Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2124: Return to Yanshan again


Mandin was anxious to know the specific situation of Lorraine and Mascar, and roared in a hurry, and ran towards the farther mountain where there was no flame.

His speed is very fast, the mana of the third-order dark demons is more than ten times stronger than the ordinary second-order dark demons.

Shutting through the woods, with the help of the power of the shadows, he appeared hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye, and his subordinates were all thrown far behind him.

When Lu Yang was flying in the air, he saw Manding running fast. For a moment, he wanted to kill Manding solo. With his current strength, Hong Ye and the Three Eyes Magic Flower were there to kill Man. It's not impossible for Ding, but Lu Yang weighed it repeatedly before giving up.

The 20,000 brothers are about to fight **** battles with Mascar’s 30,000 dark demons. He is really worried about the battlefield there, and he must sit down in person.

"Manding, I won't let you live for too long." Lu Yang glanced at the black shadows quickly moving through the forest below, and controlled Hong Ye to accelerate towards the entrance of the Guiyan Valley.

The Red Night flies fast, and it takes 10 minutes to return from the mouth of the deadly to the mouth of the Guiyan Valley. When he returns, he can see from the air that Mascar’s Dark Demon Legion is still fast in the area half an hour away. run.

When he returned to the mouth of Guiyan Valley, Zhuojiu and White Lion were bringing the 20,000 soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood into a fast array.

"The shield war is standing in front."

"The Pikeman is hiding behind the shield war."

"The shooters line up."


Because of the sudden arrival of the enemy, although the 20,000 soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood had practiced many times before, this was the first time they encountered this sudden situation in actual combat. After all, there was a panic.

When Lu Yang controlled the red night to fall, he saw that the front row of shield battles had been assembled, and 400 warriors holding big shields with beast heads were standing in a row on the flat ground at the mouth of the valley.

The warriors and members of the wizard squad who were holding the snake-bone gun were also hiding behind them, and the archers holding the snake-bone bow were quickly arraying on the gentle hillsides on both sides of the valley.

When Lu Yang fell, Zhuojiu, Baishi and others ran in front of him, Zhuojiu said, "Boss, you can complete the lineup in 20 minutes."

The white lion clenched his fist and said excitedly: "Boss, let me take the lead this time, I will kill Mascar's 30,000 dark demons."

"And me." Kuai Bansheng and Zhou Tianming were also eager to try.

Bao Buping and Zhao Cheng also rushed to say with excitement: "This time we have to let our two brothers take the lead. We can't always be behind."

In an instant, the few people were about to quarrel, and Lu Yang was a little moved. The first one was no different from death, but these people were still fighting. It was obvious that they were all brothers willing to sacrifice their lives for each other.

Lu Yang looked at them with a smile and said, "Stop arguing. You are not allowed to lead the battle in this battle. We have to change our style of play."

"Change your style of play?" Bao Buping's arguing face was red, and he shook his fan vigorously and asked, "What do you mean?"

Lu Yang said: "Maska's army of dark demons is still half an hour away, do you know? Masca did not send sentries, that is to say, his army rushed forward as a whole, and no one found the way in advance. ."

Zhao Cheng asked confusedly: "What does that represent?"

Lu Yang sneered and said, "That means we can fight an ambush."

"Ambush?" Everyone was even more confused.

Xia Yuwei instantly understood Lu Yang's meaning, and said excitedly: "It stands to reason that Masca has absolutely no knowledge of the battle situation on Lorraine's side. Therefore, according to Masca and others, Lorraine’s 30,000 dark demons Even if we can't beat us, it will definitely drag us into Guiyan Mountain. We can lie in wait at the mouth of the valley, right?"

Lu Yang nodded.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Zhuojiu quickly asked, "Boss, what are we going to do? Is it too late to change the formation?"

Lu Yang looked at the two wings and said with a smile: "Basically, there is no need to change. Order everyone to lie on the ground and hide in the grass. All the wounded soldiers sit on the ground and rest, making the enemy think that there is still fighting in the valley and the wounded are behind. Resting."

Muojiu and White Lion understood in an instant, they quickly gave orders to their men. For a while, the Jagged Brothers archers on the gentle slopes on both sides of the valley mouth lay their bodies on the ground. The 30 cm tall grass was perfect. Covered their figure.

Zhuojiu and White Lion looked around, even if they looked closely, they couldn't see the figure, and suddenly they all became excited.

"Get down, shield war, spear and wizard all get down, the wounded sit on the ground to rest." Zhuojiu, White Lion and others lowered their voices, and commanded as they ran past them.

There were more than 200 wounded Jagged Brothers fighters. They didn't need to act, they just sat on the ground. They were all melee fighters, all covered with the blood of the Dark Demon and their own blood.

Lu Yang glanced around. At this moment, at the valley mouth of this valley, except for him and Zhuojiu and others, there was no one in sight. There was no one in the grass. He nodded in satisfaction and said, " Not bad, now it’s the last item."

"What's worse?" White Lion asked curiously.

Lu Yang said, "The screams from the mouth of the valley, without this, how could Mascar be so easily fooled."

"I sent someone to shout in the valley." Zhuojiu said immediately, but he thought about it, then frowned and said, "There is no dark demon's scream."

Lu Yang smiled, and took out a set of photography equipment and speakers from the Demon Temple, and said, "This is all you need. When you were fighting just now, I used the three-eyed magic flower on a nearby mountain to place this The whole process of a war is recorded. As long as I play it out in the valley with speakers, there will be no problem."

Xia Yuwei looked at the full set of audio equipment Lu Yang had brought out without a word, and said, "Boss, you are really a combination of work and rest. You even brought a set of audio."

Lu Yang laughed and said, "The last time I went to the wealthy area to kill the Spirit King, it was captured, and it has been kept. Now I only need a Lei Master to provide a stable current. UU Reading"

He looked around and shouted: "Nanfeng Zhiyi, come here."

Nanfeng Zhiyi, one of the Forbidden Magic Masters who followed Lu Yang from the beginning of the game, and after the great changes in the world, was also the first group of fighters to enter the Mage Corps. Although she was a girl, she was very strong.

"You are here to provide a stable 220V current. Be sure to keep it stable and don't damage this set of speakers." Lu Yang said.

Nan Feng Zhiyi couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, boss."

Lu Yang laughed. He knew that Nanfeng Zhiyi wanted to fight, but now Nanfeng Zhiyi's role was much greater than fighting.

Nanfeng Zhiyi also knew the significance of this incident, so he called two soldiers and helped him run into the valley with the speaker. Not long after, overwhelming shouts of killing came from the valley.

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