Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1941: Liu Jie quit the fight

Now the Gasvin Fortress is trapped to death by the Volvara Armored Worm Legion, and the defeated soldiers who broke down along the Heavenly Sword Fortress and Red Sun Fortress are all resurrected in major cemeteries.

If Liu Jie wants to let the more than 10 million people under him die back outside of the Heavenly Sword Fortress, he needs to die at least 40 times. That is to say, this time, Liu Jie's main players have an average level of at least 4.

Below Dingzhou Fortress.

Liu Jie had already discovered the problem through the reports of his subordinates. At this time, he was thinking of a solution with the vice presidents such as Suan Cao and Yue Taishan in cold sweat.

Counting dead grass said in horror: "We have entered the encirclement, and we can’t get out at all. Now we have only three options, either by storming the Dingzhou Fortress, or by storming the Gesuwen Fortress. We died, but once we die, there must be Lu Yang's men defending the surrounding large cemeteries. We are probably going to die and return to the outside of the Heavenly Sword Fortress."

Liu Jieqiang calmed himself and said, "It is impossible to attack the Dingzhou fortress. There is that bone dragon in the sky. Our damage can't kill him. There are golden devil and hills thrown out of unknown things on the ground."

Ru Yue Taishan nodded and said, "I agree with Shao Jie’s point of view that Lu Yang’s special army can no longer have more. The insects that besieged us are at best defensive, but how high their defensive power can It is impossible to withstand our attack."

The dead grass said: "I agree too."

Liu Jie said: "Then retreat, let the 6 million ordinary players run away, delay the time as much as possible, and the other lower gods will follow me into the Gaisuwen Fortress and attack Lu Yang's defensive position."

Everyone nodded and gave orders. The 4 million lower gods under the fortress of Dingzhou turned around and ran towards the fortress of Gesuwen.

In less than an hour, all the staff came to the bottom of Gaisuwen City. When Liu Jie brought the dead grass and others to the wall of the South City, he saw Lu Yang standing 100 meters away from them.

"I've been waiting for a long time." Lu Yang muttered to himself with a smile.

At present, his side is the easiest to break. Without him, the fortress is in the hands of Liu Jie, Lu Yang can only besieged outside, and the necropolis is in the area 30 minutes away. Liu Jie’s next **** player fights. He died, but he could rush out of the fortress at any time.

Lu Yang looked at Liu Jie in the distance. For 6 years, he was thinking about revenge and hatred all the time. Finally, today, let him see Liu Jie himself again. The uncontrollable excitement made Lu Yang unable to help Liu Jiefei. Past.

100 metres

90 meters

80 meters

When he came to a distance of 50 meters, Lu Yang could already see Liu Jie's face clearly. A sneer appeared on his face and said, "It's not easy Liu Jie, I finally caught you."

Liu Jie stared at Lu Yang who was standing on Feilong. Six years ago, he would never have thought that the person in front of him could actually force him and his family to this situation.

Several times he wanted to send someone to assassinate Lu Yang, but he was spotted by Lu Yang's men, and he was always threatened by assassins sent by the Song family in Africa.

For many nights, Liu Jie regretted that he didn't choose to be in the human race first, so there would be nothing for Lu Yang. How many times he fantasized about killing Lu Yang and taking the family back.

He used to think that today was his most successful day. He defeated Lu Yang, but he didn't expect that this place would eventually become a trap set by Lu Yang. He could only leave this place if his tens of millions of players died 40 times. , Then he was tantamount to having suffered the worst defeat, and the Southern Front would be completely defeated. No one would be able to stop Lu Yang from unifying the entire New World.

New Continent, what a huge wealth this is. Any player who rules the New Continent will quickly become the richest person in the world. Once Lu Yang is ruled, he will never have a chance to stand up again.

Liu Jie stared at Lu Yang and cursed with jealousy: "Do you think you can trap us with this little strength? Today I will let you see how stupid your idea is."

While saying these words, Zhou Yuntian and Shen Yu had already swept the Gaisuwen Fortress three times with a scroll with the Air Combat Corps. Liu Jie was standing in flames and lightning and said to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang was still smiling at Liu Jie. He just smiled and watched without saying a word. Finally, he turned and left.

With his current status, it is meaningless to scold Liu Jie anymore. In this war, Liu Jie will definitely die, because the army of the Missile God Warriors under him has been assembled.

The Ten Thousand World Missiles can be used not only by the lower gods, but also by ordinary players. In three months, Lu Yang produced more than 7 million Ten Thousand World Missiles, and the money spent was astronomical.

Each Ten Thousand Worlds missile can hit 100 points of damage, and the attack range is 30 meters. In other words, Lu Yang prepared a grand funeral for Liu Jie under the southern city wall of Gai Suwen, although it could not be destroyed. He, but it was enough to make him unable to relax within a year.

Ruyue Taishan came to the city wall and just saw Lu Yang’s back. He really wanted to kill Lu Yang, but the main archangels such as Zhou Yuntian and Shen Yu accompanied Lu Yang, holding the golden dragon crossbow in his hand. , Anyone who wants to attack will be shot first.

"Out of the city, punch through this turtle shell formation." Ru Yue Taishan issued an order.

The first group of 10,000 players rushed out of the fortress, but before they rushed to the front, the **** warriors in the distance released missiles, and the entire fortress was covered by a piece of missiles. This wave of attacks consumed 30 missiles. Ten thousand pieces.

The 4 million players inside the fortress and on the north and south sides were hit by missiles almost at the same time. Only a moment later, the players who were still alive in the fortress, except for the city wall as a shelter, died.

Liu Jie crawled out of the dead pile with difficulty, pushed the dead grass corpse aside, stood up and looked at Lu Yang raising his arm for the second time in the distance. His heart was full of boundless fear. He knew that. He lost this time.

This was a carnival belonging to Lu Yang. Liu Jie had nothing to do, especially after the resurrection of his men, the second batch of missiles covered the fortress, and 4 million people were killed and injured.

Then comes the third, fourth, fifth...

When the tenth wave of missiles was over, the dead grass came to Liu Jie's side and said bitterly: "Jie Shao, this time is my intelligence error. Please don't insist anymore. Order the brothers to withdraw from the fortress and return all of them. The Chiefs’ Fortress, otherwise, our family assets would really be lost. Lu Yang really dared to give up the southern route and do his best to destroy Liu Jie also wanted to use up the missiles, but he had 10 attacks. The missile was not over yet, and Liu Jie knew that he could no longer carry it. He was right. If he continued to resist, the end would be that all of his men fell out of the lower gods.

Even if the northern grasslands are all African players, these people do not welcome foreigners, but if Lu Yang pushes it, he will find it difficult to resist. It is very likely that the guild will end up disbanded. Thinking of this, he endured the pain and gave the order. Said: "Retreat, all members retreat from the Gesuwen Fortress to the Chiefs Fortress, we return to the grassland."

Tens of millions of players finally breathed a sigh of relief. They died out of the Gesuwen Fortress in pieces, and were resurrected in the necropolis behind Lu Yang. As a result, they were ambushed by the defenders who had defended the Tianjian Fortress. Tens of millions of players died again. One game, then back.

Similarly, the next necropolis will also have players from the Jagged Brothers ambush, the second time and then the death, then the third and the fourth...

After 40 consecutive deaths, Liu Jie finally retired from the Heavenly Sword Fortress with all his staff. So far, Liu Jie’s players have quit the war in the New World at an average of 45 deaths and loss of all equipment and supplies. The Jagged Brothers The main force of the 30 million people, all their eyes aimed at the southern battlefield, Chekova, Mitoemon, Steiger and Roland panicked.

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