Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1911: Moonglade

Chekova looked at the dead grass suspiciously, frowning and asked: "Can this method work?"

The dead grass shrugged his shoulders and said: "Always try. The second method is to neglect the relationship. The new generation of the Jagged Brothers is gradually taking shape, and among these new generations of power, I have divided into several Power groups."

When Chikova, Mitoemon and others finally showed interest when they heard this, Mitoemon asked, "Tell me."

Suzuo Cao said: "The first group was Lu Yang’s family group, which was the six families of Shen Mengyao and Xia Yuwei who first supported Lu Yang’s establishment of the guild. It is dominated by new generation forces such as Shen Yu, Zhang Zifeng and Xia Qilin. .

The second group is the three vice-chairmen of Zhuojiu, Baishi, and Kuai Bansheng who followed Lu Yang, with Bai Xiaoxiao and Ling Feng as the new generation forces.

The third group is Zhou Tianming. The reason why he became a separate group is that Zhou Tianming’s strength is too strong. There are six children in the Zhou family occupying the position of commander of the big army in the Jagged Brothers League, compared to the people of Shen and Xia. More.

As for the fourth group, which is represented by Tianyao and Liang Yun, they have the weakest strength. They are also the most likely to be replaced by the Jagged Brotherhood. Although Lu Yang does not have this right now Thoughts, but we should revolve around their identities, causing the internal division of the Jagged Brotherhood. "

Chekova and Sanyou Eemon and others looked at each other and nodded. They also thought that this plan was feasible. Compared with the first four groups that Lu Yang was closest to, the latter were all included in Lu Yang's policy of gentleness. Come in.

They are not irreplaceable. For the heroic wolf legion, any legion commander can take the place of the heroic wolf legion. Then one of the four groups will be selected as the commander of the wolf legion. One year later, the command of the wolf legion The official became one of the four group children.

There are also many main armies of the Iron-Blood Alliance, such as the Archdruid Army, the War Tauren Army, and the Air Combat Army. At the current rate, within one or two years, the children of the new generation will be able to do so without accidents. Easily replace the heroic Wanzong and Liu Yunpeng.

Liu Jie said: "I have discussed with Shixiancao. The first regional contempt chain is used to confuse the audience. The real strategy is to mobilize the spies in our hands to announce that Lu Yang is about to promote his children to replace his pride. Human, in this way, cracks will appear in the middle-level strength of the Jagged Brotherhood, and then it's up to the opportunity. What kind of cracks can appear, we will make use of it."

Steiger nodded and said, "This strategy is okay. The Jagged Brotherhood is too monolithic. It's a good idea to take one step at a time."

Chekova took a serious look at the dead grass, and said with a smile: "I agree, let's try it."

Liu Jie clapped his hands and smiled and said, "Even if Lu Yang is strong, his guild will eventually have loopholes. If we gather the power of the five of us to deal with one Lu Yang, there will never be a problem. Let's work hard together. "

Seeing that the crowd was about to disperse, Santomon frowned and said, "My problem has not been solved yet. What if Lu Yang sends someone to bomb again?"

Roland said: "I will definitely help this time."

Mitoemon thought for a while and said, "Well, I will try my best to support it, but if Lu Yang bombs like this a few more times, I can only tell everyone that by the end of the year, I am afraid I will be unable to participate in the war."

Everyone nodded, they also knew that this was a big problem, but Lu Yang’s air combat legion was already so strong, the magic dragon and the golden dragon crossbow could work together to single out a hundred. They could only study the air combat profession and Air combat weapons, at least to ensure that their farming area can harvest.

Santoemon also knew that everyone had no good solutions, so he could only sigh and withdraw from the special space to study the current Tuntian problem.

For Mitoemon, the trouble is already quite big. In fact, he has a way to alleviate this trouble. That is to dismiss the millions of players who are in Tuntian. As long as they are dismissed and replaced by new players, it will be easy. , But the problem is, now that the farmer is an old player, he dare not dismiss it.

This time the Tuntian area failed, so Santoemon could only find a way to shorten the front. He re-studied the airborne early warning area. At the same time, he ordered his professional writers to start studying how to write articles about the Jagged Brotherhood.

Early the next morning.

Lu Yang just woke up, and the first batch of copywritings for splitting the Jagged Brotherhood in various countries have been uploaded to the forum, and various official accounts and game anchors are reporting.

"Northeast people are the most embarrassed."

"Henan's worst."

"Except for my magic capital, all of them are rural."


When Tu Feng brought this in front of Lu Yang, Lu Yang frowned and said, "It is 80% of the ghosts of Sanyou Weimen and the others. You also made a chain of contempt. I will tell you what to do. Remember that a pig smiled before. The songs that have been released, you will release this."

Things of this level are not a big deal for today's Jagged Brothers. For the imperial capital, Inner Mongolia is the largest. Inner Mongolia said he has a large area, but Xinjiang is the largest, with one province covering six provinces.

Xinjiang believes that there are many ethnic groups, but not as many as Yunnan, and Yunnan is not as high as Tibet. The Tibetans have always claimed to have many cultural relics, but Shaanxi has the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, and the more cultural relics are dug down.

The pig laughed. This song turned the chain of contempt into a joke. Although it was an old song decades ago, after Tu Feng asked someone to re-sing it, the effect was immediate.

That morning, no one in the Jagged Brotherhood thought about the chain of contempt anymore, and they all sang this song and continued to fight monsters with their brothers.

Lu Yang has also started his new job. After the air combat brigade has achieved its goal of confusing the enemy, Lu Yang will create more powerful equipment and skill books for ground players.

The first goal is the first batch of 100,000 wolves to become the lower gods, the goddess fortress in the Orma Lu Yang led the heroic Wanzong and waited for dozens of wolves. Here.

Between the Goddess Fortress, Canyon Fortress and Linshan Fortress, there is a 170-level map. After passing through this 170-level map, you will enter a moonlight woodland.

In the official history of "Second World", in addition to the nine pillar gods, there are several **** king-level existences. Although their ranks are not **** kings, they have the strength comparable to **** kings.

The first one is the Moon God. He is the most beautiful goddess in the New World and the most beloved child of the New World Father God. After the Father God was killed by the Nine Pillar Gods, the Moon God led the people to stay in the Moonlight Woodland because of sorrow. stand up.

But because of the chaos between the nine pillar gods, many main gods coveted the beauty of the moon god. One of the nine pillar gods, the wind god, has been working hard to protect the moon god, but in the end he failed. The moon **** was under the seat of the fire god. One defiled.

Later, he was tarnished by the earth **** king, which was the root of the Fengshen's sneak attack on the earth god. After that, the moon **** could not bear the mental pain and committed suicide.

If it weren't for the invasion of the New World by the Lord God of the other world, the nine pillar gods would have beaten you to death and alive. Later, the gods of the different world were driven out, and Vulcan entered the Origin Land to make atonement, and Fengshen started his revenge action.

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