Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1837: Dinner title

Lu Yang knew the situation of the rebel army. From the spies of Sanyou Weimen and Roland, they secretly funded the rebel army.

"Unfortunately, I thought I was going to kill Radvedev. Now it's cheaper for these two people." Lu Yang's face was uncomfortable.

Tu Feng said: "The guild's battle was too tragic, and it took a lot of time to restore its vitality.

In the Iron-Blood Brothers League, except for Lu Yang who has not died in battle, even Xia Yuwei and the White Lion, their main vice presidents, each of them has fallen to level 179 several times. If there is no special experience ball in Lu Yang’s hands To increase experience, none of their levels can be higher than 175.

They are still the same. The players of the Brotherhood of Iron Blood have dropped the average level by about 8 levels, and the most dropped by 15 levels, and once fell to level 165. Lu Yang now wants to start a war and does not have that ability.

"Damn it, let this bunch of **** take advantage."

At this moment, Tu Feng's face changed drastically, and he looked at Lu Yang and said, "Boss, something serious happened."

"What's the matter?" Lu Yang asked.

Tu Feng stopped talking, thought for a while, and said, "Jerz, he was seriously ill and paralyzed."

Lu Yangmeng's eyes widened and said, "This..."

"What do you say about this, on this big day of joy." White Lion and Zhuojiu stared at Tu Feng.

Tu Feng looked embarrassed and said, "I, I..."

Lu Yang stopped the criticism of Tu Feng from everyone, and said with emotion on his face: "Tu Feng reported this matter right, this is the first person who made me and let the entire Iron-Blood Brotherhood fight so hard, no I won’t be able to win if Pons betrayed, without Tu Feng intelligence, and without your **** fighting."

Inexplicably, Lu Yang thought of a song. He sighed and said to Tu Feng: "Go for someone to change the opening song and change it to "Sky of History.""

"This, this song on such a festive day?" Zhuojiu was a little surprised.

Lu Yang shook his head with a smile, and even torn the prepared speech in his hand. It happened that he heard the host on stage called out his name.

"Give me a bowl of wine and a wine jar." Lu Yang pointed to the wine next to him for the players.

Zhuojiu and the White Lion and other people saw Lu Yang's expression, and sighed with emotion. They knew that Lu Yang was really excited.

"Hey, boss." The white lion's eyes are a little wet, and it is rare to have a confidant in life, and even a rare opponent is more rare.

Lu Yang nodded with a smile, holding the wine bowl and the wine jar and stepped onto the lifting platform.

Today, the host in charge of the host, one is Du Bin, and the other is the most popular host Laris of the United States.

"Here's the invitation. Our protagonist, Lu Yang, the chairman of the Iron-Blood Brothers League and the hero in the hearts of thousands of players, debuted," Du Bin said loudly.

The joyful and passionate music sounded through the audience instantly. With the screams of countless people, dozens of giant lights gathered together, and Lu Yang was slowly taken to the center of the stage by the elevator.

In an instant, the screams were more intense, and the players who paid to buy tickets to watch the scene had fallen into madness, and countless people roared and cheered for Lu Yang.

In the live broadcast rooms of the world's major television stations, online media, etc., the host people watched Lu Yang in a dress with emotion, but Lu Yang held the wine jar in his left hand and the wine bowl in his right, although some were nondescript, but at this time, No one has given any unexpected words about this.

"This is just 22 years old, creating a guild worth hundreds of billions of dollars, hundreds of millions of fans worldwide, and tens of millions of players working for him. With a single order, more than 30 million people can be called to fight for him. , No one coming."

"The glory that a player can do is already done by Lu Yang. This is the pinnacle of the history of human games. We don't know what height Lu Yang will reach in the future, but we can be sure that the king of the new continent is him."

"Welcome our new king, our king!"


The praise has filled the ears of players all over the world. Lu Yang smiled and looked at the players with a thick smile on his face. This time, there were many players who came to the celebration party. He first directed the audience The crowd clenched their fists to express their gratitude. When the voice became quiet, he said with emotion: "It's not easy. I thought I couldn't stand here and chat with you today."

Everyone came to the spirit instantly, they thought Lu Yang would say bragging words, did not expect that the first sentence from Lu Yang was so real, all players and the media wanted to know what Lu Yang would say afterwards.

At this time, Lu Yang is no longer an ordinary star. He represents the king of the largest and most popular game on the planet.

A king has just tried his best to consume most of his net worth and defeated another king. What he said at this time is what people all over the world want to hear, just like Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao and Caesar defeated Pompeii.

"I came to power today. I originally had a speech. That was written by myself, and it is also my thank you."

"But when I got on the elevator, I got a message that Gertz had a health problem, so I tore up my speech and took this wine jar and glass to the stage."

"I'm not celebrating something, or feeling happy about it. At this time, I have only one feeling in my heart-helpless. Some people say that it is difficult to get a confidant in life. I think the more difficult thing is to find a rival with considerable strength.

This game is a very fun game for many players, but for us presidents, this is a cruel battlefield.

If you win, you can enjoy all the glory, all the praise and all the cheers, the losers, the family and even die on the spot.

Over the years, I took the brothers and sisters of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood to the south, and defeated Tianlong, Li Wenxing and the Nine Star Alliance in the northernmost part.

Immediately afterwards, he defeated the joint attack of Dengtian and the nine strongest guilds in the central region, and then swept the army south, swept one step to the sky, defeated Dennis, the blood slaughterer and Gelgar three times, and then forced them to form the Group of Eight.

I moved eastward and defeated the eastern area occupied by Alfonso in World War I. When I thought I could sweep the central area, tens of millions of players from the nine strongest guilds in the central area formed a joint army to attack. The internal pure prince and war Sirius Waiting for more than 2 million players to be countered by Alice, the first lady of "Second World".

I have difficulties in internal and foreign affairs. Fortunately, Vice Presidents such as Zhuojiu, White Lion, Half-Life, Zhou Tianming and Xia Yuwei led their brothers to fight **** for 23 days. I won this battle.

Then there was a second joint siege, this time Alice learned lessons and used the method of countering senior personnel. Fortunately, Zhou Tianming used his bait as a bait and shouted the sentence of the Brotherhood of Blood outside the city at the cost of his serious injury. "

"Kill~" The audience suddenly shouted in unison, killing the sky.

Lu Yang's eyes were instantly wet. He smiled and looked at all the players under the field. He raised the bowl and drank a large bowl. Then he turned the dried bowl upside down and showed it to everyone. He said with a laugh: "This life I am fortunate to have you brothers, it is my greatest honor in Luyang."

The players in the Iron-Blood Brothers on the scene could not wait to find the wine bowl to drink with Lu Yang. Even the white lion and muddy wine prepared in the background picked up the wine bowl and slammed a large glass.

In the past, the Iron-Blood Brothers League has been struggling every step of the way. This is not a problem that Lu Yang can solve by relying on the experience of rebirth. This is everyone's efforts to change back to this status today.

How easy is it to integrate tens of millions of players to fight!

Responsible for commanding the offense, let everyone obey the command, how could it be so easy!

Let the player be responsible for defending the city. One defense is a whole day, how can it be so easy!

Let everyone willingly fight for the guild to die, desperately, even if they lose their equipment and level, they will not hesitate, how easy it is!


They don't even think about the little things, but now Lu Yang said it, making everyone fall into memories.

"To this step today, I lost everyone, I respect a bowl of everyone." Zhuojiu poured another glass of wine and Bai Shi and Xia Yuwei and others touched hard.

Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei and others drank this bowl of wet wine with wet tears. They were too difficult!

on the stage.

Lu Yang went on to say: "The past is on the record. Finally, we fully defended and won the war at Tiger’s Mouth, but we also lost a step to the sky and other large areas. In order to regain these areas, our army attacked, disguised many times, Xia Yuwei. Using trade, a large number of players were sent to the black yarn area, and the money was used to bribe the people of the black yarn, so that the high-level players under the black yarn were lost in large numbers. So far, we have won the black yarn area in one battle, and the sisters have become famous."

"Afterwards, our whole army went south, chased the eight-nation group north to the Steig area, the soldiers were facing, and the world was shaking at our feet."

"Olmar refused to accept, Claudio helped to hold Tom and Gertz. We defeated Ormar in the first battle and annexed all his areas. Unfortunately, Claudio was defeated and was divided between Tom and Gertz.

Afterwards, Tom refused to accept. We took advantage of Tom's weakness and beat Tom's area in the first battle. Eventually, we came to the Gerds area. Now we have knocked down the Gerds area again. The jurisdiction of our Brotherhood of Blood.

However, what I want to say is that I want to thank my enemies for your achievement of me and the Brotherhood of Blood, and I announced that starting today, from the dragon in the north to the area of ​​Gerz in the south, Presidents of all controlled areas, I will use their names to name the areas they have controlled. "

Before this, when players from all over the world called these areas, they were directly talking about the areas of the Brotherhood of Blood. Only inside the League of Brothers, would they call the Tianlong area, Park Renyi area, Orma area or Tom area.

Now Lu Yang has officially announced the name to the whole world. He wants to officially commemorate the presidents who have fought him. Without them, there will be no Lu Yang today.

Inside the venue, the sound of music suddenly sounded, and the song was very old, called "Historical Sky". The beginning was the melodious Guqin. Lu Yang picked up the microphone and sang along with the music.

"Dark swordsmanship

Going far away

In front of me, there were fresh faces

Obliterated the Huangchen Ancient Road

Desolate border town

Years and years, you can't take away the series of familiar names

Who will decide whether to rise or fall?

Is there any reason for ups and downs?

Where is the wind?

Changing time and space

Where is the gathering

The total love of the clutch

Take care of your life

He Ji

Yangtze River intentionally turned into tears

Yangtze River is singing with love

A few stars shining in the historical sky

There is a heroic spirit on earth

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