Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1906: Wonderful air strike

Lu Yang hung up the phone and continued to fly towards Japan with Yun Yu and other 60,000 players. After Lennon was dismantled, according to existing intelligence, Sanyou Eemon had robbed more than 10,000 people. Counting the more than 30,000 people he has recently developed by himself, the number of Air Force players on the Mimo Gate side is about 40,000.

Roland and Sanyou Weimen are in the same location. There are more than 40,000 air combat players in the same Roland area. In other words, there are a total of 80,000 air combat players defending in the two fields.

Yun Yu looked at the intelligence and said to Lu Yang: "The air combat players of Sanyou Weimen and Roland have always trained their own. They are still in the game and the training level is not low, although both sides are very strong. But this time we hit 80,000 with 60,000, and I have the confidence to defeat the air combat players on both sides."

Lu Yang smiled and looked at Yun Yu, and said, "Listen to my instructions, this time we will only bomb the area of ​​Sanyou Guardian, and will not touch Roland's area at all."

"Not touching it at all?" Yun Yu was a little surprised. He was thinking about raging and hitting rabbits. He even exploded the area with Roland, but he didn't expect Lu Yang not to let it. He asked curiously: "Let's kill two There is no problem with the area, why can't it be hit?"

Lu Yang said, "You'll know in a while, we will continue to fly."

Yun Yu blinked and could only continue flying behind Lu Yang. This kind of high-intensity flight that lasted for a day was very torturous. Lu Yang couldn't help but sigh that his current level is too low. If he reaches level 190, he will Even in the middle **** period, you can hit another demon god’s blood. After drinking it, you can increase your movement speed by 100% to 300%. Although the duration is short, long-distance use can shorten the distance by one third. .

Because Lu Yang took off at night with the Jagged Brothers players, and Sanyouweimen thought that Lu Yang was still trying to bomb Liu Jie, because Lu Yang was on the Heavenly Sword Fortress and left two air combat careers, one It is a small number of Archangel Legions, one is the Condor Legion, it looks like the Jagged Brothers is going to concentrate all its efforts on Liu Jie's all-round bombing.

Liu Jie knew that he could not stop the Jagged Brotherhood's attack this time, so he was already asking for help, which made Sanyou Weimen and others paralyzed.

In fact, to put it plainly, the main problem is that the geographical location of Mitoemon is too poor. There are no mountains or fortresses around, only large deserts and grasslands. Such a map makes it very difficult for them to observe the situation in the sky, not to mention Santo. The ground-to-air reconnaissance players equipped by Goemon are all players from the two guilds of War Elephant and Blood Stele.

Lu Yang sent spies to instigate players in two of these areas. This time the Air Combat Corps of the Jagged Brothers entered the defense area of ​​Sanyou Gate from these two air defense reconnaissance areas.

Seeing that more than 60,000 people on his side had all flown past the first line of defense set up by Sanyou Gate, which was half an hour away in front of Qingyue Fortress, Lu Yang took advantage of the night with the Jagged Brothers players along Qing Half an hour away from the right side of the Moon Fortress, he plunged into the gap area between Qingyue Fortress and Yangyan Fortress.

Normally, Lu Yang should walk through the Shenyue Fortress on the left side of Qingyue Fortress, but Lu Yang went around the Sunyan Fortress on the right side of Qingyue Fortress, the Firefly Fortress in front, and then around to the Fallen Leaf Fortress, and then turned around. Pass through the fortress of stars.

The reason for this was that Lu Yang had already figured out the defense area of ​​Sanyou Gate. Along the line of Shenyin Fortress, there were investigators for the second, third, and even fifth lines of defense everywhere.

As long as there is a line of defense to detect the actions of Lu Yang and others, Sanyouweimen can let his men, by heads for heads, gradually intercept the Jagged Brothers air combat players outside the Tuntian area near the Sea of ​​Clouds Fortress.

Unfortunately, it is easier to obtain intelligence in the game now than in the war. In the past, enemy countries were not allowed to enter, but now because this is the game, the player’s appearance can be disguised. Besides, the major guilds also need to obtain benefits from the player, so , The defense area of ​​each family is clearly seen by the opponent.

Even Lu Yang’s defense area was clearly seen by the enemy. The only difference was that the Jagged Brothers’ defense area was more comprehensive. Lu Yangken used 20% of his farm income to invest in this border defense zone.

Lu Yang’s entire income from Tuntian is equivalent to not putting a penny in his pocket, and all of it is used on the players, but Sanyou Weimen can’t do this, because his players are not pure and the cost of using his own family is high. , Using outsiders and disobedient, he only has the ability to deploy a line of defense on one side, and on the other side, he does not believe that there are players who can fly a long distance for 5 hours without falling.

Relying on the magic blood potion, Lu Yang kept flying forward with his subordinates. When one of the players was sleepy, Lu Yang asked some players to fly while sleeping while the other was on duty. The players on both sides switched shifts.

This kind of sleep starts during the day and sleeps for two hours every few hours, so that players can't feel sleepy at all.

Lu Yang flew from the side of the fortress of stars to the side of the fortress of Sun and Rain, and then flew along the fortresses such as dark clouds and clear skies to the vicinity of the fortress of sea of ​​clouds, without encountering the enemy, and at this time, they also entered the enemy's Tuntian area. .

Hiding in a cloud layer, Lu Yang looked at Tuntian, which was getting closer and closer, and said to Yun Yu, Zhou Yuntian and the others: "Wake up everyone, and enter a combat state after 20 minutes, and bomb Sanyouweimen Tuntian area. "

"Yes." Yun Yu, Zhou Yuntian and others flew away from Lu Yang and went to the area of ​​other flying brigade, waking up their players in batches.

When Lu Yang made preparations, on the other side, the men of Mimoemon and Roland who were farming in the Tuntian area did not notice the situation above his head.

No. 1 Tuntian area.

"Asshole, hurry up and work for me. What are you trying to do." A player under Sanyou Eemon saw that the player of the Blood Tablet Guild was lazy, and rushed forward to yell at him, but the player of the Blood Tablet Guild did not bother to pay attention to the Japanese player. , Continue to lie down lazily.

"Damn it, didn't you hear it?" Japanese players were furious. UU read more than once. They couldn't understand how players from Blood Stele and War Elephant Guild could be so lazy. , It can be said to be lazy to reach new heights.

But they have nothing to do. They can't be killed. If you kill, no one will be there. The only thing they can do is to supervise and punish them.

Hearing the voice from here, Jiro Tanaka rushed over. When he discovered the situation, he showed a furious expression on his face. Then he hid it and looked at the players of the Blood Tablet Guild with a smile and said, "My friend, today is the harvest at noon. In the season of China, when you get the money, you can enjoy it. Why do you choose to be lazy at such a critical moment in the morning and make less money at noon.”

The players of the Blood Stele Guild heard it right, and got up and continued to work. The Japanese players around him bowed excitedly at this scene and said, "It is your prestige that made them submit. I sincerely admire you."

Tanaka Jiro smiled triumphantly and said: "In the last few months, as long as we can succeed in farming, we can bring great benefits to the guild and reproduce the glory of our guild. China is just a rubbish. "

As soon as the voice fell, large black spots suddenly appeared in the sky.

"No, it's from Huaxia~!"

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