Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1841: Wind Spirit Tower bug

"Young challenger, you are welcome to come here." The old man said to Lu Yang with a smile, his back had two pairs of wings, but they were both broken and obviously seriously injured.

Lu Yang walked in front of him and said with a smile: "Hello old man, please ask me how to challenge."

The old man said: "Your challenge is simple, as long as you can defeat the demon Petas who guards the tower, you can get rewards from me."

The Wind Spirit Tower is different from the Fire Spirit Tower. This is a one-level illusion. In this illusion, players need to rely on killing monsters to obtain temporary attributes and can also temporarily acquire skills.

In the Jiuzhushen's trial tower, Fengling Tower has always been considered the easiest one and the one with the most bugs.

Lu Yang knew all the bugs of this Fengling Tower, and one of the most useful to him was the fire demon on a high ground behind the old man.


Level: Lower God

Qi and blood: 500/500

Eight arsonists are surrounded by a treasure chest. If you want to open the treasure chest and get the items inside, you must kill the arsonists and burst the key.

At this time, it is a stage to look at the face, can you burst the key, it depends on personal luck, Lu Yang's current magic injury has about 200 points, if it is just entering the lower god, the magic injury is only 10 points, he I really can't beat the arsonist, I can only start from the first level of mobs.

But now it's different. He came to a position 100 meters away from the arsonist evil demon, and he aimed the evil monster together with both hands.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"


Each golden fireball hits the arsonist at a speed of 0.1 seconds, and an average of 2 fireballs can kill one.

One of the eight arsonists was attacked, and they rushed towards the landing yang together, but Lu Yang did not need to move. The fireball continued to be released in his hand. The last arsonist demon ran to a distance of 50 meters from him and fell. Off the ground.

It's a pity that the key didn't explode, and Lu Yang was a little depressed. He could only sit on the spot and wait. It only took 10 seconds to brush out 10 bad demons.

"Shen Yan Tian burst"


Lu Yang continued to attack, killing three waves of monsters, and then a golden key fell to the ground. He shook his head silently, took the key to open the treasure chest, and a skill book appeared in front of him.

Temporary skill: Wind Spirit Ball

Type: Wind

Cost: 50 mana

Distance: 50 yards

Description: Throw a wind spirit ball at the pointing direction, inflicting 50% damage to the target within the range of spell damage every 0.1 seconds.

Lu Yang shook his fist, what he wanted was this skill, the wind spirit ball attack speed is extremely fast, normally passing a target's body, can cause 0.3 seconds of damage, which is 150% of the damage, but this map is full of bugs , It is easiest to brush bugs with this Feng Ling Ball

He turned on the acceleration skills and returned to the old man. Taking the old man as the coordinate point, he ran towards 11 o'clock.

If this map is for novice players, it will definitely get lost, because this environment is too big, there is a hill after another hill, one accidentally can not find the position of the old man.

Without the coordinate point of the old man, it is difficult to find the location of the customs lord, because there are strange on the map, you need to avoid the monster, but once the monster is hidden, it is easy to deviate, the previous life did not know how many players caused by this Lost, they can only give up customs clearance and come back again.

There is no reward for coming again. Lu Yang does not want to make such a low-level mistake. He determines the position of the old man every few minutes. He has been running for half an hour under the condition of ensuring that he has not been off course. Finally Near a giant rock, a giant demon with a height of 5 meters was seen.

Great Devil Fistal (lord level)

Level: Lower God

Qi and blood: 1000000/1000000

Fistal's body is black and purple, with a huge pair of fleshy wings, but he also has a Komodo dragon-like body. The huge body prevents him from taking off at all.

"Human, you are the **** Fengshen sent to kill me, let you taste the uncle Feistal's children." The big devil stepped heavily on the ground, his right hand appeared a black ball out of thin air, toward The landing yang lased.


Lu Yang launched his skills and jumped directly next to the giant rock, hiding in the place where Fistal could not see. Fistal's attack was empty, roared, and chased in the direction of landing Yang.

Lu Yang ran a small circle around the stone, and after making sure that Falstar's body was on the stone, a smile appeared on his face.


A golden fire flashed, and Lu Yang appeared in front of Fistal, his left hand pointed forward.

"Wind Spirit Ball"

A huge cyan spherical aura with a diameter of 1 meter hit Fistal at a very fast speed. Although Fistal's body was 5 meters long, he was only attacked 8 times. Passed through his body and hit the stone behind.

Normally, the Wind Spirit Ball should continue to move forward, but it is blocked by the rock. The Wind Spirit Ball has stopped moving, although it is still turning, but he can’t move forward a bit. In this way, the Philip standing in front of the rock Starr is constantly being attacked by the spinning wind ball.



The blood drops every 0.1 seconds, and one second is 2000 points of blood. Even if Falstar has 1 million points of blood, he can't bear such damage.

"Give me death, the light of darkness!" Fistal will only be a long-range attack skill. When Lu Yang stands 10 meters in front of him, he will constantly throw black **** filled with undead breath.

If it is an ordinary player, within a distance of 10 meters, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the black ball, but Lu Yang's reaction speed is less than 0.1 seconds, he is too easy to avoid this skill.

The duration of the wind spirit ball was 7 seconds. Lu Yang played the second wind spirit ball after 7 seconds. It took less than 5 minutes. Fistal fell to the ground and burst out A pure white heart.

Angel heart

Description: Fiestal, who was once an archangel, degenerated into a demon, but did not expect that his heart was still pure!

Lu Yang smiled and received the Angel Heart, looked at other items, and put down a wind spell equipment of the same order as the Shenyang suit.

He put all his equipment in his backpack, after choosing to exit Fengling Tower, he sent videos of his Daguai to 12 young girls such as Han Ying's third sister and Han Yu, and all the reaction speeds within the gang reached about 0.1 seconds. Player.

"Everyone gathers, starting today, let's brush the Wind Spirit Tower together." Lu Yang said.

Unlike the Fire Ling Tower once a day, the Feng Ling Tower is brushed casually. After all, if you want to fight normally, there is no way to fight like Lu Yang.

Han Ying and others saw Lu Yang's videos smiling, and after Lu Yang established the sentry tower, he sent them to Lu Yang.

"Brother, how can I send it here?" Han Fei asked curiously.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Fengshen is a particularly good god."

Everyone has a black line in their heads.

"You deceive people." Han Fei entered the copy, UU read www. uukanshu. He didn’t believe Lu Yang’s words. Their brother knew what they knew best, and they liked to cheat them.

"We went in too." Han Ying took Han Yu and they entered the copy together. While fighting monsters on this side, Tu Feng and Pongs were also integrating players in the Gerz area.


Tu Feng called and Lu Yang pressed the call button and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Boss, found an important talent, Gertz is too stupid, even such people are not necessary." Tu Feng said excitedly.

Lu Yang smiled and asked, "Who makes you value you so much?"

Tu Feng said: "This man is called Babes. He is a master of the next **** with a response speed of 0.1 seconds. He was the leader of the army in the highest position in the gang before, but this man has a fate. He is the first to follow Gertz Yes, but the others are either deputy helpers or chiefs of the army, but when I found him, he was at home and the position was still a captain."

"Captain?" Lu Yangle came and asked with interest: "What's the matter specifically?"

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