Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2399: Chaos beast

At this time, the city of undead has become a ruin. The half-million coalition forces of the Jagged Brotherhood and the Six Elf clans are gathering their teams and preparing to return to Baishan City.

When the Blazing Flame Demon God and the Undead God King were fighting, he sensed the change in the elements between heaven and earth. The warped time and space became larger and could accommodate more powerful races to enter. Lu Yang needed to quickly withdraw his team to the front line of Baishan City. , relying on the time and space storm belt to rebuild the fortifications.

Originally, Lu Yang was worried that the old man Chimu and the undead king would sneak into the six elves to counter them and attack the Jagged Brotherhood, but the Blazing Demon God told him that the glory of the undead king would not allow him to do that, at least not for the time being. meeting.

"This time, I am afraid that there are **** races coming. The average strength is at the king rank. You are going to suffer a big test. It is very likely that the undead **** king will control several **** races and attack you." said consciously.

There are not many third-order demon-level powerhouses in the Iron Brothers Alliance. If the enemy comes to hundreds of thousands of third-order demon-level powerhouses at a time, not to mention the Iron Brothers Alliance, even the six elves can't handle it.

Lu Yang frowned and asked, "Is there any solution?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "You have two options now, one is to abandon your race, the other is to run away to practice and avenge them in the future; the second is to enter the Emerald Dream, but you may not be able to come back."

Lu Yang asked curiously, "What the **** is the Emerald Dream? Even the God of Death and you have to go in."

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said: "There are the ancient gods and kings of the ancient generation. In the early days of the world, they imprisoned all kinds of natural beasts that they defeated. The number is far beyond your imagination. Creatures fall into eternal sleep in the Emerald Dream, and if they wake up, even if I am in the heyday of the god-king, I may still be severely injured by them."

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then what can I do?"

The Blazing Demon God said, "There are two purposes for you to go. The first is to get the shock bell and wake up all the beasts. The second is to open the Emerald Dream Channel and let all the beasts enter the different world."

Lu Yang was a little surprised and asked, "You want these beasts to kill those new gods?"

Blazing Demon God said angrily: "If you dare to kill me, you will have to pay the price. This is the consensus reached by all our old gods back then. Once we are betrayed, we will release these beasts to disrupt the world, so as to give us enough time to recover. ."

Lu Yang nodded and said, "This is indeed a way."

The Blazing Demon God continued: "You can now rest assured about where the old man Chimu is going. If I guessed correctly, the undead **** king will send the old man Chimu to the Netherworld for cultivation, which is also an excellent place for cultivation. Nee won't be coming back."

"Alright, then when do we leave?" Lu Yang asked.

The Blazing Demon God said: "Go back and find a host for the Moon God, just your wife, so that the elves will be more united with the human race."

The Moon God said respectfully, "I have no opinion."

Lu Yang said, "Alright."

He accelerated his flight back to the East China Sea, found Shen Mengyao, and lodged the Moon God's Heart in her body. Afterwards, Lu Yang released Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and others from the Void Hall. After a brief explanation, he said to the Moon God. : "Send me there."

Shen Mengyao nodded, and the moon **** flew out of her body, urging her divine power to open a green crack in time and space. In the next second, Lu Yang was sucked into the space-time channel.

His body was flying fast in the passage, and the walls around the passage were full of green apertures. Because the speed was too fast, some apertures were pulled into ovals in the passage, and some were stretched and broken. A new aperture is formed, and beyond the green aperture it is pitch black and nothing can be seen.

Suddenly, Lu Yang's body was pulled horizontally and vertically, and he quickly turned into a fire demon, relying on the white sun in Bandarsburg to release his immortal skills to keep alive.

After a long time, finally, a green barrier flew over in front of Lu Yang. The light flickered. Lu Yang passed through the barrier and fell into a strange green space.

"What a rich source of power." Lu Yang felt that his whole body was wrapped in the power of the source, and every breath and breath were all pure power of the source.

The Blazing Demon God flew out of Lu Yang's body in the form of flames, looked around and said, "This should be the periphery of the jade enchantment, move forward carefully, pay attention to your feet, many beasts will instinctively even when they are sleeping. attacking creatures near him."

"How about I turn into a bird and fly in the air?" Lu Yang asked.

The Blazing Demon God said: "There is a ban above the Emerald Dream, and any flying creature will be bombarded by spells of various schools."

"Then I'll just walk on the ground." Lu Yang shook his head and said.

The Blazing Demon God identified the direction and said, "Go southeast, where you should enter the lower level of the Emerald Dream."

Lu Yang walked over cautiously, but it didn't take long before he heard heavy breathing in the distance. He continued to approach, and after turning around the trunk of a large tree with a width of 20 meters, a terrifying giant beast with a ferocious face appeared. It is sleeping with its eyes closed. It is more than 200 meters tall and has scales attached to its body. It looks like a dragon but not a dragon and has wings.

"What is this?" Lu Yang asked.

"The chaotic beasts of the monarch Blazing Demon God said.

"Why is there a monarchy?" Lu Yang was a little curious.

The Blazing Demon God sneered and said: "You see he is a monarch, but you can try to fight him, your flames can't burn him at all, and any kind of monarch spell is ineffective against him, only the lower gods and above. Only spells can hurt him, remember in the future, chaos-type monsters, don't look at their rank, it's easy for them to kill gods when they go beyond the rank."

Lu Yang nodded.

The Blazing Demon God continued: "Actually, the Emerald Dream has nine layers. The monsters on the first layer are of the monarch rank, followed by demigods, quasi-gods, lower-rank gods, middle-rank gods, upper-rank gods, main gods, and god-kings. See if this Chaos Beast has shed its skin, if so, go back and make it into armor."

Lu Yang looked around behind the Chaos Beast, but found nothing. He shook his head regretfully, but this aroused Lu Yang's interest. It was like picking up treasures. But the benefits are very large. If they can find a lot of fur or other things to make into treasures, their strength will be greatly improved.

Lu Yang hurriedly found it on the first floor...

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