Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1875: Air Fighter

When Stephen was about to raise his troops to regain his territory, Lu Yang also learned about the 70,000 archangels being robbed by Chekova.

The Black Rose Fortress, the closest fortress connected to the Chekova area, is the wing fortress of Chekova two hours away.

This is also where Lennon’s 70,000 archangels are stationed. In the Black Rose Fortress, Lu Yang’s 30,000 archangel legions, 30,000 black iron warhawks, and 20,000 vulture legions are already in place. He is now Wait for Chikova and Lennon's next move.

Taking the one-hour radius of the Black Rose Fortress as a radius, all players are prohibited from approaching. Any player who enters the area is counted as an enemy. Outside an hour away, especially in the Wing Front Fortress area, spies of the Jagged Brothers have entered in large numbers. And Lu Yang also asked Stephen to report on the situation of the Archangel Corps at all times by his followers in the Archangel Corps.

On the northwest corner of the fortress wall, Lu Yang held the female wall with his right hand and looked into the distance. He was not surprised by Lennon’s departure. There were too many such things in China. How did the Anshi Rebellion end? It was not the strength of the Tang Dynasty. Too strong, but An Lushan’s son An Qingxu killed An Lushan first, then Shi Siming killed An Qingxu, and then Shi Siming was slaughtered by his son Shi Chaoyi.

Even his father and his son will kill each other for rights and interests. What's more, Stephen and Lennon are just ordinary brothers. Besides, Lu Yang does not want to support Stephen sincerely to support him, but to let him. He disrupted Chekova's flanks in the southwest corner of the New World.

With the addition of these 70,000 archangels, Stephen can not only mess up, but also have the ability to grab more land when Lu Yang and Chekova are at war. This is not in the interests of the Jagged Brotherhood as a whole, and will only be cultivated for Lu Yang. Come out a stronger potential enemy.

After all, this game is going to be played back to the old continent. In other words, the next version is in the old continent. Once he returns to his own country, Lu Yang's so many confederated territories will definitely be attacked by players from the original countries of the world. Backlash, Lu Yang must sell these affiliated guilds, but if the affiliated guild is too strong, after selling it, there will be an additional enemy immediately.

This is not an extra sentence in the sales contract. After the guild trades, it can be resolved by not having a conflict with the Jagged Brotherhood within half a year. There was one of the most classic cases in the previous life, when a strong German player occupied a third of it. A new continent, when they returned to the old continent and sold the rest of the occupying power area to the players in the country where they were located, they clearly marked that they must not be an enemy of them. The person who bought the guild at that time also repeatedly promised that no matter when, he absolutely Will not be an enemy of German players.

At that time, the naive Steiger really believed it, but the guild had just been sold here, and the guild president who had repeatedly promised changed hands and sold the guild to the behind-the-scenes boss at a price of one dollar, and the behind-the-scenes boss and Steiger Ge had a big feud, the receiving guild immediately united with the guilds of several other countries, launched an attack on Steiger, and almost destroyed Steiger's country.

At that time, some experts sighed when they commented, this is the end of too hard to cultivate affiliated guilds!

For the sake of the future, Lu Yang couldn’t let Stephen control these 70,000 archangels. He would rather let these 70,000 people rot in Chekova. Of course, Lennon looks beautiful now, and he can watch the history of the world. There has never been a betrayal relative to the enemy who can die well.

Although the game time is short, there are many more things happening in the game than in reality, because this is a game with highly developed communications and a highly dense population.

If these 70,000 people win the battle, it's okay to say, but if they lose a few games in a row, then the 70,000 people will have great conflicts.

As far as Lu Yang knows, the contract signed by these 70,000 people is only a contract linked to the company. After all, there are not many masters among them, and Lennon is now highly dependent on Chekova’s salary. If Cheva does a loss, the end of this month If Lennon is not paid, Lennon’s company will go bankrupt and liquidated, and then these archangels will be divided up by Chekova to establish a new company.

However, Chekova took this matter for granted. You don't need to guess. People with the same purpose include Mitoemon, Roland, Liu Jie and Steiger.

It can be said that Lennon's end can already be seen. As soon as one month, he will be finished. As for how to fight Lennon this month, Lu Yang has already prepared in his heart.

He aimed his gaze at the two air combat masters in the previous life, one of them was Yun Yu. In the previous life, people who knew Yun Yu's name didn't say it, but flying feathers in the sky, it can be said that no one knows.

He is like the ferocious saker falcon in the sky, fiercely culling all the enemies he saw, because of his existence, China's air combat player, is highly valued by all countries.

However, the current Yun Yu has not yet shown his prowess. It can be said that he is still a pitiful person.

Yun Yu was originally the captain of the Air Force Fighter Brigade. For some reason, one leg was seriously injured and disabled, and he had to retreat. After that, he was depressed because he could no longer go to the sky. Until now, he retired.


Tu Feng called, Lu Yang pressed the connect button and asked, "Has anyone found it?"

"Found it, he is in the game." Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Bring him to see me."

"Okay." Tu Feng hung up the phone with a smile, and said with a smile to Yun Yu who was still walking back and forth in the game: "Brother Yun, how do you feel about UU reading"

"This game is really amazing. I really walked like normal." Yun Yu said excitedly.

Since he retired last year, Yun Yu has been drinking boring alcohol at home every day, because he was limping while walking, and he didn't even go out of the door. Every day he ordered food delivery by drone.

He has never been in the game before, but he just heard people say how and how in the game, but he thought it was fake, how can there be such a real thing, but in the game, he found that he was not lame and was able to walk freely. This excitement didn't slow down for a long time.

"Yes, take me to meet your boss, I also want to see this legendary character." Yun Yu said somewhat unconvinced.

In the world, if Lu Yang says that his popularity ranks second, then no one dares to say that he is the first. Although it is in the game, what Lu Yang does is also to win glory for the country. .

Nearly a hundred wars have brought out the prestige of Yang Yang Huaxia. Half of the persecuted countries surrendered under Lu Yang’s control, and the other half joined forces to help Lu Yang, but Lu Yang was still so young. It was as if God had given Lu Yang all the good things.

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