion, transform." 50,000 players turned into blood wolf form, 500 people as a team, running parallel and high speed forward.

Lu Yang said to Liu Yunpeng, Wan Zhonghui and other large army commanders behind him: "The big troops followed me, and after the formation began, they used an accelerated scroll to run forward, and must reach the fortress within an hour."



"go ahead."

"The whole army advances."


150,000 people walked slowly forward on their mounts. After 20 minutes, when the 150,000 people pulled out of the formation, they walked to the front of Lu Yang. The first one shattered the acceleration reel in his hand, which was originally at 200% speed The special legion of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood running forward suddenly increased its movement speed by 100% and traversed between the mountains and forests at a high speed of 300%.

The same is true in the sky. Germans don't taste corpses and become upset, and others have crushed the acceleration scroll. The speed of the Phoenix and the Black Iron Warhawk suddenly increased by 100%.

During the march of the Iron-Blood Brothers, on the other side, on the main battlefield of Gerz, more than 5 million players in the field were on a massive retreat. In this retreat, Margaret found himself standing Jerz at the end of the team organizes the players to fight against the blood brothers.

"According to the news, there are a large number of players gathering in the Claudio area. I suspect that Claudio's old department wants to take advantage of this opportunity to mess up." Margaret said worriedly.

"Asshole." Gertz angered and scolded: "They did when I died, right? Even the Claudio area people wanted to see that I couldn't make it out of trouble, I would never allow the Claudio area to be lost, I Absolutely not allowed."

Margaret frowned. "But no one can support the Claudio area anymore. If the enemy loots our major trade fortresses, it will have a great impact on us."

Gertz sneered and said, "I have been prepared for a long time. Since the dilution of shares, I have been prepared to continue dilution. I did not expect to come so fast."

"Will you dilute the shares?" Margaret asked in surprise.

Gertz nodded and said, "On the one hand, I want to raise funds. On the other hand, I plan to implement the AB share plan. A shares are dividend shares. I only need 7% and the remaining 93%. I have all diluted out, and B shares are I have 75% of the decision-making power. Although there are less dividends, there are more people who are **** with my interests and more people I control. Moreover, this guild is still my sole responsibility."

This is the reorganization of the company after Gertz recruited an international financial expert and appointed it as the CFO.

It seems that Gerlze has made less money, but in fact he has earned a lot. The money earned by the guild is only controlled by him. At the same time, the number of players managed by him in the guild can be more than the original. It came out several times.

"It turns out that you already had this idea." Margaret nodded in character, but was a little annoyed, because the recruited CFO was a woman, or a pretty and thoughtful woman.

Gertz had no time to estimate Margaret's jealousy and said, "You are here to stand up for me. I will arrange the Claudio area. I have already discussed with the presidents of more than a dozen guilds. Waiting to sign the contract."

For his guild, Gerlz almost gave away everything that he could get out. He opened up a special space with a face, and found the presidents of more than 30 guilds in the Claudio area.

These guilds were all suppressed by Claudio, and were almost destroyed by Claudio. After Jerz defeated Claudio, they were pulled up and equipped with equipment, fortresses and a lot of supplies. .

Nowadays, the number of these guilds is between 100,000 and hundreds of thousands of people. When Jerz diluted the shares last time, Jerz also found them and asked if they had these intentions. .

Although there are many players in the hands of the thirty-plus guild leaders, there is also a good small company, which can be compared to the ants and elephants of the Liberty Corps guild of Gerz and the company of Gerlz.

Now Gertz let them change from ants to a part of the elephant, even if they only occupy a little bit of shares, they are willing to join, once they win the gambling, help Gertz defeat Lu Yang, all of them All of the company's shareholders are qualified to enter the Liberty Legion's office building and have their own independent office.

A human player headed by looked at others with a smile and said, "Everyone has no opinion. Boss Jerz treats us well, and now he gives us such a good opportunity to join the Legion of Liberty and become a guild shareholder. It is also a family business that continues to make money for our children and grandchildren, and we are not losing money."

Everyone looked at each other and said excitedly to Gertz: "Thank you, President,"

Gertz smiled and took out 33 contracts and gave them to each of them, saying: "Then please sign, your contract is the same as the shareholders who joined the guild before, and has the right to pay dividends."

Everyone’s shares didn’t even reach 1%, but they still signed the contract happily. Gertz withdrew the contract and uploaded it to the system. After confirming the entry into force, he smiled and said to everyone: “Now Claudio’s old department may want to Trouble, trouble you to quickly gather players and kill these people."


"no problem."

"Leave it to us."

"It's just a bunch of evil."


The 33 vice presidents laughed and patted their chests, but the voice just fell, and more than a hundred low voices reached all of them.

The system prompts: The Light Fortress Teleportation Array is destroyed by the Time-Space Breaker

The system prompts: The fire mark fortress teleportation array is destroyed by the time and space breaker!

The system prompts: Fortress of Heaven's Condemnation...


The teleportation arrays of all the strongholds in the Claudio area were destroyed by the time and space magician on the Luyang side at the same time.

"Damn, Lu Yang must have a conspiracy. Let's gather the players quickly, and go through the underground transmission to the Fortress of Light and the Fortress of Fire. Make sure that these two fortresses cannot be lost." Gertz said excitedly.

Everyone of the 33 vice presidents knew the importance of these two fortresses, and they quickly summoned their players. But when they assembled their men, the other side, at the coordinate points given by Ponce, became annoyed and already brought 1,000 people. Flying to this area, looking at the cliff on the side of the canyon below, a small cave said: "There is the enemy's underground teleportation array, it is really hidden enough, the lower **** rushed in with me and killed their teleportation array ."

The 100 lower gods immediately followed behind them and became obsessed and rushed into the hole of the canyon. They just entered and became upset to see dozens of players sitting and chatting at the hole.

"Human Form"

He became upset and turned back into human form. UU read left hand pointed forward, and a spell was shot, instantly killing these dozens of people, and then became upset and leapt to the depths of the cave, watching the glowing Teleportation, a punch broke the gang badge on the side shrine.

"Report the boss, complete the mission of occupying the underground teleportation array!" said annoyed loudly.

"Good job." Lu Yang said.

On the other side, Gertz had not left the special space yet. Suddenly receiving news that the underground teleportation was occupied by the Brotherhood of Blood, he was almost panicked and anxious. Fortunately, he persevered.

Resisting the feeling of being top-heavy, he issued the last command to the crowd and said, "The whole is divided into four parts, led by Valdemar, Olki, Curis and Lusak, protecting the giant river, the condemnation, the eight Fortress of Ling and Zhuo Xin."

"Yes." The people said together.

At the next moment, Gertz withdrew from the special space and said to Margaret around him: "I immediately ordered the trade fortresses in the Claudio region to stop trading, the goods were hidden, and the people of Luyang came!"

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