Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2188: Sleepy Harpy

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Fengshan's back mountain is halfway up the mountain. The members of the Iron and Blood Brotherhood are still guarding the entrance of the cave. The extremely cold weather makes the ice platform made by the lovely queen and the famous ice mage extremely strong, and they do not need the lovely queen to repair the ice platform frequently. The hawks in the cave tried to break through several times, but were wiped out by Zhuojiu and Xia Yuwei with the archer and wizard group. When Lu Yang arrived at the entrance of the cave, he was in time for a new wave of harpy breakout operations. Each group of six hawks tied various weapons to their bodies and flew out of the cave. They wanted to use these weapons to stop the shooter. The attack, but their bodies could hang weapons, but their wings could not. As soon as the six harpies flew out, they were shot at the hedgehog by the famous shooter standing around, and the steel hedgehog was brought by the shooter. The reaction speed of the steel hedgehog is faster than that of the second-order shooter. As soon as the harpy came out, the steel spurs shot out. As a result, every harpy that broke out, not only the wings were punched out with hundreds of holes, even them Unprotected parts of his body were also pierced by steel piercing. "Pyroblast", "Wind Barrier", "Lightning Bolt"...Even if the Harpy escaped the first wave of attacks, there are magical obstacles around him. The wind barrier disturbs the balance of the Harpy in the air. , Pyroblast and Lightning Bolt are extremely fast at close range, and it is easy to hit the Harpy who suddenly loses the balance bar. Lu Yang watched the five groups of hawks killed on the ground. It was a bit painful. After all, these hawks will be slaves of the Jagged Brotherhood from now on. He came near the entrance of the cave and shouted, "Harvey. , Don’t try to rush out anymore, your only reinforcement, the temple has been wiped out by me, you have no chance." After speaking, he threw Qi Ming’s shriveled head to the entrance of the cave, and Harvey was near the entrance of the cave. , Was staring and studying countermeasures. He was startled when he saw the head that suddenly rolled in. After seeing it clearly, Harvey was shocked and roared: "This is impossible. They are all the gods of the second-order peak. Giver, how could it be killed so easily by you?” Of course, it’s impossible under normal circumstances. If you can’t fight directly, the people in the temple can also retreat calmly with various treasures in their hands, but this is During the raid, the Fire Lion Legion rushed to the enemy within seconds. This is not easy to talk about. Lu Yang leaned against the wall and raised his eyebrows and said, "The fact is that they are already dead. You can choose for yourself. Now, you will either starve to death in Fengshan with more than 5,000 harpies, or you will follow me to eat and drink. Drinking alive." Harvey suddenly looked grim, and roared at the entrance of the cave: "Damn humans, lowly races, want to make us harpies slaves. This is absolutely impossible. We would rather starve to death~!" Lu Yang sneered, and stopped persuading, and said loudly to the voiced wine around him: "Our brothers are all hungry too, go and prepare some prey, we eat while waiting." "Yes." Zhuojiu and Zhou Tianming waited. People went down the mountain to hunt. In the forest around Fengshan, there are demonized beasts everywhere. The second-tier demonized wild boar weighs about a catty. A wild boar is enough for dozens of people. The soldiers went down to hunt. After half an hour, the first batch of He came back with hundreds of wild boars and hares and other prey. The soldiers used the star steel sabers in their hands to cut the stone into the shape of a pot. The water mage made water, and the fire mage was responsible for lighting the wood, plus the salt that they brought with them. Soon, the prey that had been packed was thrown into the pot. in. There are also foods that you like to roast. I light a bonfire and roast the demonized wild boar while roasting the fire. The wild boar is brushed with oil and sprinkled with cumin, and the fragrance is instantly released. Pushed by the cold wind, it soon drifted into the cave not far away, and Harvey in the cave and other nearby harpies hadn't eaten anything during the day. As a harpy with huge physical exertion, he can't bear hunger at all. In addition, he can't get out of the cave and stuck in a narrow place for one day. All the hawks are extremely irritable, plus this floating in. The fragrance makes the harpy more irritable. "I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to rush out and kill them." A harpy roared, ignoring the persuasion of people around him, spread his wings and flew out of the cave in an instant, Harvey couldn't even stop him. "Swish", "swish" "swish"... The harpy just flew out, and his whole body was filled with sharp arrows in an instant, and he was nailed to the rocky ground at the entrance of the cave, which made Harvey show a helpless and angry expression. "Good job~!" There was a loud shout from afar, and Pan Yuhang led hundreds of Fengshi elites to the mountain road halfway up the mountain under the leadership of Liu Ruohuai. Lu Yang turned his head to look, Pan Yuhang hurried a few steps to come to Lu Yang, stood up in excitement, and said: "Report to the boss, Pan Yuhang will bring the brothers to report." Lu Yang smiled and looked at Pan Yuhang. The soldiers behind, each with an excited expression on their faces, said, "It's good to be here, and see that the harpy is blocked at the entrance of the cave." Pan Yuhang nodded. Lu Yang said: "You go back to Feng City for a rest, and bring some quilts or tents over in an instant. We have to stay here for a few days and leave the harpy trapped to death." "Yes, I will go back and collect materials. "Pan Yuhang said solemnly. With a wave of his hand, he ran back with his brothers. He has achieved his goal and let his brothers see the true situation of the Jagged Brotherhood. These people returned to the city and spread the news. When the time comes, the morale of Feng City will be even stronger. "Boss, the pork leg is roasted." Kuai had half a life carrying a huge pork leg and ran over. Lu Yang looked at the black line on the forehead of this pig leg that was bigger than him, stretched out his hand to tear off a large piece, and said, "Let the brothers eat as soon as possible. After eating, change a group of shooters and wizards to go up and replace the brothers on it. "Hey~!" Half a life of bitter love ran away with a pig leg. A leg of pork was more than one meter long. A dozen people ate it separately before eating clean. Then, half a life of bitter love threw the bone into the hole, and the fragrance went down. The drift in the hole became stronger. The warriors of the other Jagged Brothers also followed suit. When the replacement wizards and archers boarded the ice platform, they threw the leftover bones in their hands into the mouth of the cave, and Harvey and other eagles in the hole of breath The man released a hurricane spell and blew all the bones under the cliff. Lu Yang was not in a hurry, anyway, his people were not uncomfortable. What he couldn't bear was the inside of the cave. He wanted to insist on seeing the inside. He asked his men to continue adding firewood to the fire. UU reading was going to spend the night here. In the afternoon, the high-level officials of Fengshi came, and the two sides exchanged greetings. A high-level leader led a reporter from a TV station and a man carrying a camera came over and said, "Our people in Fengshi let this gang of birds kill It’s horrible, can you broadcast the scene where we trapped the Harpy.” Lu Yang smiled and said, “Of course.” “Thank you, thank you so much.” The reporter and photographer nodded to Lu Yang excitedly and looked for it. A highland hypothetical device began to broadcast. "My friends in Fengshi, we are now located at Fengshan, above the cave where the eagles hide. Today, the soldiers of the Jagged Brothers raided Fengshan and blocked all the eagles in the entrance of the cave. We are Fengshi. The crisis is resolved~!" The reporter said excitedly. The photographer pointed the camera at the hole below, Han Yu threw a piece of pork leg bone into the hole, and a roar came, and the strong wind roared inside the cave, blowing the pork leg bone under the cliff. This is a simultaneous satellite live broadcast. There are only a few places in Fengcheng where electricity is available. Televisions or big screens are used to broadcast it. If there is no TV, the host’s excitement can also be heard from the broadcast. Millions of people in Feng City were originally hiding at home, for fear of another harpy attack at night. After more than a year, it has become the norm. When they heard the news, they all walked out the door in surprise, ignoring the cold. Feng found a place with a TV. Looking at the bones constantly thrown down from the entrance of the cave on the screen, and the harpy who occasionally flew out to be shot, millions of people in Feng City cheered with excitement. "Won~!" "Won~!" "The Harpy's crisis is resolved~!" "You don't have to hide at home and dare not come out anymore, we won~!" ...the whole city cheers, the house is still hiding People with fireworks lit the fireworks, and the sky over the city became colorful, as if returning to the world before.

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