Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2403: trade

"Damn creature, what kind of monster are you, why are you indifferent to my fantasy~!" a voice asked angrily.

Lu Yang smiled and said in the ancient Elvish language, "If you have no desires, you will be strong~!"

"No desire is just right?" The unknown voice repeated a sentence and fell into thought. After a long time, he said angrily: "There is no one in this world who can do nothing without desire, you obviously want something, how can you achieve nothing without desire ?"

Lu Yang smiled and said: "Because my desire is too low, so I can control it, I limit my desire to a fixed range, beyond this range, I think he is fake, so, You'll never get me wrong."

This is like a person going to the bank to save 10,000 yuan for financial management, but the lobby manager told him that the interest is 100%, do you dare to save it? Obviously a scam! Can tell you the interest is! To 3%, you have a high probability of believing, because this is the reasonable range.

The angry voice appeared again and asked, "What do you want?"

Lu Yang said: "Two things, one is an agreement, and the other is to give me something you don't want. I'm a king-level powerhouse. In your eyes, I can kill a yawn. You can give it to me."

"You are from the fire department, give you a fruit, so that you can quickly advance to the upper **** after eating?"

"I have an arm of the ancient fire **** king. It's in my stomach. You can get the arm and drain the blood inside to become the fire god."

"How about the fire of the world-destroying **** fire, let me out, I will give you the fire."

Countless voices lingered in Lu Yang's ears, but Lu Yang showed a tired and crooked expression and scolded: "Have you forgotten what I just said, I said that my needs are within a reasonable range, beyond this range, It doesn't make any sense to me, I just want it within that range."

"What do you mean, what do you want?"

"Then what do you want?"

"Don't you want any good things?"

The illusion reappeared. Around the Shock Bell, the treasures that the Blazing Demon God would be moved when they saw them were held in the hands of the beautiful women, waiting for Lu Yang to reach out and take them.

Lu Yang sat on the spot motionless, he said solemnly: "To improve my strength, I will exercise step by step, it is not given by others, it is not mine, and I do not need it, so don't use this illusion to deceive Me, it doesn't make sense."

Lu Yang continued: "And those artifacts, I'm just a monarch-level powerhouse, and I can't use them either. Besides, I have too many enemies, no matter how powerful personal weapons are, it's meaningless, I don't want them."

"I gave it to you, come and pick it up~!"

"Come on, it's yours to get it."

The seductive voice kept lingering in Lu Yang's ears, but Lu Yang didn't move at all, he just sat on the ground and watched this clumsy performance. Go in the opposite direction.

This time, all the women showed horrified expressions and disappeared in an instant. In front of Lu Yang, a humanoid creature appeared with hundreds of eyes on his head and countless arms on his body. .

"Young strong man, I am the thousand-eyed and thousand-armed God King Longest, one of the four kings of chaos. I will negotiate with you and tell me your name." Longest stared at Lu with a thousand eyes. Yang said.

As soon as the voice fell, another spherical monster with a thousand eyes and a thousand beards, a red body with a hundred heads, a pale humanoid with a rock-like body, and many strange creatures appeared around Longest. , they gradually surrounded Lu Yang in the middle, intimidating Lu Yang with a powerful force.

Lu Yang was not afraid. He looked at each one carefully and said, "You ancient chaos beasts really look strange."

The thousand-eyed and thousand-armed God King Langest said solemnly: "Speak your specific requirements."

"Haha~!" Lu Yang sneered and said, "What kind of majesty are you pretending to be with me? Believe it or not, I'll take the clock hammer out of the Emerald Forest now, so that you won't be able to wake up for the rest of your life."

"You..." The god-kings were speechless, even though they were all ancient beasts, their strengths ranged from low-ranking gods to god-kings, but they really couldn't do anything about Lu Yang now, who kept them in a state of eternal sleep.

"What do you want?" Longest asked helplessly.

Lu Yang said: "The first requirement is that if I rescue you, then I am the benefactor of all your beasts. You are not allowed to hurt me in the future, let alone hurt my friends."

The surrounding ferocious beasts looked at them and nodded. This request was not too much for them. No matter how cruel they were, Lu Yang was willing to take the initiative to save them after resisting all their illusions, which meant that Lu Yang The mental strength is not weaker than them, and they are willing to make friends with such a strong person.

"Yes, we are willing to accept you as a friend." Longest said on behalf of the beasts.

Lu Yang nodded and said, "The second requirement is simpler. There must be the corpses of ancient beasts here. I don't want to be too high-level. Just give me this monarch-level to refine weapons."

All the beasts were a little stunned. Originally, they thought that Lu Yang would use this to threaten them. After rescuing them, one of the god-king or main god-rank powerhouses would have to pay the price of their lives after rescuing them. , Let's use Lu Yang as the material for the refining. I didn't expect that Lu Yang would be a monarch or a lower god, or a corpse.

"It's that simple?" Longest asked in disbelief: "We have all the treasures of heaven and earth. You only want the monarch and the lower gods?"

Lu Yang said: "I said, my strength, I will cultivate by myself, what you gave me will only hurt my strength to permanently stagnate in the stage of the upper **** or the main god, but I want to become a **** king, I will never take shortcuts."

The Blazing Demon God once told Lu Yang that unless God gave birth to you, let your strength be the upper **** or the main god, otherwise, using other methods to forcibly climb up the ranks will only make your strength permanently stay at this stage.

Strength is not only about magic power or divine power, but also related to various factors such as experience, state of mind, mind, spiritual power, and endurance. Without one, you cannot be promoted to a **** king. If you cannot become a **** king, then, no matter how many main gods the human race has, one **** When the king comes, it only takes one thought to destroy the entire human race.

Longest nodded to Lu Yang with satisfaction, and said, "If it's just like this, we can accept it, give us some time and let's discuss it."

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