Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2424: Demon blood orcs are coming

The east side of the Shekou defensive position is connected to the beach, and in the sea opposite the beach, countless giant sea turtles are swimming towards the shore.

The giant sea turtle has a diameter of about 50 meters, its eyes glow with red blood, and four tusks grow out of its mouth. On the turtle's back were a group of red-skinned orcs.

One of the orcs was extremely tall, almost three meters in height, with muscular muscles all over his body and a hideous smile on his face. His name is Droman, and he is the chief of the Demon Blood Orcs.

Seeing that he was only 50 meters away from the beach, he shouted loudly: "The corpse of the enemy has paved the way of honor, roar~!"


More than 50,000 blood demon orcs on the backs of more than 100 big turtles raised their swords and shouted loudly.

The first to arrive here were the Divine Blood Orc Warrior Legion led by White Lion, the Holy Light Knight Legion led by Zhuojiu, and a thousand wood-type archmages led by De Buchanzhe.

"Prepare to fight~!" Turbid wine and Bai Shi roared at the same time.

The Holy Light Knights and the Divine-Blood Orc Warriors added together only 10,000 people, and they quickly set up to fight, which made the demon-blood orcs who were getting closer and closer on the sea showed a sarcastic smile.

Droman, the patriarch of the Demon Blood Orcs, looked at the nearest enemy less than 200 meters away from him. He was standing on the cliff in a mage robe and was about to cast a spell. His face was hideous, and he jumped up like a ghost in the blink of an eye. After crossing a distance of 200 meters, he came to the front of this human powerhouse, and swept the sword with both hands.

The body of this wood-type mage was instantly cut in half, and this person was none other than De Buchanz himself.

"Ah~!" De Buchan's corpse let out a heart-piercing cry. The waist cut was the most painful, because there is no fatal place below the waist, and people will only be slowly tortured to death in this severe pain. It can be seen that De How cruel Roman is.

"Virtue doesn't taste the corpse~!" The white lion roared, his eyes instantly turned red, and he jumped and ran towards the cliff.

"The humble are not qualified to live, human beings, you will all die~!" Droman laughed as he grabbed the head of De Buchan's corpse, looking at the white lion rushing towards him, his face full of sarcasm.

"Really? If you want to kill us humans, you have to step over our corpses first." De Buchan's face showed no fear of death, but a calm expression. He turned his head to look at Droman's. Face, he said sarcastically: "You were fooled, I deliberately lured you here, feel it, the anger from the humble person in your mouth, the tree and vine enchantment~!"

The lower body where De Buchan's corpse was still standing suddenly turned into the root of a big tree, madly burrowing into the soil on the cliff, while the upper body of De Buchan's corpse turned into countless vines. , entwining Droman's body tightly.

The vines have strong tenacity, and they have reached the king rank. They never thought that this war could be easily won. Therefore, he took the most radical method and used himself as a bait to lure Droman to come. sneak attack.

Sure enough, Droman was fooled!

The vines simultaneously attacked Droman's limbs, neck, eyes, legs, knees, and the most important part, and in an instant, Droman let out a roar of excruciating pain.

"Damn bug, you dare to attack me." Droman roared furiously, and frantically wanted to chop off these vines with his hands, but the number of vines was so large that every finger of Droman was bound. , he couldn't wield the long knife at all.

Even if the long knife is moved occasionally to cut off a few vines, more vines will quickly grow and replenish to the original position.

Droman tried his best, but he could only move in a limited space, which made the rushing white lion see the opportunity, and the blood roar in his hand swept towards Droman's neck. Once he was swept away, Droman would die. undoubtedly.

But at this moment, the white lion felt a strange feeling behind him, and he hurriedly turned around and swept it with an axe.


The crisp sound of gold and iron clashing made Bai Shi's ears hurt, his arms were sore and numb, and he almost couldn't hold the axe in his hand, and the demon blood orc who appeared on the opposite side was also stunned. Roman's brother, called Kazan, is also a strong monarch.

"Human, **** you~!" Kazan's face showed a furious look, because a gap appeared in the long knife in his hand, and in the shadow of the knife, he stabbed straight towards the white lion.

How can the white lion's martial arts be comparable to these people, so the white lion is sure that the opponent's attack is not his vital point, and the battle axe in his hand is facing the opponent's head.

If the opponent stabs him in the body, the battle axe will also split the opponent in half. Kazan has seen the power of the axe and knows that his head can't stop the damage of the axe, so he quickly returned to the knife to block.

At this point, the white lion can be considered to have found the place where the opponent fears, and cut towards Kazan in a life-for-life method, but he underestimated Kazan's strength and wisdom. The next second, Kazan's body shook, and there was no Fighting head-on with the White Lion, he charged towards Droman behind him.

Where did the white lion dare to let Kazan save Droman, he hurriedly flew over to block it, which was in the middle of Kazan's plan, and in an instant, Kazan came to the white lion, grabbed the white lion's arm with one hand, and he grinned. He said, "Human, you are too weak."

As soon as the words fell, the white lion's arm was smashed by Kazan, followed by Kazan's kick to break the white lion's bone joints. In the face of absolute martial skills and strength, the white lion's blocking was like a joke, but human beings Not fighting alone, they have brothers and comrades!

"Holy Light Technique~!"

At a distance of 200 meters, Zhuojiu chanted a spell, and a holy light flew out from his body and landed on the body of the white lion, and the broken arms and calves quickly recovered as before.

The white lion quickly stood up, swept the axe in his hand, and forced Kaman to retreat 10 meters away. This surprised Kazan, he glanced at the turbid wine, and then at the white lion, and said sarcastically: "Since you want to If you feel this pain all the time, then I'll let you taste it."

Kazan rushed towards the white lion as if he was teasing cats and dogs, but whenever he wanted to make contact, he would dodge and rush towards Droman, and the forced white lion showed his flaws.


The belly of the white lion was stabbed in the opposite In the next second, Kazan slashed down with a long knife, cutting the white lion's body into two sections, with only a small part of it still connected.

"How does the pain feel?" Kazan was very happy with his masterpiece.

"That's it." The cold sweat fell from Bai Shi's forehead, but he gritted his teeth and didn't cry out in pain.

"Holy Light"

A holy light fell, and the body of the white lion was restored to its original state. Kazan was not in a hurry. He continued to slash at the white lion. On the other side, Zhuojiu was also in trouble. in front of.

"Humans who know Holy Light, I can feel the taste of the ancient-level Holy Spirit on you. It's a perfect sacrifice." A burly demon-blood orc said with a sneer.

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