Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2406: The benefits of a mysterious identity

The Void Mother Worm's entire attention was on the Demon Fire Clan's Patriarch, and another half of his body was beaten. During the recovery process, this half of the body did not grow eyes, so it didn't notice this at all. flame.


Dozens of lord-rank Void Scythe worms discovered this flame, and jumped into the sky one after another, using their bodies to resist the Void Mother Insect, but they were proud of their bodies that could withstand the ultra-high temperature flames, but they were instantly killed. The gray-white flames burned through, and even their bodies were burned to fly ashes.

The flame continued to shoot forward without hindrance, hitting the body of the Void Mother Insect. Suddenly, a scream resounded through the battlefield and all creatures couldn't help covering their ears.

The body of the void mother worm frantically emits a light blue void light. It wants to escape into the void and escape the attack of the gray-white flame. Any resistance, even if it escaped into the void, the gray-white flames also burned into the void.

The power of the flame is very terrifying, and the speed at which the body of the female worm is burned far exceeds the speed of the recovery of the female worm in the void. It didn't take long for the female worm to fall from the air to the ground.

The countless lord-level and king-level void sickle worms below want to hold the void mother worm with their bodies, but as long as they stand on the flames, they will be burned to fly ashes.

Under the severe pain, the Void Mother Worm rolled all over the ground, and even released all the void energy in the body to try to break free from the gray flame, but it was all in vain. The gray flame seemed to stick to its body, and it could not be avoided. .

The demigod patriarch of the Demon Fire Clan thought he was going to die. When he saw this scene, a horrified expression appeared on his face. Looking in the direction of the flames, he happened to see Lu who released the flames through sixty leg bones on the low mountain. Positive.

"Don't kill him yet?" Lu Yang, who had turned into a fire demon with flames burning all over his body, shouted in ancient Elvish language.

"Okay~!" The Patriarch of the Demon Fire Clan chose to believe Lu Yang, a scarlet long sword appeared in his hand, and he instantly appeared above the head of the Void Mother Insect with a flash of fire, pressing down with both hands, the scarlet long sword stabbed Pierced the head of the female worm and pinned it to the ground.

The two flames burned at the same time, and the Void Mother Insect couldn't break free, and could only continue to mourn, and the surrounding Void Scythe Insects couldn't rush.

This stalemate lasted for three whole days, and finally, the last cell on the quasi-god-level Void Mother Worm was also burned, and finally only a quasi-God-level Void Demon Core was left on the ground.

A pair of blue wings appeared on Lu Yang's back. He released his magic power with his right hand, causing the 60 and chaotic beast leg bones to rotate around him, and quickly flew to the front of the Patriarch of the Demon Fire Clan, picking up the quasi-god-level Void Demon Core, If you don't look at the Demon Fire Clan Patriarch, he will fly away.

The Patriarch of the Demon Fire Clan had only the last trace of divine power left at this time. He was worried that he would be killed by Lu Yang, but when he saw that Lu Yang was about to leave, he suddenly became grateful and said loudly, "The same Brother of the Flame Clan, Lordos, the Patriarch of the Demon Fire Clan, thank you for your help, can you stop for a while?"

Lu Yang looked back at the Patriarch of the Demon Fire Clan, and said, "You're welcome, I'm just a passerby. Seeing that the Fire Clan and you are in crisis at the same time, I just helped a little bit. This quasi-god-level Void Demon Core is yours. Thank you, you don't need to thank me any more."

Lordos was unhappy. Before he killed the Void Mother Insect, he thanked Lu Yang for his help, but if Lu Yang wanted to take the Void Demon Core alone, he was unwilling.

After all, this is the magic core that he only got after millions of dead clansmen and tens of thousands of lords and above. How could it be taken away by Lu Yang? Weak.

With his strength, he could perceive that Lu Yang was only a monarch-level powerhouse, and he was still far away from him as a demigod, but he couldn't resist the gray-white flames that Lu Yang released.

Lordos instantly thought of a solution and said to Lu Yang: "I still want to thank you, if you hadn't helped me, my race might have been wiped out, I hope you can go back with me, I'm willing to Here's another batch of gifts for you."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "There is no free lunch in the world, what do you want me to do?"

Lordos smiled and said: "Brother really understands people, I hope you can help me kill all the Void Zerg attacking our race, don't worry, I will not make you embarrassed, just help me at a critical moment. Just once."

Lu Yang was a little surprised and asked, "Are there any other Void Zerg?"

Lordos said helplessly: "There is another one, which was seriously injured by me before. I thought there was only one, so I relaxed my vigilance. I didn't expect the other to attack me with an army."

"But me, I'm willing to help." Lu Yang said.

Lordos said: "Wait a minute, I'll clean the battlefield."

The void mother worm died, and the remaining void sickle worms all fled, and Lordos didn't want to chase anymore, and ordered the remaining clansmen to gather and clean the battlefield.

The Blazing Demon God looked at Lordos who issued the order in the distance, and asked in surprise: "Go back with him? Are you not afraid that he will hurt you?"

Lu Yang laughed and said, "Of course this Lordos is going to kill me, I feel like he wants to kill me now, but the amount of divine power in his body is all supported by that scarlet sword. , he has not beaten me with full confidence, and he is also afraid of my Chaos Demon Flame."

"Then you still help him." Blazing Demon God was even more curious.

Lu Yang said: "Look, he will give me a lot of treasures first, and then take me to fight another Void Mother Worm, but he will not work hard, let me deal with the Void Mother Worm with all my strength, and then he Take the opportunity to sneak attack on me."

After all, there is another Void Mother Insect, Luoerdos must hope that Lu Yang will help him first, and then he will kill Lu Yang, which is the most suitable.

"My doesn't know your name yet." Lordos suddenly flew back to Lu Yang, his hideous face full of kindness.

Lu Yang said with a smile, "My name is Fire."

"Flame?" Lordos said with praise: "Good name, I don't know what your race is, your flame is amazing."

Lu Yang smiled. The Blazing Demon God had taught him how to answer such questions. He said, "I won't talk about my race. I'm just a cultivator sent by a family to experience."

Luo Erdos froze in his heart, and quickly recalled in his heart that the flame family used gray flames. The only people who could match him were the members of the dark flame family. They used gray chaotic flames, which could burn through the void. Void Zerg inflicts unavoidable damage.

Now Luoerdos didn't even have the idea of ​​attacking and killing Lu Yang. He didn't want to provoke the Darkfire Clan. Their patriarch was at the level of the main god, and Luoerdos couldn't afford it at all.

"I didn't expect it to be a cultivator from a certain family. I was really rude just now. Please come in. It's an honor for our Demon Fire Clan to receive you." Lordos was very enthusiastic!

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