Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1871: 3 Tomoemon's reaction

"Iron-Blood Brotherhood, kill~!" He became upset and screamed in the form of a black iron war eagle, and slammed into Kitano Xuan's archangel legion with 99 black iron war eagles who were also the lower gods beside him.




Pieces of blood mist erupted in the Archangel Legion, and any Archangel who was not a lower god, even if he raised the weapon in his hand to block it, he could not stop the sharp beak of the Black Iron Warhawk.

To become upset, there is no need to use any tactics or moves with the enemy, so I just smashed into it brutally. Because of the appearance of the lower gods, the role of the air combat legion in the war was minimized, especially the black iron of the Jagged Brotherhood. Warhawk, so that countries do not bother to transfer to the lower **** players in the sky.

The Black Iron Warhawk itself has additional physical damage capabilities. The characteristics of Druids are particularly prominent when they are transferred to the lower gods. The effects of all transformations are not cancelled, which is equivalent to what kind of professions can be changed before the lower gods, and they can still be able to change after the lower gods. What kind of profession, and after changing to a lower god, the effect after the transformation remains unchanged.

The biggest feature of the Black Iron Warhawk is that after transforming, it loses its land warfare ability, leaving only the air-to-air attack mode. All the physical attacks on the ground, half of the defense, and blood are transferred to physical attacks.

In the face of such a black iron war eagle, unless they have the same black iron war eagle class or more air combat class siege, they will not be able to fight. Therefore, the result of this results in the air combat army of Santomo Eemon just a display, just use Used for investigation, not for attack.

Now facing Lu Yang's Black Iron Warhawk Legion, it turned into a one-sided massacre, and the few lower gods also died in the air.

After the massacre, Santoemon's air combat legion no longer dared to lift into the air, and could only be aggrieved in the Kamiyama Fortress and did not dare to go out.

"Your Excellency, the difference in strength is so great that we can't fight." Kitano Xuan came to Sanyou Weimen, bowed hard, and said in shame.

"Asshole." In a rage, Sanyou Eemon drew Kitano Gen's mouth and turned his head to stare at Lu Yang in the sky, but he had nothing to do. At this moment, the reporters' cameras did not let the scene before them pass. All the ugliness of Mitoemon was recorded, and the news here was released first.

"The Iron Brothers bombed the Kamiyama Fortress, and Mitoemon cried out on the spot? 》

"Lu Yang personally led the air combat corps to blow up the Tuen Tian area of ​​Sanyou Emon, the horror scene is shocking! 》

"The Air Combat Legion is finally showing off, it turns out that the air combat profession is used in this way! 》

"Poor Mitoemon, was blown into a fool by Lu Yang!" 》


Piece by piece of reports. Under the overwhelming reports of more than one hundred media, Sanyou Eemon's face was sweeping, and countless anchors immediately ran towards the Kamiyama Fortress, and more than a billion players were curious about what Lu Yang did to Sanyou Eemon. What happened.

When they opened the news, they understood it instantly. When they saw the picture, everyone had only one reaction, shock!

"It turns out that the Air Combat Corps with a scroll is so terrifying, it's terrifying, it's a complete massacre."

"There is no corresponding method at all. In the entire New World, only the Jagged Brotherhood has a complete air combat army, and then there is Stephen's Archangel army. The rest of the people have not developed air combat careers."

"I don't know how much this scroll costs. If it's cheap, the Jagged Brotherhood can really rule the entire new continent."

"Sanyou Weimen's Tuntian is finished. Not only him, but Roland, Steiger, Chekova, and Liu Jie's Tuntian are all finished. Lu Yang can destroy their efforts for a week if Lu Yang dispatches once."

The discussion of the players on the World Channel made Sanyou Weimen look fierce and angry. He stared at Lu Yang in the sky and roared: "Lu Yang, what do you want? Are you afraid that I will go to war with you?"

From the beginning of the bombing, Lu Yang stood 200 meters above Mitoemon's head and looked down at him with a smile. Hearing Mitoemon's words, Lu Yang ordered Feilong to lower his altitude and came to Mitoemon at an altitude of 50 meters.

"Starting today, I will bomb you once a week. Today is the beginning. See you next week." Lu Yang controlled the mount and turned and flew away.

Sanyou Weimen looked at Lu Yang who was leaving. Although he could attack at this distance, he could hit 200 meters at the farthest distance, but he just watched Lu Yang slowly fly 200 meters away from a distance of 50 meters.

"Boss, I killed him." Kitano Xuan roared furiously when he saw Lu Yang so arrogant.

"We killed him." The lower gods who followed Mitoemon screamed.

Mitoemon hurriedly stopped Kitano Gen and the others' movements, just watching Lu Yang fly away in front of them.

From beginning to end, Sanyou Weimen didn't dare to release a skill to Lu Yang, and he didn't even make an aiming action.

Lu Yang listened to the voice behind him, with a sneer on his face. He knew that Mitoemon had an idea to beg for peace. He did this just now to deliberately test Mitoemon. Now, he knows that Mitoemon is not Dare to fight him, just thinking about making peace.

"Boss, why don't you fight?" Kitano Xuan asked in tears, the expression on his face has become unbelievable.

Mitoemon patted him on the shoulder, looked at many media reporters, and said, "My friends, I have suffered a heavy blow today. Sorry, please leave first. I can't entertain everyone here."

How could the reporters let go of such a good opportunity and rushed to Mitoemon, raising their microphones and asking: "Mr. Mitoemon, would you please express your opinion on this matter."

"Will you fight to the death with the Iron Brothers."

"What is your mood now?"


Mitoemon didn't answer the question at all, took out the teleportation scroll and flew away, but Furukawa sent people to surround the reporters and forcibly send them back to the Celestial God City.

Inside the guild hall of Qingyue Fortress.

Mitoemon stared at the players in front of him, Ratner, Vincent and others, UU reading said with a gloomy face: "Think about it, everyone, what should I do about this?"

Kitano Xuan said excitedly: "We launched an offensive against the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood. We would rather break the jade rather than complete it."

"Yes, it's better for jade to be broken than for tiles."

"Fight against the Jagged Brothers."


One-fifth of the vice-chairman had the same idea with Gen Kitano. The Mitoemon who heard it was furious, but still resisted the attack.

Ratner frowned and said, "What kind of fight? If we lose after the fight, we will have nothing. Are you crazy?"

Vincent said: "If you want to die, my guild will never follow you in the funeral."

"Me too." Ratner said. If it doesn't work, they don't know how to disband the guild, regroup the players from their home country and join the Jagged Brotherhood. Although the conditions will be much harsher, it is better than death.

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