Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2135: 3 national union

If anyone in this world does not want to see the creatures of the natural type gods become powerful, it must be the creatures of the dark type gods.

Manding can tolerate human beings becoming stronger, because he knows that when the warped space-time gradually expands, more and more dark protoss will come, and even more powerful gods will come to the world. At that time, humans will also perish.

But what he could not tolerate was that when the more powerful gods of various races came to the world, he found that the race of the natural deity faction had an extremely large population in the human world, while the race of the dark deity faction he was in was extremely withered.

At that time, his **** would be ridiculed by the gods of nature, the Lord humiliated his officials and died, and the gods he worshiped were ridiculed because of himself, then Manding had to commit suicide, and even destroyed his race to atone for the dark gods. Up.

Therefore, when Mandin learned the news from Wang Shijie, he did not hesitate to come to the gate of Wuming Mountain, pinching his waist and shouting loudly: "Flander, you cowardly coward, the gods of nature It’s just like you..."

Flanders, who was hiding in the depths of the gorge, heard Mandin yelling or cursing his god, and fell into a rage. The body flew directly out of the gorge and came to the gate, with a huge flower demon body face. Facing Manding, he resisted the urge to shoot and said, "Manding, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, the flower demon clan will officially start a war against the dark demon."

Manding was not afraid of the more and more flower demon and flower demon warriors around him. He looked at Flander with contempt and said, "If you want to explain, I will give it to you. To clarify, what is going on in Hot Spring Village?"

"Hot Spring Village?" Flender was stunned for an instant, and his heart was guilty. Originally, Flender's idea was to pretend to form an alliance with the Dark Demon, and finally hid in the Hot Spring Village with his race, allowing the Dark Demon to bear the anger of the Jagged Brotherhood.

After a while, the distortion of time and space expands, and when more different world races are born, the creatures of their natural **** family will far surpass the dark gods in number. If a natural **** descends, they will be greatly praised. , This is far more suitable than fighting humans.

But these are carried out in secret, and cannot be said on the table. On the bright side, all the gods in the different world have signed a joint contract. All alien creatures that have invaded the earth will advance and retreat together. They will first defeat humans and then delimit their respective areas. , If you violate this contract, you will be spurned by all elemental elves and gods.

Of course, this kind of contract is on the bright side, and everyone will not abide by it in private. But now Mandin is on the bright side and talks, but Flanders dare not violate any. Rand's is the punishment of genocide.

Manding saw Flander’s expression and knew that Wang Shijie and the others were telling the truth. He sneered and stared at Flander and said, "You want to escape? Right? It turns out that the natural races are all cowards, really. There are all kinds of races for any gods, and you are all cowardly wastes."

"Nonsense." Flender was furious and couldn't scold him, let alone scold his god. He stared at Mandin and said: "If you dare to insult our god, I will kill you."

Manding said: "Then you explain what is going on in the hot spring village?"

Flender couldn't figure out how Manding knew about Hot Spring Village, but he couldn't escape now, and said: "I just discovered that there is a race of our natural gods in Hot Spring Village. I am contacting them to join us. Attacking the dungeon, I just haven't told you yet."

"Oh? That's it." Manding said with a sly smile, "Why don't we go find them together, or discuss how to attack the Donghai Underground City."

Flander was a little dumbfounded, he found that he had fallen completely into Mandin's trap, but he had nothing to do. In any case, he couldn't let his race and his **** bear the cowardly infamy.

Under no circumstances, Flander had to personally take Manding to the hot spring village. A day later, the two came to the door of the hot spring village. The flower demon warrior had already notified the flame demon. Therefore, at the gate, the low-level flame Abreetz, head of the Demon Clan, is waiting with the elders of the Flame Demon Clan.

Seeing Flanders, Abbrez ignored him, tapped his right hand on the chest and said to Manding, "Welcome to Manding, the chief of the dark demon."

Manding looked at Abrez with a little triumph, and said: "Listen to Flanders, you want to attack the dungeon with us, right."

Abbrez wanted to kill Flanders. He helped Flanders because everyone belonged to the natural gods. However, Flanders sold him as soon as he encountered problems. Is to make him angry.

Flander also knew that he had done something improper, and said with a smile: "This matter needs to be discussed carefully."

Manding frowned and asked: "Why, you don't want to attack the dungeon? Don't you want to welcome the Lord God to come sooner?"

Flanders and Abrez were speechless at the same time, Mandin occupied the moral high ground, and the two had no way to refute.

Abbrez said with some emotion: "I only have more than 2,000 flame demons here. When it comes to fighting, I have to rely on the two of you."

Mandin was stunned and asked: "How can it be so few?"

Abbrez said helplessly: "We encountered a problem when we passed through the warped time and space. Most of the more than 20,000 flame demon died in the warped time and space. Only our more than 2,000 flame demon survived. People are injured, and now there are signs of remission."

Manding nodded, he also flew over from the twisted time and space, knowing the danger there, and said: "Let’s talk about how to attack, even if there are only 2,000 flame demons, the power of you and the flower demons is very terrifying, I I believe that with the addition of our dark demons, we still have a chance to lay down the dungeon."

All of the heavy weapons in the dungeon are long-range weapons, which are not very useful for close combat.

If the Dark Demon and Flower Demon can quickly assault the wall area of ​​the dungeon, they can make the heavy weapons of the dungeon lose their power.

"Let's go in and talk, Wang Shijie is also here." Abrez said helplessly.

Manding had known about Wang Shijie's arrival and stepped inside, but Flanders didn't know it. He turned around and glared at Tao Ran, but Tao Ran showed a confused expression, which made Flander feel a little suspicious. .

Originally, Flanders believed that Tao Ran first knew about the hot spring village. Now that Tao Ran is in this state, Wang Shijie has arrived first, making him a little confused.

In a luxurious hall in the hot spring village, even in such a warm place, Wang Shijie was still wrapped in thick clothes to prevent his appearance and any body from being exposed.

Wang Shijie, who has become an inhuman and ghost, can live all because of the life-saving scroll given to him by the Dark God. This scroll can isolate all external things, such as sunlight and air. Wang Shijie now only exists between life and death. State, he can't perceive the taste, let alone the temperature.

Xue Renyi was by Wang Shijie’s side. UU read, but he was different from Wang Shijie. He was soaking in the hot spring water and enjoying the hot spring water comfortably. He said to Wang Shijie: "My lord, you only need to unite this time. With the flame demon, you can take down the dungeon, warp time and space with 1 million sacrifices, and let the dark **** descend into the world."

Wang Shijie was also looking forward to it. He had had enough of this half-dead form, and he was even more envious of Xue Renyi's enjoyment in the hot spring, and said: "I will let the flame demon join in. No one can stop the coming of the gods."

Manding just entered the door and said triumphantly: "Yes, no one can stop the coming of God, Abbrez has agreed to fight with us."

Wang Shijie turned his head and looked at the door. Mandin, Abbrez, and Flanders were standing together. Suddenly, Wang Shijie felt passionate in his heart. He stood up and said excitedly: "With your three races united together, the dungeon must Will perish."

"We can prepare to welcome the coming of the gods." Xue Renyi exclaimed in excitement, secretly, he was already thinking about how to inform Lu Yang of this as soon as possible.

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