Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1865: Lu Yang's countermeasures

The long border line leaves the Jagged Brotherhood with no natural dangers to guard. As long as the three of them work together, Lu Yang will lose sight of one another. The most likely result is to stop the Jagged Brotherhood in the middle area.

The G8 region, the Olma region, the Tom region and the Gerz region will all fall into the hands of Sanyou Eemon, Chekova, and Roland, while Lu Yang can only leave the black yarn region, the one-step climbing region, Ayala area and Claudio area, as well as the northeast area of ​​the original Laohukou Fortress.

If this happens, it will be difficult for Lu Yang to provide much reinforcement to the Claudio area. After a short while, the Claudio area will be lost. The most likely event is that Luyang will retreat to the Laohukou area on the whole line, leaving only Ah. Yarra is in the outer area.

Both Mitoemon and Roland were very excited, but after Mitoemon was excited, his brows became deeper and deeper, and he hugged his arms and stared at Chekova and asked: "Your idea is very good, but how can I? Know that you didn't unite with Lu Yang to design the two of us?"

Chekova smiled gracefully. She knew that her plan had already touched Mitoemon and Roland, and said, "It's very simple, do you think I will sit back and watch Lu Yang take the two of you, and then take me again? Maybe you two have been defeated. I am still capable of dealing with such a huge Jagged Brotherhood.

Radvedev handed the guild into my hands to make me carry forward, but not to let me give him away. If the guild is really swallowed by the Iron-Blood Alliance in my hands, then I will Become the sinner of all Russian players, I cannot bear this responsibility. "

Mitoemon and Roland looked at each other. Roland nodded. He believed Chekova's words. After all, if you can be the boss by yourself, no one wants to be the kid, even if Lu Yang recruited Qi with the greatest discount. Kova, but the actual situation is that Chekova's guild disappeared and became a subsidiary guild of the Jagged Brotherhood.

Talking about Chikova in the future will only contemptuously say that she is the affiliated guild president of the Jagged Brotherhood, but will not say that she is the president.

Mitoemon paced back and forth two times, looked up at Chekova and said, "We believe you, but how can you explain to Lu Yang now."

Chekova smiled and said: "That's my business. You two don't need to worry about it. In short, as long as we can deal with Lu Yang together in the war three months later, it will be enough."

Mitoemon laughed. He knew what Chekova was going to do. It was nothing more than to please the two sides, if they were separated, and play the ambiguous set. He had already played the rest of this thing, but the situation for Chekova is right now. Suitable.

"In the near future, we will communicate more and strive to get more equipment as soon as possible to prepare for the future war." Sanyou Weimen arched his hands and exited the special space together with Roland.

Seeing that both of them were gone, Chekova had a strange smile on her face. She also withdrew from the special space and went to manage the players under him.

Border fortress.

Lu Yang was always paying attention to the situation of the war between Chekova and Sanyou Weimen and others, but suddenly a news came that made Lu Yang smile helplessly.

[World Channel] Santomoemon: From now on, the war will stop. Roland and I will focus on Ms. Chekova to fix it. As for the fortress we laid before, we will be managed by players who withdrew from the Radvedev Guild.

[World Channel] Roland:...

[World Channel] Chekova: My guild players, my compatriots, my brothers and sisters, starting today, I announce that our guard war has won, and the players of Sanyou Weimen and Roland will quit Our territory, as for the land we were robbed of before, temporarily given to those players who left the guild because of Mr. Radvedev, this is regarded as compensation from the guild, but I hope they will take the initiative to return to our guild one day Embrace and become a family with us again.

The three pieces of news actually published only one content, that is, the war between Chekova, Mitoemon, and Roland is over, and the three of them have become friends.

"This woman, who knows how to use the situation so well, is indeed the outstanding heir chosen by Radvedev." Lu Yang muttered to himself.

Tu Feng appeared next to Lu Yang, frowning and said, "This woman is tantamount to cheating us with 50,000 sets of equipment and materials."

Lu Yang smiled and shook his head, and said, "I can't say that. I can only say that this woman knows how to take advantage of the situation and how to use the situation. Although we have not reached a situation in which the two sides continue to fight and weaken the situation of the three parties, we did not let the three friends. Goemon and Roland annexed Radvedev's area. Overall, the result is still in our favor."

As long as Chekova still controlled such a large area of ​​territory, Mitoemon and Roland would never develop, especially the more than 100 so-called neutral fortresses that appeared in the middle, which brought even greater variables.

Tu Feng said: "I still doubt one thing. If Sanyou Weimen and Roland don't fight Chekova, will the three of them unite to fight us?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You have reached a point. It is very possible, but they have no chance. I didn't let my subordinates announce it because Radvedev was unstable. Otherwise, I will now Will tell Chekova that Stephen’s area is back in Stephen’s hands."

Tu Feng widened his eyes in surprise, and said, "Boss, when are you?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Three days ago, Stephen of UU Reading came to me in person. He wanted to understand that it would take a lot of money to pay. Didn't we make 8 billion this time? The rake was 800 million euros in cash, and I gave it to Stephen."

Tu Feng suddenly realized it, and he came to understand why Lu Yang dared to give so much equipment to Chekova. It turned out that he had already said goodbye. He excitedly asked, "When do you want to start it and what do I need to do?"

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "Count me as the benevolence of a woman. The greater the strength, the less I want to see these masters fighting me die in such a thing. I have asked Chekova to take Radvij My husband was sent to a closed area to recuperate. After Radvedev is isolated from the outside world for these two days, I will order Stephen to counterattack. At the same time, our team will move into Stephen’s team and stand for him."

There was a fire in Tu Feng's heart. He could already predict what would happen next. With the strong support of the Jagged Brotherhood, Chekova absolutely did not dare to have any thoughts, and could only be snatched away before coming out. At the same time, Stephen became an affiliated guild of the Jagged Brotherhood, and his enemy was Chekova. He would do his best to deal with Chekova and share one-third of the pressure for Lu Yang.

As for the remaining Mimo Eemon and Roland, they are not of the same magnitude as the Jagged Brotherhood!

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