Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2409: buy low sell high

Treasure fairs have always been a very important gathering among various races in different worlds. The Blazing Demon God told Lu Yang that even if they reached the **** rank, the gods of all departments would hold various treasure fairs.

Lu Yang followed Milner down the city wall and came to the southern part of the main city of orcs. The whole street in front of him was full of business.

Milner said to Lu Yang: "Please watch it casually. I went inside the castle. There is a high-level treasure area. There is something I need to trade. I will go first."

At the end of the street, there was a very large wooden castle, which was in the direction of Milner. Lu Yang was not in a hurry, and he looked one by one along the street.

The treasures in the Demon Temple now include coffee, fruits, cakes and other things Lu Yang eats daily, as well as some clothes, paper and pens and other supplies, as well as some game consoles and laptops.

These were all found by Lu Yang from major cities in the past four years. Back then, when he was still weak, he thought that these things would never be produced again. Therefore, every time he went to a city, he went to the Electronic City to search for them. Store supplies such as laptops and desktop computers that can still be used in the Demon Temple.

Now that the human world is not destroyed, the southern cities that made these things still exist, and the East China Sea can gradually produce these items, so these things in his hands are worthless.

"Look at the brothers in the past, they are all first-class treasures." A green-skinned orc shouted loudly in the distance.

A lot of orcs gathered around, and Lu Yang followed. In the booth of the green-skinned orcs, there was a two-handed axe with a blood-red light on the back of the axe.

"What's the name of the quasi-god-level axe?" a monarch-level orc asked curiously.

Lu Yang was a little surprised. He didn't expect the monarchs to be so common here, and he could meet them casually. There were more than one, and most of the strong people around him were of the monarchs.

The green-skinned orc said: "Gore Roar, I got this weapon on the Void battlefield. The battle was too chaotic at that time. The strong man who originally held this weapon has died in the battle, and the weapon has become an ownerless thing. Who would have thought? If you want, the one with the higher price will get it.”

"I exchanged 100 monarch-level origin soul crystals," said an expert monarch-level orc.

"I'll pay 110 yuan," said a squat orc on the other side.

"I'll pay 200 yuan."

The bid quickly exceeded 300 Origin Soul Crystals, but the green-skinned orc was still dissatisfied, and said loudly, "I won't sell less than 500 Origin Soul Crystals, I'm going to apprentice."

Compared with the rare treasure such as Origin Soul Crystal, the weapon like Gorehowl is even rarer, because the material of this weapon is made of eighth-order blood smelted iron.

The reason why it can be called blood smelting is because this iron ore contains the blood energy that the orcs like most, which can make it easier for them to enter a violent state, and the energy released through this weapon is also more convenient.

This weapon can also resist the power of the void and various dark magic powers, and it can be regarded as a top weapon below the **** level with both offense and defense.

Lu Yang felt that the white lion lacked such a weapon. He came to the green orc and said, "Brother, can you talk alone."

"Okay." The green-skinned orc could see at a glance that Lu Yang had a treasure on his body.

Lu Yang immediately walked to the side of the green-skinned orc and asked in a low voice, "Are you interested in exchanging things on earth for this weapon in your hand?"

"Something on Earth?" The green-skinned orc's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly, "What is it, tell me about it?"

Lu Yang asked: "I have a lot of types. It depends on who you want to give it to. If you want to apprentice, I believe in you. What I give you must be better than the original soul transistor. Tell me about it. Who do you want to be your teacher?"

The green-skinned orc was very sincere and said, "His Royal Highness, the lower **** of the orcs, Gorgulus."

Blazing Demon God said in his consciousness: "An ordinary lower **** does not have much strength, but he is a good teacher."

Lu Yang understood, smiled and took out a box of coffee to the green-skinned orc and said: "With this transaction, a drink that can only be used by the upper class nobles and royal families in the human world is called coffee, I guarantee that His Royal Highness Gegulas will accept you. apprentice."

The green-skinned orc directly handed Gorehowl to Lu Yang, and said, "My good brother, if I succeed in apprenticeship, I will be very grateful to meet you again."

Seeing that the green-skinned orc agreed so easily, Lu Yang felt a little stunned and sighed: "It's a real person, you don't even talk about bargaining with me, this coffee costs 25 yuan a box, and I have hundreds of boxes here. Woolen cloth."

The Blazing Demon God looked at Lu Yang with contempt, and said, "It's a shame that you are a king, and you still do business like this."

Lu Yang didn't care, and said, "We both get what we need, and he's not at a loss, right?"

The Blazing Demon God didn't speak, and the bull said secretly, "Amazing~!"

Lu Yang put the Blood Roar into the Demon God's space, looked at the various orcs who were not angry, and said, "I'm sorry everyone, I took this thing."

The surrounding orcs are all of the monarch rank, and seeing Lu Yang's expression is a little uncomfortable, but they did not dare to do anything with Lu Yang, because this is the main city of orcs, there are several demigods and quasi-gods, and you are not their monarch rank at all. Affordable.

Blazing Demon God said: "I suggest you go directly to the fair in the castle, and sell everything you have there. If it is auctioned, things like coffee will be robbed very quickly. I will exchange you for materials that are not below the monarch rank."

The castles are all places where the monarchs trade with quasi-gods and demigods. They will not be stingy with the things that are useless to them.

Lu Yang also had the same idea. He walked quickly to the castle. Just as he was about to enter the door, an orc in black armor walked in front of Lu Yang, blocking the road and saying, "Warrior of the Flame Race, what are you going to do?"

"Sell something." Lu Yang said with a smile.

The black armored orc smiled and said, "Everything needs to be registered with me, and I can let you in only if it is a treasure."

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders. UU Reading took out coffee from the Demon Temple and said, "How about things in the human world?"

The black armored orc, like the green-skinned orc just now, also brightened his eyes and said, "Come in with me, I never thought that the warriors of the flame tribe would have such treasures."

Lu Yang smiled and followed and walked in. On the way, he deliberately asked arrogantly, "Can you guys afford the things I have here? Don't be all orcs who don't know the goods."

The black-armored orc was not happy anymore, and said proudly: "The lowest rank here is also the monarch rank, and they all have the title of aristocrat. You have come to the right place. This thing can definitely be sold at a good price in our place, but it is not Know how much you have."

Lu Yang didn't dare to take out too much, he just took out 10 boxes and said, "There are only so many, I didn't want to take them out originally, but I really need the original soul crystal, I can sell as many as I can."

"Where is your identity?" the black armored orc asked.

Lu Yang said, "Secret."

The black armored orc nodded and took these 10 boxes of coffee to the backstage to register!

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