Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1933: Seven days in a row

Everyone nodded.

At noon the next day, which was late at night in European time, when the two sides were preparing for the second wrangling, Lu Yang arrived as scheduled.

At the main table on the third floor, Mitoemon, Chekova and others were watching the approaching with a smile.

"Come here." Lin Song came to Lu Yang and led Lu Yang to the people. Chekova was the first to say: "Chairman Lu Yang, we have discussed with you, we can agree to your matter. , But you have to promise us..."

Lu Yang saw that Chekova was still talking nonsense, smiled and stretched out her hand to interrupt Chekova, saying, "I came here today to officially inform you that the war has begun."

Everyone looked at Lu Yang in amazement, and no one thought that Lu Yang would start a war like this, and Chekova, Sanyou Weimen, Steiger, Roland and Liu Jie stood up at the same time.

Liu Jie stared at Lu Yang and said, "This is a dispute you provoked on your own initiative. You have to think about the consequences."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Sooner or later, it's just a matter of time. Come on and feel the atmosphere of the war. I'm ready. It depends on whether you are ready."

"Chairman Lu Yang." Lin Song called out quickly.

Lu Yang ignored him, turned and left the restaurant, took out the teleportation scroll and flew to Qingyue Fortress.

Xia Yuwei was directing her men to gather, and Lu Yang no longer needed to say anything, just wait for the war to begin.

This war can be regarded as the most open and honest war. There are not too many strategies on both sides. It is completely head-on-head in strength. Therefore, four hours later, when the Jagged Brothers League’s southern line exceeds 20 million players, from Blue River When the four fortresses, Black Rose, Shahai, and Tianmu, were advancing toward Chekova, Roland, and Mitoemon at the same time, the two sides met in the midline part of the two fortresses, which is one hour away from the fortress!

Without any verbal nonsense, the players on both sides rushed towards each other frantically under the orders of their respective commands.

In the gate tower of the Tianmu Fortress, Lu Yang was watching the fighting situation in the four war zones through video. There were 20 million people on Lu Yang's side, and Chekova and others sent more than 20 million people.

Not only was there a war here, Xiao Liang also encountered a war there. Fortunately, only Liu Jie attacked the fortress. In order to prevent Sanyouemon from being destroyed, Steiger led the player into the area of ​​Sanyouemon and fought with Xia Yuwei.

In the video, the total number of players on both sides added together, more than 40 million people, which is unimaginable in the entire human history.

Lu Yang was also surprised by the war, but he was not particularly surprised. Once, there were official statistics. During World War II, the total number of deaths on both sides was 90 million.

At that time, the total population was much less than it is today. So many people died in World War II. If this game is compared to war, then this is an undead World War III.

The reason for this argument is that the total population entering this game has exceeded 8 billion people. The war in the game is not dead, and the battle always affects all kinds of players.

In this case, a large number of players gathered together and wanted to participate in the battle. As a result, those who wanted to fight went forward and succeeded. The former was turned into full-time combatants by the Tuntian Project, and the latter increased in. As a result, the number of people fighting in the game is increasing, which has become the situation today.

Another, this is a war to determine the ownership of the New World, and it is also a war involving all 8 billion players.

If this war, the final winner is the Iron-Blood Brotherhood, the entire New World will be under the control of the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. If Lu Yang loses, the entire New World will once again enter the age of chaos.

In such a big environment, every player has his own position. Compared with the games of European players, Huaxia players are more willing to regard this as a real war, and a war that makes Huaxia players stand upright.

Lu Yang had been looking for players who worked hard for China like Yun Yu. He has found these people, but now the Jagged Brotherhood is already a behemoth. These people had no reputation before and could only start from the grassroots. .

However, these people were mixed into a corps by Lu Yang. Under Xia Yuwei's command, he knew that at critical moments, this large corps would play an unexpected role. More importantly, this group of people could It played a very positive role for other players who were not participating in the battle.

Wav Desert.

In this large desert between the Sky Screen Fortress and Qingyue Fortress, 5 million people led by Xia Yuwei and 5 million players led by Steiger and Sanyou Weimen are fighting fiercely.

Lu Yang really wanted to participate in the war, but now he is alone in the war, which has no meaning anymore. This is a war that requires everyone to participate in the war to determine the outcome. His greatest role is to coordinate everything in the rear. So that the players in front can fight happily.





Lu Yang's phone call didn't stop for a moment. From the beginning of the battle to the end of the midnight battle, Lu Yang's phone call finally came to a rest.

But the so-called end is just the end of the daytime battle. After the players at night are online, a new round of battle begins. There are more than 13 million players in the night battle of the Jagged Brothers, and the number of night players in Chekova is 1,500. Dowan, the two sides collided again.

In the early stage of the battle, neither side can tell the winner, the equipment is not much different, the skills are not much, and the level is not much It is on the Great Plains again. This is completely a competition for both sides. A more adequate logistic contest is also a contest of the willpower of the commanders of both sides.

Fortunately, there are many people who can conduct large-scale battle command in the Jagged Brothers. In addition to the first group of vice presidents such as Zhuojiu, there are also the second group of vice presidents such as Chen Qiang and Lovely Queen. They take turns directing the battle day and night. The combat effectiveness of the army has been maintained quite vigorously.

On the first day, the battle ended and neither side won or lost.

The next day, the battle ended, and the two sides still did not win or lose.

On the third day...


This head-to-head battle lasted for 7 days, until the eighth day, when the global competition started.

In order to show respect for the game's official, Lin Song suddenly came forward and asked the two sides to strictly prohibit fighting during the game.

None of Lu Yang, Chekova and others agreed. The end result was that only the first day of the game stopped fighting, and the two sides will still fight in the subsequent qualifiers.

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