Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1859: Catch wild boar

Early the next morning.

Outside the Chiyang Fortress.

The 100,000 players belonging to the Jagged Brothers League are queuing outside the fortress. Each of them holds a bag of green magic vine seeds in their hands.

These seeds are enough to plant 10 acres of farmland. Looking outside the Crimson Sun Fortress, on several large plains, there are farming players everywhere.

Although it is a laborious task, every player has a smile on his face. They know that if they follow Lu Yang's method of farming, the cash they can earn is at least 8,000 yuan a month, which is more than They make a lot of money by working outside.

Beginning 20 years ago, there has been a saying in the elite circles that it is difficult to have noble sons among the poor. There was a set of statistics that year.

Among the national college entrance examination students, 62% are from rural families, but how many children from rural families are admitted to the so-called 985 and 211 universities in China? Sadly, less than 30%, while Tsinghua University has only 16%, and Peking University even less, only 10%.

In other words, a large number of students have actually been admitted to provincial and municipal higher education institutions, and these so-called higher education universities are some ordinary second-degree and junior colleges, and the jobs they find after they come out are all ordinary jobs.

There was once a famous teacher who said that it was right that top companies such as Huawei and Apple would never go to an ordinary university to recruit.

Although a student who has just graduated from university does not mean that he will not enter a good company in the future, this proportion is too low.

This was the case 20 years ago. Today, 20 years later, the gap between the rich and the poor has become even greater. Therefore, these players would rather make this money in games than go out to work.

In addition, they are all elite players of the Jagged Brothers League. Even if they are too busy with the wine, they did not cause any panic. A large number of players received the seeds in an orderly manner and began to farm.

Because they are all good brothers who have been fighting side by side for two or three years, even if there are some disputes about border issues between these players, they all laugh and scold each other.

Lu Yang felt funny watching him, but he was also excited in his heart. What are the founding soldiers? Now these people in front of him are the founding soldiers.

These people followed the Jagged Brothers League and participated in at least the offensive battles against Gerz, Claudio, Tom, G8, Orma, Blacksha, and Santoemon. They also participated in two battles to defend the tiger’s mouth. Just as the ones who killed Pu Renyi and Tianlong are not mentioned for the time being, these previous battles alone have honed these players into the top players.

Perhaps if they were taken out by a single one, their techniques and abilities were worse than others, and even worse than the masters, but when they were 5 people together, 10 people together, or even 100 people together , To launch the offense in a team mode, the same 100 top masters have to escape with the same equipment.

Their shortcomings in personal abilities are seamlessly compensated by the cooperation of the team, even up to two or three steps.

If Lu Yang loses this group of players, he can only recruit players again, train new players, and turn them from rookies into battlefield masters. This will take another year or two.

In other words, if Lu Yang wants to attack Sanyouemon and Roland and others, he will have to wait for more than a year, and it is not certain whether he can win or not.

But now it's different. With so many founding soldiers under Lu Yang, he no longer needs to worry about the cooperation of players on the battlefield in the future. This group of team battle masters who are already full of blood can fight when they are pulled out.

As long as the Jagged Brotherhood has a buffer period of about six months, he will be able to lead this group on the battlefield again after he has survived the initial repayment difficulties.

"Boss, see if the plant I planted is correct." A player in the distance shouted and jumped to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang smiled and looked at the past. It was his own brother, the breeze returning to the guest, who has been following Zhuojiu. He was one of the first players to enter the Jagged Brothers League. He had existed as early as the establishment of the Jagged Brothers League.

Now he is the commander of the army under Zhuo Jiu. He also works in the war studio. He usually stays with Lu Yang and Zhuo Jiu and the others. After so many crises, they have come back to the guests with their great help, but after success, they have never Do not ask for credit, but continue to do things silently, is a very good little brother.

Lu Yang walked to Qingfeng Guike's side, looked at his planting method, nodded and said, "It's basically correct, it looks a little bit."

"That is, my family is in the countryside. I am best at this job." Qingfeng returned to the guest very proudly, said: "Games are better than reality. In reality, the income from farming is less than 5,000 yuan a year. A month's income is not as high as the boss promised."

He has never doubted what Lu Yang said, and everything Lu Yang said has been realized one by one. Therefore, Lu Yang said that if he can earn more than 6,000 yuan a month, he can earn more than 6,000 yuan.

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Remember to water and remove insects more after the crops have grown. These things are not simple. If you ignore a little, you may be finished."

Qingfeng said with a smile, "Boss rest assured, I promise that there is no problem, and I will guide my brothers."

Lu Yang smiled even more. He knew that Qingfeng’s main purpose was to instruct others. With Qingfeng’s current income, he had more than 20,000 yuan a month. He didn’t need to do this job at all, and he would do it with his own hands. It's just to figure out the principle.

Here Lu Yang accompanied Zhuojiu and Qingfeng with them for a week, and more than 1 million players from the Jagged Brothers League entered the Chiyang Fortress to the area of ​​Dingzhou City to plant land.

On the other side, Wanzong with pride called and said, "Boss, 100,000 of my brothers have become the lower gods. What are we going to do?"

After more than a month, relying on the Ten Thousand Poison Array, the first batch of 100,000 people who were passionate and arrogant became the lower gods.

Lu Yang said: "There is a task to be handed over to you, please do it well for me."

"Boss, who do you want me to hit?" Wangqing Wanzong asked excitedly.

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Just thinking about fighting, can you go out now? If you go out, Sanyou Eemon, who is not terrified, will immediately cease the war, and quickly take 100,000 people with me to Guangming Castle and catch wild boars. UU Read www.uukanshu.cóm"

"Catch... the wild boar~!" Wanzong was stunned and said depressed: "We are the wolf army, catch the wild boar."

Lu Yang was amused by the kid and said, "Hurry up and stop the ink. I'll give you 10 minutes to organize the team. If I can't come, I'll go downstairs and beat you."

"Here's here." Wanzong regained his energy in an instant, and hurried to the whole team.

Now that the Jagged Brothers has a big business, so many people gather in one area, whoever can have a good relationship with Lu Yang will be more respected.

If Lu Yang really went downstairs to beat up his heroic Wanzong, not only would he not feel that his heroic Wanzong had fallen out of favor, he would also think that the heroic Wanzong was the closest person to Lu Yang, but he didn't need to do that. He knew that he himself No one can shake the relationship with the boss.

After 5 minutes.

The blood wolf of 100,000 promoted to the lower **** appeared outside the city of Moonscar Fortress. When Lu Yang rode a flying dragon to the outside of the city, he saw the lined up of heroic Wanzong and 100,000 blood wolves. With a smile, Wanzong gave a look of pride, and the 100,000 blood wolf followed Lu Yang's Feilong closely and ran towards Guangming Castle.

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