Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2183: Fengshan Ambush

Two hours later.


   Lu Yang led more than 10,000 people from the Jagged Brotherhood towards Fengshan. When the time came to five o'clock in the morning, the team passed through a dense forest and came to the foot of a big mountain.


  Although it is early morning, at this time of winter, the surrounding area is still pitch black. Only the dim light of the moon in the sky can see the outline of a big mountain in front of me.


   Lu Yang looked at Han Fei beside him, and said, "Find their checkpoints and kill them."


   "Yeah." Han Fei was followed by 20 thin soldiers, all of them were killers trained by Han Zhong to defend Lu Yang.


   Their power is far inferior to the turbid wine and the white lion, but their speed is extremely fast, and their best weapon is the dagger.


   In order to make their assassination at night more successful, each of them used the capital of the dagger made of star steel, and they also had six flying knives made of star steel, which was very luxurious.


   More importantly, they also have military supplies that have just been shipped from the Imperial Capital, infrared night vision devices and thermal scanners.


  Although the harpy are creatures of another world, they are also flesh and blood creatures. Therefore, they have body temperature. In this severe cold weather, their bodies can be easily identified on the thermal scanner.




On the other side, near the cave half way up the mountain, the hawks set up a total of eight checkpoints, corresponding to eight directions. In each checkpoint, there are 2 hawks looking around, but now these hawks are not careful. Observing the surroundings, but the whole person left the checkpoint position and hid behind the leeward stone to sleep.


   Days of war have made the Harpy very tired. Another, they have been in this world for almost a year, and humans have never counterattacked out of the Fengshi area.


In the first month or two of coming to this world, the hawks will still worry about the human counterattack and insist on patrolling earnestly every day, but for almost a year, humans dare not leave the protection circle of Fengshi at all. Therefore, the patrol here is early. It became a decoration.


When Han Fei brought a person to touch him, he looked at the harpy who was lying on the ground covered with dead branches with his wings behind his back, sleeping like a dead harpy and snoring like thunder. He scratched his head. The purple star steel dagger instantly swiped down, the eagle's head rolled to the ground, the snoring disappeared, and the eagle hadn't responded yet.


   "The next place." Han Fei made a gesture, leading his hands down and following the snoring to find the next target, and at the same time reported the situation on the mountain.


Lu Yang saw the news from Han Fei on the intercom on his arm, and smiled at the corner of his mouth. After waiting for an hour, Han Fei returned news. All the outposts in the middle of the mountain were cleared, and he had arrived with the team. The hole where the harpy hid.


   "Follow me up the mountain, and the whole army will move quickly." Lu Yang lowered his voice and issued an order. The first one ran along the mountain road towards the cave halfway up the mountain.


   Zhuojiu, Baishi and others were already prepared. All the staff quickly followed Lu Yang, and the five ran towards the top of the mountain in a row.


The mountain road is narrow, and normally can only accommodate two people walking side by side. The soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood don’t need to worry about being discovered by the enemy's guard tower at this time. They climb and jump directly on the cliff, and hit the trees with rustling noise. .


   Fengshan Mountain is only 800 meters high, and it is 400 meters high halfway up the mountain. For the soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood, it only took 10 minutes to arrive.


   This cave hidden on the back of the mountain is very large, about 10 meters in diameter, and can accommodate six hawks flying in at the same time.


There is a relatively flat platform in front of the cave, which can accommodate 20 people standing on it at the same time, and the upper and lower roads connecting the cave are only 3 meters wide. If the first-order masters of Fengshi come, they will not be able to form a large-scale cave. Surrounded by, it can be seen that the harpy also worked hard when looking for the cave, not looking for it casually.

   It's a pity that they didn't expect the Jagged Brotherhood to come, and the second-tier Jagged Brotherhood members didn't need to block the door.


   "Ice Condensation"


   200 ice mages chanted spells under the leadership of the lovely queen, and ice and snow fell instantly around the cave. In just 10 seconds, an ice and snow platform with a width of 5 meters and a length of 100 meters appeared at the top 10 meters of the cave.


   This ice and snow platform is not just one side next to the wall. Every 10 meters, there is a half-meter thick icicle extending below the ice and snow platform to connect with the mountain or mountain road. The entire platform is extremely stable.


   Lu Yang waved his right hand, and 4,000 archers jumped onto the platform, bowed their bows and aimed their arrows at the cave entrance.


   At this time, the time is almost seven o'clock, the sky is twilight, and the white sun gradually rises on the distant horizon.


   Inside the cave.


The harpy clan also began to wake up. Patriarch Harvey was the first to wake up. Sitting in the place closest to the entrance of the cave, he felt the wave of ice spells just now, which made him frown, but he just released it. The spell of is obviously a high-level spell, it will not be released by the people in Fengshi, another one, there are 8 checkpoints outside, there are really enemies approaching, the checkpoint should have come back to report long ago.


Thinking of this, Harvey guessed that the people who came to the temple might be people from the temple. Their relationship with the temple is not very good. One is a human being, and the other is a different world race that looks down on them. Now humans command them in the name of a god. It is annoying, so human beings are cautious every time they come, for fear of offending him.


"Isn't it because there is action tonight? I have said that I will watch the signal action at night, and now I have to report it again. Humans are really troublesome." Harvey sneered contemptuously, looked at a guard next to him, and said: Go out and see if someone from the temple has arrived. Besides, take over the guard post outside."


   "Yes." The 12 hawks were divided into two teams. With a strong kick on their legs, they jumped straight toward the entrance of the hole. Normally, when they jumped out of the hole, they could spread their wings and fly.


   Harvey also watched them, but these people just came out of the cave, and in an instant, countless bows and arrows fell on them like rain. UU Reading










   The first six hawks were shot into hedgehogs instantly, with the powerful penetrating power of their bows and arrows, and they even nailed them to the ground.


All the bows and arrows shot by the archer are made of the spikes on the third-order steel hedgehog. This spike is not steel, but a sharper bone spur, plus the powerful arm strength of the second-order archer, even if it is a hawk. The skin can't hold it.


The second group of harpies jumped out following the first group. The distance between the two was less than 10 meters. When the first group of harpies were shot to death, the second group of harpies even saw it. Unable to react, they stretched out in the air, wanted to stop, and opened their wings, they couldn't reduce their speed quickly, because they tried too hard when they took off.


   Just when they were about to fly out of the cave, Harvey roared, and the powerful wind spell was released, forcibly controlling the second batch of six hawks in the air, and then pulling them back to his side.


The six harpy were in shock, and Harvey looked at the six men shot to death at the entrance of the cave in fright. He ran to the entrance of the cave quickly, and shouted: "Who is it? Who ambushed with despicable means outside, Give your name, I will kill you~!"


   At the entrance of the cave, Lu Yang sneered and said in a calm tone: "Iron Brothers, Lu Yang~!"


   The patriarch of the Harpy stood blankly on the spot.

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