Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1857: Agricultural reclamation

Chen Qiangqiang kept crying and said: "Brothers don't worry, the boss is making batch-by-batch arrangements, the fastest week, the slowest month, everyone can make money in the game, we no longer have to worry about separation, now My brothers, the Red Sun Fortress, asked me to sign up, and I and the heads of the regiments and heads of staff are waiting for you."

As soon as the voice fell, countless rays of light appeared at the four teleportation positions of the Red Sun Fortress. A large number of players ran to the position of the gang hall in the middle, where Chen Qiang was waiting for them.

"Boss, our team applied to join."

"We can farm."

"We can fish, our strengths."

"There are us breeding, and our brothers have raised pigs in the game."


A large number of players signed up as teams, and in several other strongholds, White Lion and Zhuojiu and others also accepted the registration of their players.

The entire Brotherhood of Blood Brotherhood exploded with great enthusiasm for solidarity in this separate season, which surprised everyone, especially the official.

At an emergency meeting, a European official frowned while holding his glasses and asked: "Is it Luyang's violation of this rule? I think we should ban him."

"Yes, he seriously harmed our interests by doing so, and we gave him all the money we earned." Another European official was even more dissatisfied.

The opinions opposed by European officials are simple. Europeans do not have medical pressure. Every European has free medical insurance. Even if they get a serious disease, the state will treat them, and when they can’t afford it, The treatment given is free, and even pays the patient money at the window for buying medicine.

China is different. China's medical pressure is increasing. Once seriously ill, it may be necessary to sell the house to cure the disease.

Why Europeans do not work all day but still live well, the main reason is that the treatment of people is managed, the birth of children is managed, and the salary is still high.

Now Lu Yang has raised the treatment of 6 million people to the same level as Europeans. The key is to take the military expenses shared by all countries, which makes Europeans jealous.

Officials from the China region sneered, facing a crowd of Europeans who were still chattering, suddenly stood up and patted the table and said, "This is a matter of principle. I will not discuss it with you. Which rule did he violate? What did he do?" Isn’t that what we expected? Don’t be jealous of our Huaxia guild because your country’s guilds are unable to integrate. I tell you that there is no room for discussion on this matter. There is nothing wrong with Luyang’s work. We must support it.”

"I agree to support."

"I also agree to support."


A number of justice official directors also shared their opinions. If this question is a simple money issue, many people will be eyeing Luyang's ability to make money, but the core issue of this matter is to solve the employment pressure and population pressure.

In doing so, Lu Yang is tantamount to solving the employment of at least 6 million young people in China. Currently, there are more than 15 million university graduates every year. Their employment is a very difficult problem. Now Lu Yang alone has solved one third Jobs.

After only brief discussion, this meeting formed a consensus. This behavior of Lu Yang can be promoted. If the interests of the majority of players are the mainstay, then this matter is worth doing.

Without Lu Yang knowing it, Lu Yang has survived one of his biggest crises. If the official disagrees, what Lu Yang is doing will be instantly defeated, and the Iron-Blood Brotherhood will also lose a lot of the main force.

Inside the copy.

Lu Yang has ended the interview at this time, and is taking a new batch of combat members trained by Han Zhong to follow him to kill the magic fireworks and flamingos.

Since the last time Han Zhong told him to train a group of new people, it has been two and a half years now. Each of these newly joined young guys is just 16 years old, just when he was young.

This time, Han Zhong has trained 90 people. The 9 people in front of Lu Yang are the captains of these 90 people.

Originally Han Zhong meant to put them in a dark place and was responsible for helping Lu Yang deal with some special things. Although Lu Yang was unwilling, Han Zhong forced each of them to use fashion and should change his face.

Their names are also very special, and they are called the names of magpies, cranes, peacocks, and other birds. At this time, Lu Yang has taken them to the front of the last boss, which is the magic fire flamingo.

"This monster is not easy to fight. His flame skill damage is relatively high. Let's go together." Lu Yang said.

The magpie and others nodded their heads, and as Lu Yang rushed to the fat magic flame fire flamingo from all sides, the bird could no longer fly and could only breathe flames on the ground.

Despite his high damage, facing Lu Yang and others wearing Tier 3 Shenyan suits, he was still unable to resist for 5 minutes and was killed on the ground.

Lu Yang picked up the flamingo egg and said, "You should all know how to play, go back to your respective teams and continue to lead the team to fight monsters."

"Yes." Magpie and others left.

Lu Yang passed the video to the mailbox of 10,000 elites who were ready to go, saying: "The play in the video is relatively simple. Today everyone is specifically responsible for firing Thunderbird bird eggs and then handing them to the logistics players waiting at the door. Redeem them as flame bugs and give them to the fishing players."

The leader in charge is the Prison Hades, saying, "The boss is assured, leave it to me."

Lu Yang nodded and flew to the Blackwater Fortress using the recursive scroll. If there are currently the least people in the Iron-Blood Alliance, it is undoubtedly the black yarn area of ​​the year.

From Lalbag Fortress and Sky Soul Fortress, to Tianhe Fortress and Crescent Fortress, including some fortresses in one step to the sky, almost no player can be seen.

It is really that the area occupied by the Jagged Brotherhood is too large. UU reads and the best area for doing business and making money is also the area with more European players, such as the Spanish area where Ayala is located. Union area, Gerds area and Claudio area.

In this way, the players who were still in the black yarn area, because of the large number of merchants leaving, they also had to leave. Gradually, this place became deserted.

Although it is deserted, it now has an important purpose. To the east of the Blackwater Fortress is the vast Qingling Plain, and to the west of the Blackwater Fortress is the vast Blue Dream Plain.

Since there are almost no players on these two plains, Lu Yang's idea is to carry out reclamation here, and use these two great plains as the first agricultural experiment point.

He sent a message to Zhou Tianming: "Let your batch of players come over, they are responsible for the reclamation operations in Qingling Plain."

"This is coming, I've already prepared it." Zhou Tianming said excitedly.

Countless lights flashed through, the first batch of 10,000 players appeared in the Blackwater Fortress, at this time they were all a bit riotous, because they were once the traitor of the guild and the defector who left the guild, twice Leave, so that they now have no face to face Lu Yang.

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