Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2401: human talent

Lu Yang dodged to avoid the flames and turned his head to look. A bull-headed demon with a height of 100 meters, burning flames all over his body, and sharp horns on his head was rushing towards him.

"Don't do it~!" The voice of the Blazing Demon God was full of excitement. He instantly turned into a flame and looked at the demon approaching from a distance, and said, "Barbarian, do you still recognize who I am?"

"Hey~!" The flame demon's two red eyes suddenly widened, and he quickly stopped his body. He knelt on the ground with his legs in front of the Blazing Demon God, and howled like a bell: "Master~! You are finally back. Now, I knew you would definitely come back, Lao Niu finally waited for you."

The Blazing Demon God nodded with satisfaction and said, "I am now living in this human body, and I have become the same fate as him. From now on, his words will be the same as mine, you know?"

Manniu glanced at Lu Yang, his body shrunk to the state of Lu Yang, he respectfully kowtowed to Lu Yang, and said, "Thank you for saving my master, I am willing to obey your orders in the future."

Lu Yang didn't understand, and asked curiously, "Who is this flaming tauren?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "My royal blacksmith is also my apprentice. Most of the weapons in my temple were forged from the hands of barbarian bulls. Unfortunately, when barbarian bulls were promoted to Lord God, they were attacked by foreigners. The demon attacked, I was traveling in the outer world at that time, and when I came back, the bull was left with a sliver of soul. In order to save him, I put him in the emerald forest with rich spiritual energy to recover his body, and I don't know if you have recovered to To what extent."

Barbarian Niu scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Divine Sense has become a lower god, but Lao Niu has no body, and his strength is still at the monarch level."

Lu Yang was speechless and said with a smile: "Without a body, your strength is still a lower god. You are already very strong."

The Blazing Demon God frowned and said, "Didn't I leave you a body of a demon? Why is it useless?"

The bull shook his head violently, and said unconvincingly, "I still have to fight the extraterrestrial demon again with the body of the Bull Demon God."

The Blazing Demon God sighed and said, "Alright, otherwise your mood will always be missing a piece, but now I can't help you, you can only rely on your own efforts."

Man Niu patted his chest and said, "Master, I will protect you from now on."

The Blazing Demon God sighed and said, "Let's find another chance, pack up, go back to my Demon God Temple first, and I'll take you out."

Manniu nodded and said, "I still have some treasures, you go to my house with me first."

Lu Yang stood up and followed Manniu, but secretly said to the Blazing Demon God, "Are you sure he didn't betray you? Don't be a trap ahead."

Blazing Demon God said: "His soul has my mark of loyalty, and it is also the higher mark of the outer world. Our world cannot be changed."

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then he followed Manniu's footsteps with confidence, and followed him to a wooden house not far away.

The bull pointed proudly at the iron felt at the door and said, "Master, although I'm not strong enough, my forging skills are still there. This is the forging equipment you left me back then. With the spiritual thoughts of my current lower god, I can forge divine tools. The following equipment is very easy, even forging primary artifacts is no problem."

The Blazing Demon God took out the broken horn of the ancient demon snake from the Demon Temple and said, "Forge it into a long sword."

"It's too simple." The bull took the broken horn and forged it on the iron felt for a few minutes. The broken horn turned into a long sword. He handed it back to the Blazing Demon God and said, "Master, please Appreciation."

The Blazing Demon God took the long sword, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Tens of thousands of years of practice have made your forging skills more and more consummate. This sword is even more exquisite than the one I forged myself."

Manniu was very proud, he said with a smile: "I just pick up things to forge when I have nothing to do here. Back then, the chaotic beasts on this floor killed each other, and many things fell off. You don't know, I was making them at the time. Thousands of exquisite weapons."

Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "Where's the weapon?"

Manniu scratched his head proudly, and said, "I was smashed by me, I fought against myself, honed my martial skills and mood, and constantly simulated the process of fighting with extraterritorial demons. Now, I have the ability as early as a thousand years ago. Defeat the extraterrestrial demon."

With a speechless expression on his face, Lu Yang asked anxiously, "Do you have a few left?"

The bull was even more complacent and said, "What do you keep the garbage below the artifacts? After I found a way to defeat the extraterrestrial demons, it was all destroyed by me."

Lu Yang asked, "What about the artifact?"

The bull said: "There are only two pieces in total, and they were broken."

"I..." Lu Yang was completely speechless.

The Blazing Demon God sighed directly and scolded, "I knew this kid would always bring you unexpected... surprises."

Manniu blinked and asked, "Master, are you short of weapons now? If you are short, I can take you to find them. We can refine them in time."

Blazing Demon God asked: "Where? What grade?"

The bull said: "Go up one level, the area near the Horror Bell."

"Take us quickly." Blazing Demon God said.

"Oh~!" With a wave of the bull, he sent the entire house and artifacts, such as iron felts, into the Demon Temple. He also jumped in, and then changed into the shape of a flaming tauren. : "It's better to go home, the road is ahead, follow me."

Lu Yang followed Manniu to the entrance of the third floor. Since Manniu had already scavenged all the things on this floor, it would be meaningless for him to search again.

The three of them ran all the way. When they passed through a foggy woodland, Lu Yang lost his way completely. Fortunately, there was a bull who led him out smoothly. At the same time, a golden hall appeared in front of him, and the teleportation array was Right in the middle of the hall.

A green light flashed, and Lu Yang came to the third floor. As soon as he landed, he was surprised to find that the surrounding fog was even thicker. As long as he left the hall, nothing could be seen outside.

"What's the situation?" Lu Yang asked curiously.

The Blazing Demon God said: "This is called mirage, and it is what the powerhouses of the Chaos Beasts use to deceive the minds of the entrants. They have always wanted to leave the Emerald Forest, but they can't wake up on their own, so they can only rely on the psychedelic entrants. , let them wake up by ringing the fright bell, if it is a strong person who is not strong enough in mind, not only will the fright bell ring, but also die in the psychedelic array."

The bull said honestly: "The fog outside has little effect on the monarch rank and below, as long as you don't get close to the fright bell, the mirage of the god-king chaotic beast is already blowing in the fog over there, although it is separated by several times. The emerald forest has weakened a lot, but it is still very terrifying."

The most powerful part of Lu Yang is his mind, UU reading www. As early as when the invasion of another world began, the Blazing Demon God used his spiritual sense to create an illusion to train Lu Yang's mind, and he would enter an illusion almost every other month.

Especially in the more than 300 years in the Void Palace, when Lu Yang was cultivating alone, the Blazing Flame God created all kinds of terrifying illusions, using various illusions such as loneliness, delusion, and desire to come to him. To test Lu Yang, without exception, Lu Yang passed the test with ease.

In the past, Lu Yang felt that this thing was not very useful to cultivate. When his spiritual power became stronger, the improvement brought by the illusion was already very limited. He didn't expect it to play a big role here.

Lu Yang smiled and said to the Blazing Demon God: "There is an old man in the family who is like a treasure, and there is really no cultivation that is useless for you."

The Blazing Demon God was also very emotional, and said: "It's because your mind is strong enough, and it is also the special of your race. In fact, I have discovered that the talent of your race is the human beings with unparalleled talent in the aspect of mind, their minds. It makes me feel terrified, you are the best among them, let's find the materials first, and then go to ring the fright bell."

"Yeah." Lu Yang nodded and walked in the direction of the Horror Bell.

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