Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2418: the enemy is coming

Remember [New] for a second,! Lu Yang was worried that the sudden war would catch the Jagged Brothers by surprise, so he brought Zhuojiu and Baishi out of the Void Hall.

In a month's time, it has been thirty years in the Void Hall. When they returned to the human world again, although the appearance of Zhuojiu and Baishi has not changed, their strength has become extremely terrifying.

Lu Yang looked at them with a smile and asked, "What rank have you reached?"

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others looked at each other and said to Lu Yang together, "Monarchy~!"

De Bu tasted the corpse and became annoyed and shouted: "Boss, we are also on the monarch rank, and two thousand wood-type mages have reached the king rank."

Lu Yang nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Well done, with this strength, I feel a lot more at ease."

The strongest races of the gods are only monarchs or demigods, and most of the remaining members are probably the kings. This kind of strength does not pose any threat to the Jagged Brotherhood.

The white lion carried Blood Roar and said, "Boss, I want to go out to find them and try my axe's power."

In the Devil's Temple, the white lion researched several sets of melee martial arts with the help of blood memory, and taught them to others, but without actual combat, the white lion did not know what his strength was.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "There is a chance for you to test, but not now, honestly wait for the news at the Shekou defensive position, and tell the brothers that they are in the best state of preparation. Except for the sentinels, no one else is allowed. One step out of Shekou."

"Yes." Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others reluctantly agreed, and returned to their teams, teaching them the exercises while waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

the other side.

In terms of Baishan City, the elves, rock people, ogres and Hastas have all gathered near Baishan City and rebuilt a huge white mountain layer, relying on the space-time rift zone to protect themselves.

Because the Moon God is here, and the Blazing Demon God is also here. Except for the elves, Hastur has completely abandoned his original beliefs and made a crazy request to become a believer of the Blazing Devil God, but the Blazing Devil God has never agreed. Therefore, Hastur has never agreed. The tower and elves took the initiative to undertake external patrol work.

One day, two days, three days... After seven days, the red light on the horizon finally reached its maximum value. The next second, Lu Yang, who was watching the surroundings on the roof of the Shekou Command Center, suddenly widened his eyes.

"Come on~!" Lu Yang and Blazing Demon God said at the same time.

The perception ability of the two people is extraordinary. The energy wave transmitted from this other world is transmitted from hundreds of kilometers away from the Shekou defensive position. Although it is weak, it is very obvious.

"It seems that the enemy doesn't dare to teleport directly into Shekou." Lu Yang said with a smile.

Blazing Demon God's face was a little solemn, and he said, "This proves two things, one is that the enemy is cautious, and the other, I am afraid that these gods may not be as powerful as we think."

Lu Yang was a little surprised and asked, "What do you mean?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "I doubt that there will be other races of gods teleporting to the imperial capital, you have to be careful."

Now that the East China Sea can exist in such a stable manner, it all relies on the sea transportation from the imperial capital to continuously deliver various technological materials. This has not caused the people of the three cities in the East China Sea to panic. If there is a problem in the imperial capital, the East China Sea Edges have a very big impact.

Lu Yang immediately took out his phone and called Fu Yun, asking, "How are you doing over there?"

Fu Yun sighed and said, "I sensed that the gods from another world have been teleported, and the strongest ones are not around us, but on the grasslands, damn, they must want to unify the grasslands before they come to trouble us. "

Lu Yang felt bad. The gods who came this time are very smart, because every time the red moon night is turned on, orcs, demons and other races are also sent. If the gods first control these lower races If you join them to attack together, it will be very bad news for mankind.

When the various races in the different world had never cooperated before, even when Lu Yang attacked the six elves, they never really cooperated. It is really possible to form a huge empire.

"I can't let him succeed." Lu Yang looked at Xiao Liang next to him and said, "Gather all the Red Mist warriors, go and fight the Void Zerg. After eliminating all the bugs, return quickly."

"Yes." Xiao Liang clasped his fists respectfully, and with the other nine Red Mist warriors behind him, rode the third-level cloud sculpture and flew towards Xiaoqingshan Park.

Originally, Lu Yang thought that if there are Void Zerg there, they can also contain the gods. Now it seems that these hostile races are useless. It is better to destroy them first.


Lu Yang jumped into the air, and he flew towards the northeast direction that he sensed. It was not too far from Baishan City. I am afraid that these races from other worlds also defeated Baishan City first.

The only advantage on Lu Yang's side now is that these **** races do not know that the elves in Baishan City have surrendered to the Jagged Brotherhood. If there is a **** race that dares to attack, it will be a good thing for Lu Yang. He can directly Bring the main force over and besiege with the elves.

"Boss, UU Reading take us with you." Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others didn't want to fall behind Lu Yang this time. direction.

Lu Yang smiled. He didn't refuse to follow him. Unlike before, now his brothers have reached the monarch rank and have enough strength to help him.

"Follow me, but you are not allowed to attack without my order, you know?" Lu Yang said.

"Yes." Zhuojiu and the others agreed with a smile.

At the moment, Lu Yang flew them towards Baishan City, while on the other side, a group of elves were patrolling the periphery of Baishan City.

The red sky made the whole world look a little gloomy, especially the fog around Baishan City, which made it even more difficult to see the surrounding situation. Even the sentinels of the elves, in this red fog, can only rely on Memory Patrol.

Suddenly, a ghostly cry appeared in the ears of these warriors, and in the next second, a dark creature appeared, and the dagger in his hand easily pierced the bodies of these warriors.

"It's really weak," said the dark creature.

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