Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2132: Winter is here

Tao Ran didn't follow it personally, because her ability to move at night was not enough and it was easy to drag her back. Flender personally appointed two giant flower monsters and asked Zhang Gui to lead them.

Where does Zhang Gui know the specific location? He has only seen the specific location given by Bagley’s computer. He was eager to call it Bagley and led two flower monsters and 200 flower monsters. The soldier ran over.

When Tao Ran came back, Bagley hadn't slept at all. He was sawing wood, which made Tao Ran very curious and asked, "What are you doing?"

Bagley smiled honestly and said: "I think the Lord has no house. I happened to learn some carpentry skills. I am going to build a house."

Tao Ran's heart warmed and said, "With the intention, we shouldn't stay here for too long."

Knowing what Tao Ran meant, Bagley lowered his voice and said, "The Flower Demon has only two choices, either to fight the dungeon, or to find the Dark Demon for help after most of it freezes to death."

Tao Ran nodded and said, "I hope it's the latter. Although the Flower Demon can breed a large number of Flower Demon Warriors, their strength is too low. If they are all Tier 3, they may be able to defeat them. It is first-order and second-order, which is almost impossible."

Bagley said: "It is good to consume the heavy weapons in the dungeon. We can't let the heavy weapons in the dungeon. The more we store them, the more harmful it will be to us."

Tao Ran felt that Bagley's words were reasonable, and the two continued to talk, but Zhou Yu, who had just returned, couldn't intervene. He didn't understand these things at all.

The other side.

Zhang Gui was still looking for the ancient tree with the flower demon. He walked for four hours and finally arrived at the designated place. A flower demon warrior stared at Zhang Gui and asked, "Where is it? How long will it take to walk."

Zhang Gui wiped his sweat and said, "It should be near here, don't worry, it's dark, I have only been here once, let me look for it slowly."

The flower demon warriors were very upset, but at this moment, a pressure that made the flower demon warriors feel fear suddenly appeared.

A flower demon lying on the back of the flower demon warrior suddenly raised its head. It was horrified to see that a huge black shadow appeared on the mountain tens of meters away.

Under the moonlight, the black shadow was obviously like a dragon. When the flames in the dragon's mouth could not help but spray out from the nostrils and mouth, the flower demons could see clearly.

"Lu Yang? Hong Ye?"

"No, run away, Lu Yang is here."

The two flower demon hurriedly commanded the flower demon warriors to take them away. Unfortunately, it was too late to run at this time. Numerous vines emerged from the ground, and the two flower demon tightly wrapped them into rice dumplings. How could the rank Juli Flower Demon struggle, just can't get rid of it.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Hong Ye’s mouth, a burst of flames burst out, the surrounding forest was lit by him, 200 flower demon warriors were swept by the dragon’s breath, all turned to ashes, and even the rails were turned to ashes, from beginning to end. No one paid attention to him, and just disappeared into this world.

"Return to the dungeon." Lu Yang jumped onto the red night's Longkou, let him hold the vine, and flew back into the dungeon with the two flower monsters.

He did not send it directly to Grant's research room, but to the botanist's research room, where professors, doctoral supervisors from two agricultural universities, and the second-order wood masters were studying there.

"Boss." Professor Zong Cheng and Professor Xu Luo nodded to Lu Yang at the same time.

Lu Yang has always believed in one thing, that is, the future earth world is a world that combines magic and technology with brilliance.

Magic cannot completely unify the human world, and humans cannot rely solely on technology to repel creatures in different worlds. It is meaningless to exaggerate the civilization on one side alone. Only by combining the two can the most powerful things be produced.

Therefore, part of the red spirit fruit in Lu Yang's hand was given to university professors, especially those in botany and zoology, as well as electronic science, so they can apply magic to their existing subjects.

For example, before humans were able to use genetically modified methods to cultivate high-yield soybeans, now Lu Yang hopes that the two professors can cultivate more flower monsters.

"Is there a way to turn the Flower Demon into an unconscious fool and only blossom and bear fruit?" Lu Yang asked.

Zong Cheng said with bright eyes: "I need to get some slices and study it first."

Lu Yang said, "As soon as possible."

"Leave it to us." Xu Luo said.

Lu Yang left a flower demon and brought another flower demon to Grant’s laboratory. He threw the flower demon on the ground and said, “This thing can regenerate with a broken arm. It takes longer. Give him more nutrient soil. He can heal himself faster."

When Grant saw the flower demon, his eyes lighted up. The flower demon was dumbfounded. The flower demon before was thrown in front of two weird men, and he felt something wrong. Now when he sees Grant, he feels even more wrong.

"Human, what are you going to do?" Flower Demon said furiously.

Lu Yang smiled at the Flower Demon and said, "Don't worry, we won't kill you, but you won't be better."

He turned and left.

"Roar~!" A sharp cry of pain sounded behind Lu Yang. He knew that it was the scream of the Flower Demon, because the Flower Demon was chopped off an arm.

The Blazing Demon said with emotion: "You humans are really a strange species."

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Don't be surprised. Humans can only develop rapidly in science and technology when they are at war. Now is war. In order not to perish, the potential that humans have exploded is very terrifying."

The Blazing Demon said: "I believe it."

Regardless of World War I or World War II, mankind's most terrifying murder weapon was researched in that era, and even some more advanced weapons were developed at that time.

In order to survive, humans often explode with powerful abilities, such as the construction of the entire Donghai New City.

Every day there will be new changes in the city wall, countless fortresses are built, the 60-meter-high city wall almost surrounds the entire mountain halfway.

Originally Dong’an County was occupied by the Dark Demon. After the Dark Demon was driven away, it was evacuated once by the Jagged Brothers. Now the soldiers of the Jagged Brothers and Fei Yang come here every day and keep a large number of them intact. The old building was dismantled, or the second-tier fighters, 30 or so people worked together, hollowed out the foundation of a villa, lifted it directly, and moved it to the mountain.

The same is true in the Old Town of the East China Sea. Although there is no mechanical help, each of the second-order fighters of the Jagged Brotherhood has a strength of 800 to 1,000 kilograms, and the working speed is not inferior to an excavator.

Some of the damaged high-rise buildings and the steel bars of the load-bearing walls were taken out and sent to the mountains to be used to build new cities.

One month later, when snow fell in the sky, the walls of the new city were all completed. On the halfway of a huge high mountain, a wall made of cement was completely enclosed.

The edges and corners of the mountain were also levelled by spells. Although there are not many buildings on the mountain, there are more than 100,000 soldiers. The soldiers in the dungeon are arranged outside. On the one hand, they are responsible for guarding. On the other hand, they are also You can train on the mountain, and you don't need to fight for living space with the residents of the dungeon.

Standing at the highest point of Donghai New City, Fei Yang tightened his tiger coat tightly, and said to Lu Yang with a smile, "Thanks to you, our dungeon has a life-saving foundation."

Lu Yang was also very emotional, and said: "Don't be too happy too early, the Flower Demon is coming, look at it, the first battle is about to begin."

When the snowflakes fell, in the canyon deep in the Wuming Mountain, Flanders regretted that he hadn't listened to Tao Ran's advice at the beginning. Now there is really snow and ice here. Flanders knows that they can't resist them. Icy.

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