Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1848: Kill God Poison Array

Inside the door of the Association of Poisonists, there is a very large "workshop", yes, it is "workshop."

In the huge workshop, each row has a variety of experimental tables with test tubes and cooking dishes, as well as various reagents.

One or two pharmacists are standing on each experimental platform. They are just like workers, staring at the drugs on their respective experimental platforms.

The medicament on the first experiment table was completed, and the flow was transferred to the next experiment table, so it was transferred from the first flow to the last one.

Lu Yang went to the second floor of the workshop with the old demon. This is a more advanced place. Although it is still a workshop, this is a small workshop, each with its own room, with a nameplate attached to it, reducing defense and reducing magic resistance. , Reduce qi and blood...

"Please come here." The elderly demon led Landing Yang to the innermost room. After pushing the door open, a humanoid demon wearing glasses and a height of 2 meters was reading a book in a wide mage robe.

"Gulas, you came to me with the young people around you, what are you going to do?" the humanoid demon asked curiously.

The old demon bowed and said, "Dear Vals Alchemist, this man has a poisonous heart in his hand, I think, you will want to see him."

"What?" Vals Apothecary stared at Lu Yang fiercely and asked, "Do you really have a toxic heart?"

Lu Yang took out a poisonous heart from his backpack and said, "Is this right?"

System prompt: Congratulations to player Lu Yang for opening the reputation of the Poisonist Association!

"Yes, yeah, this is it, I really can't think of it. I can still see this baby, which really excites me." Vals couldn't help but stare at the poisonous heart in the hands of Yang Yang. .

Gulas said to Lu Yang: "Don’t mind, Elder Vals is like this. The poisonous heart was originally created by our ancestors, which is comparable to the artifact. Later, our ancestors died when fighting against alien gods, and then we The poisonous heart created is also lost, and you can't expect it to be recovered by you."

Lu Yang smiled and asked, "Do I need to return it to you?"

"No need." Vals' voice sounded like Hong Zhong. He proudly looked at Landing Yang and said, "You have got something from our ancestors, which proves that you have obtained their approval, and we have made such things even more. Advanced, this thing will be reserved for you."

Lu Yang smiled and bowed slightly, said: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, young man, if you can complete my task, you can buy some interesting things from me, which may also help you to upgrade the grade of the poisonous heart, is there any interest." Vals asked .

Lu Yang was waiting for this task, and said with a smile: "Of course I am interested."

System prompt: You have received the task of Elder Vals and bring back a ancestral tree fruit, he will give you a good reward.

Vals said: "We need the fruit of the ancestral tree too much, but you know, those stiff and serious tree people will absolutely not allow others to enter their area to pick up the fruit of the ancestral tree, even if they are former comrades."

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders with a smile, took a ancestral tree fruit from his backpack, and said, "Is this right?"

"Oh, yes, boy, this is the thing." Vals showed an excited expression, took the ancestor tree fruit, and handed Lu Yang a courier box, said: "I don't know what is inside, open him, you You will be pleasantly surprised."

Lu Yang smiled at the courier box in his hand. This was the most famous task of dismantling the courier in the last life. When I thought about it, this is the favorite place of all female players. .

I don’t know how many male players have died, just to let my girlfriend, or my beloved girl, play the courier mission here for the sake of the size of the ancestral tree.

I have to say that women are really a magical species. Even if they let them unpack the courier in the game, they still enjoy it. One ancestral tree fruit can be exchanged for a courier, and they can tear them down for a day here.

Lu Yang was a little depressed about this task. He did not like to disassemble the express delivery. After thinking about it, she found Shen Mengyao and said, "Wife, this job is for you."

"Small meaning." Shen Mengyao looked at the 500 couriers in front of him, and his big eyes showed an excited look, and quickly opened it.

Lu Yang sat next to him and looked at it. It took only half a day for 500 couriers to be demolished successfully. Shen Mengyao showed an unexplained expression and said, "It's too easy. If there is such a thing, call me anytime."

"My wife is walking slowly." Lu Yang wiped his cold sweat, and quickly sent away the magical wife, looking at more than 60 demon cells in his backpack, and nodded in satisfaction.

The demon cell is a necessity for upgrading the highly toxic heart from an ordinary treasure to an artifact. In the official introduction, the highly toxic heart is derived from the cells of the founder of the Association of Poisonists.

10 demon cells can upgrade a highly toxic heart, and Lu Yang upgraded 6 highly toxic hearts in one go.

Toxic Heart

Level: Lower God Level 1

Power of God: 10 points

Intelligence of God: 10 points

God's Agility: 10 points

God's Stamina: 10 points

Physical Strength of God: 10 points

Poison Skill Level +1

With special skills:

Killing God's Poison Fog: Inflicts 50 points of God's Qi and Blood damage to the target for 30 seconds.

Killing God Poison Array: To kill God Poison Fog continuously, you must have 5 poisonous hearts to activate. The more poisonous hearts you read, the greater the scope of the poisonous array.

Lu Yang clenched his fist hard, all he wanted was this baby, and with this thing, he could quickly upgrade his rank.

So far, the elite monster of the next **** has only 2800 points of qi and blood, but killing the poisonous fog of the **** for 30 seconds can cause 1500 points of damage.

As long as Lu Yang chooses the right place and releases this God-killing poison array, he can let his players quickly upgrade their levels. As for the preferred target, Lu Yang chose the Wanshu Forest, because the ordinary ancestral elf blood is only 500 points. It can only resist for 10 seconds. This god-killing poison array is used in the Wanshu Forest with special terrain, which is no longer suitable.

He sent a message to the pride and said: "Bring 1,000 people over and the boss will take you to upgrade."

"Yes, I'll be here soon." The pride of the heroes is taking the players down to upgrade the level. In the last battle, the death and injury of the Blood Wolf Corps under his hands were too heavy. Basically, the levels fell below the lower gods.

Lu Yang sent him a coordinate. Half an hour later, at the entrance of Wanshu Forest, Lu Yang saw the pride and the thousands of players who were running fast.

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