Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 1987: The heart of the devil really exists

The other side.

The Jagged Brothers League started a month-long carnival, and Lu Yang also joined it, but after a week of carnival, Lu Yang himself took bodyguards such as Black and White and Han Ying to the magic city by plane, and then transferred to a helicopter. Came to the deep mountains in the suburbs.

"Okay, stop here." Lu Yang asked the pilot to park the helicopter at the foot of a mountain.

"Okay, the plane landed." The pilot issued an order, and several other planes that followed also landed.

When the plane landed smoothly, Han Ying's third sister and brother jumped off the plane and looked to the left and right, and found that this is an ordinary mountain, nothing special, Han Fei asked curiously: "Brother, why are you here."

Lu Yang smiled and hammered Han Fei's shoulder. For nearly 7 years, Han Fei has been taller with him for a long time. He looked at the mountain with emotion and said, "Come up with me, I like this. local."

Lu Yang couldn’t be more familiar with this mountain range. In his previous life, he ambushed at the door of Liu Jie’s house. After killing him, he took his third sister and brother Han Ying to escape, but was overtaken by the enemy. Lu Yang found the enemy and died together. After being drugged by Lu Yang, he stunned the three of them, and ran out alone to lead away the enemy.

The third sibling and Xiao Liang in the previous life were the closest to him, but the last life did not give them a good life. In this life, Lu Yang felt very satisfied, and the third siblings were living well.

The eldest sister Han Ying is already an international female star, and Han Fei and Han Yu are both handsome and cool boys. They are well-dressed and drive luxury cars. They can scream with girls wherever they go.

Reborn for the first time, Lu Yang lived up to his life, but now he wants to know how he himself crossed over, this place he must come to.

Right now, he led everyone up the mountain. When he reached the cliff on the top of the mountain, Lu Yang looked at the abyss below and said, "Follow me."

Black and White had already prepared a rope, and tied one by one person. Except for Han Fei and Han Ying guarding it, the other twenty people climbed down with Lu Yang.

All the way down more than a thousand meters, everyone felt like they were in an underground crack, black and white lit the magnesium rod, frowned and said, "It's dark enough here."

Lu Yang also lit one, illuminating the surroundings brightly, but found that nothing could be seen below.

"I'll go down and take a look first." Hei Dao volunteered and accelerated the downward speed.

"Don't worry." Lu Yang shouted at the black knife. The sweat on his forehead had already flowed down. It was not tiring, but frightening, and said, "No one is allowed to speed up. Go with me slowly. Be optimistic. The surrounding situation is very dangerous here."

Hei Dao didn't care, but when he climbed more than 100 meters down, he suddenly felt a strange feeling around him. Looking back, the space illuminated by the magnesium rod was so distorted.

"Strange, what is this?" The black knife irradiated the magnesium rod to the position of the space, but at the moment the magnesium rod passed through the space, the part that passed through the space disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a handle for the black knife.

"Oh my God, what's going on." The cold sweat of the black knife started at that time.

Lu Yang also noticed the situation of the black knife, and quickly climbed over with Black and White. The group of people shone the light on this distorted space, but when the light passed through this space, it was also sucked in.

"This, this." Black and white felt that what he saw was beyond the scope of his understanding, and said, "What is this."

Lu Yang smiled. He knew that he should have jumped in this distorted space, but this distorted space was too small, and said, "Everyone, go up, you don't need your help for the rest. I will find it by myself. ."

"How can this work?" Black and white quickly grabbed Lu Yang and said, "Boss, this is too dangerous."

Lu Yang smiled and shook his head, and said, "This is my destiny. I want to know what is going on. Don't worry, I won't die."

"Then we are waiting here." Black and White said.

Lu Yang thought for a while and agreed, let them stay nearby, he walked in a deep pit in front of him.

This tunnel is very deep, and there are many similar spaces that are distorted. Lu Yang cautiously walked to the bottom of the tunnel. Under the distorted space, there was a crimson thing.

This thing has never been familiar to him in his entire life. Isn’t that the broken piece of the Devil’s Heart in the game? He was dazed to find a pair of pliers to clamp the broken piece, but the broken piece seemed to be inductive and instantly turned into Pieces of fire glow poured into Lu Yang's body.

Lu Yang thought he was dead, but he realized that this thing was not useful, blinked his eyes, and returned along the same path.

Black and White and Hei Dao and others looked at the time for more than an hour, and they almost couldn't help it. Suddenly seeing Lu Yang come out, they all ran over excitedly.

"Boss, what's the situation inside, is it dangerous?" Black and white asked nervously.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I don't know if there is any danger. I have to go back and have a physical examination. Let's go. The harvest here is only that for now. I guess if I want to harvest any more, I have to find another way."

Everyone nodded and hurriedly took Lu Yang out of the dangerous area and returned to the magic city. Then, he conducted a whole-body inspection of Lu Yang's body in the magic city. Of course, as Lu Yang had guessed, nothing was found, that demon god. After the fragments of the heart entered his body, it was as if it had really disappeared.

But Lu Yang didn't believe this statement at all. The time and space distortion appeared for no reason, and it appeared in the position he passed through, and the Demon God's Heart also appeared in reality. Although Lu Yang didn't want to believe it, how did he feel that this matter was related to the game? The story here is relevant.

Lu Yang decided to go back to the game and look for it. After he returned to the hotel, he put on a helmet and entered the game, but he had just entered the body of the game, and he found that the attributes of the body had changed greatly in the game.

Player: Lu Yang

Level: 190

Qi and blood: 100000/100000

Magic: 1000000/1000000

Physical attack: 100000-100000

Spell Attack: 200000—200000

Defense: 200,000

Law defense: 200,000


Divine Flame Sky Explosion Instant Explosion Technique Divine Flame Blast Wave

Magic skills:

Demon God's Wrath Destroy the World God Flame Sun Storm

Lu Yang looked at his attributes and skills in a It stands to reason that his blood volume is not so high, even if he wears special equipment such as the heart of the devil and the Code of Rebellion, his blood volume is not enough. 100,000 points, the magic value is not enough to 1 million.

What's more, in the column of magical skills, he unexpectedly had three more god-level skills, which made Lu Yang confused. He hadn't learned it. The only explanation was that the heart of the demon **** entered his body.

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