Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2420: plan

While Lu Yang was waiting on the spot, suddenly, a scream came from inside the valley, and then, tens of thousands of soldiers from the Tallinn Ghost Mist tribe disappeared at the same time, and the thick purple mist filled the valley again, and Lu Yang never saw it again. They do not know where they are, nor do they perceive their presence.

"They found me." Lu Yang said with a frown.

Blazing Demon God said: "That's right, there is a strong man from the Tallinn Ghost and Mist clan approaching you, although I can perceive his location, but his speed is too fast, when I inform you, I'm afraid it's too late already."

Lu Yang sent a message to Zhuojiu and the others, saying, "I was discovered, I'll stay here temporarily to contain the Tallinn Guiwu Clan, and you should quickly return to Shekou and prepare for defense."

Now that the Tallinn Guiwu Clan has discovered him, if Tao Yue runs out with the army again, it means that the other two races can launch a sneak attack.

This war now has some advantages for Lu Yang's side. First of all, Lu Yang knows how many races the enemy has come, but the enemy doesn't know that Lu Yang knows this. In other words, the enemy thinks that Lu Yang knows a Tallinn. The Ghost Mist Clan is here, so the Demon Blood Orc Clan and the Void Ghost Clan are about to start at this time.

"Be careful, old man." Zhuojiu, Zhou Tianming and the others said in succession.

The war has begun, and it is the race of the gods who came. They have no ability to persuade them to say anything. They can only fight with all their lives. After this war, who will be alive, no one knows, what they can say, that is, Be careful with the word.

Lu Yang fell from the air and stood in a forest far away in the valley, chanting a spell in his mouth. The magma several thousand meters underground felt Lu Yang's call and surged towards the ground frantically.

"The Eye of the Devil"


The third eye on Lu Yang's forehead opened, all the flames radiated by the white sun in Bandarsburg were absorbed by the eye of the devil, and after being converted into magic power, Lu Yang released his immortality skills.

"Come, in front of you, no, behind you." Blazing Demon God suddenly shouted.

Just as Lu Yang was about to turn his head, a dagger stabbed into the back of Lu Yang's neck. The huge magic energy in the dagger tore Lu Yang's body into pieces.

"The powerhouse of human beings is still a very interesting existence. You can use immortality and immortality?" A gloomy voice echoed around the forest, using the ancient Elvish language.

Lu Yang's body recovered quickly. He sighed in his heart that this **** race is too strong. Fortunately, he learned the skills of immortality and immortality. Otherwise, he would not even have a chance to survive, and this **** race was too cautious. He disappeared quickly after being killed, and he didn't know where he was.

Blazing Demon God said: "This guy from the Tallinn Ghost and Mist clan is constantly moving around you, and I can't grasp his position."

Lu Yang frowned a little and asked deliberately, "What are you? Come out and fight with me if you have the guts!"

"I'm fighting your life and death with you. Our race is inherently invisible. By the way, I forgot to tell you, poor human, my name is Misten, the patriarch of the Tallinn Ghost and Mist clan, you are going to die here today, to the **** of death. , remember to report my name." Misiteng sneered, suddenly appeared beside Lu Yang again, and stabbed Lu Yang's heart with a knife.

Lu Yang's body dissipated again and reorganized. He said calmly, "You are very strong, but I have the ability to be immortal and indestructible. You can't kill me."

"Not necessarily." Misiteng snorted coldly and said, "Although immortality and immortality can be called the ability to live forever, your mental power is limited. As long as I kill your mental power, you will die if you don't. ?"

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Then I want to see how you can approach me."

"Lava Eruption"

Lu Yang was resurrected again, stepped on the ground, and the endless magma surged out from the ground, turning the surrounding forest into a sea of ​​fire.

"Flame Transformation"

Lu Yang's body turned into a blazing white fire demon, but at this moment, a faint purple mist appeared around Lu Yang, and the erupting magma seemed to have lost its power, and stopped spraying, slowly. return to peace.

Lu Yang's body was also disconnected from the magic elements in the outside world, as if there were no elemental spirits in this world at all.

"Ridiculous~!" The dagger pierced Lu Yang's body again, tearing his white fire demon to pieces.

Lu Yang resurrected for the third time, looked at the surrounding fog in surprise, and said, "What is this? How can it have such a terrifying ability."

Blazing Demon God said: "Their innate ability, the mist emitted from their bodies, can block the connection between creatures and elements. This mist can be released continuously, just like his enchantment."

Only then did Lu Yang understand why the Tallinn Ghost Mist Clan was so powerful, and said, "He shouldn't have thought about the fact that I have a demon space, he can only think that my immortality and immortality are released by the soul of the source within the body, as long as He continues to kill, and sooner or later I will die, right?"

The Blazing Demon God thought for a while and said, "It should be like this."

Lu Yang said: "Then I should have the opportunity to kill him. Sooner or later, he will be paralyzed. Unfortunately, I don't have the time. I am afraid that more Tallinn ghosts are already attacking in the direction of Baishan City. Now It's not that Misten who stays here to control me."

The Blazing Demon God did not refute. He had already sensed the arrival of another Tallinn Ghost and Mist strong man, and said, "You guessed it, they are changing people. Do you want me to help you point out the location."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I can't hit. If I miss a hit, I'm afraid that the Tallinn Ghosts will not hit Baishan City and flee directly into the deep mountains, which is too much of a threat to me. UU Reading "

This time, Lu Yang must completely wipe out the Tallinn Ghost Mist clan, otherwise, if this clan continues to stealthily attack like this, Lu Yang and all human beings will not live peacefully in the future.

The Blazing Demon God felt that what Lu Yang said made sense, so he stopped talking.

In the southwest of the fog, behind a big tree more than ten meters thick, Misten was saying to a Tallinn ghost fog warrior of the king rank: "He can't escape, you are responsible for killing, I will attack Baishan City. ."

After the city was broken, the Tallinn Guiwu tribe and the other two tribes would have enough food. This raid was a joint decision of the three tribes. Although it was a dangerous move, none of the three tribes believed that there was a city in Baishan. The race and human beings can resist, Misten is just a precaution, and at the same time, it is also to slaughter the race that betrayed the new god, and give a shock to all the races that come to the human world.

"Follow the orders of the patriarch." The Wangjie warrior nodded respectfully, picked up the dagger and walked towards Lu Yang.

Lu Yang pretended to be flustered and ran in a random direction. The Tallinn Ghost Warrior of Wangjie suddenly burst into a purple light, crossed a distance of fifty meters and came behind Lu Yang, and stabbed Lu Yang in the back of the neck with a knife. Wearing, the sword qi raged, and Lu Yang's body was torn apart again.

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