Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2437: Ambush Aparisti

After Lu Yang watched Shen Hai and others leave, his eyes turned to Chavez beside him, and said, "It's time for you to play."

"Don't let me go back, that **** Aparisti will torture me to death, please." Chavez knelt in front of Lu Yang, tears falling like water.

Lu Yang looked at Chavez with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you die, you still have a big role in the human race, swear your allegiance to me, as long as you are loyal to me, I will give you To give you a safe life."

Chavez immediately swore in elven language, uttered the slave oath, and was willing to become Lu Yang's humblest slave servant. Then, an ancient elf's slave word appeared on his forehead, which was very conspicuous.

"Master, from now on, I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life." Chavez said flatteringly.

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, and others all showed disgust in their eyes. They didn't understand how Lu Yang would accept a soldier with no sense of honor as his slave.

Lu Yang walked to Chavez with a smile, stroking his forehead and said, "You will become the water magic teacher of the human race. After this war, you will stay behind forever, and I will not ask you to go to the battlefield again. Just be a good mentor."

"Thank you master." Chavez knelt down and cried bitterly, he could finally live.

No one knows about Chavez's life experience. In the huge and long-standing race of the water element, Chavez was able to play the role of a vanguard because of his family's reasons. Aparisti is here to die.

Chavez knew this very well, but he didn't want to die. He also wanted to seek revenge on those brothers, but in this huge other world, there was no existence that could shake the water element family.

Chavez originally thought that Aparisti would have this opportunity, but after the war, he clearly realized that the gap between Aparisti and Lu Yang was so huge, so he pinned his hopes on On Lu Yang's body, even if he were a dog for Lu Yang.

"Let's go, let's go to the island." Lu Yang summoned Hong Ye and flew into the air.

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and others rode on the cloud eagle and flew to an island half an hour away with Lu Yang.

Originally that place was an inhabited island, but when Lu Yang came to this island, all the inhabitants had already died.

"Aparisti, I've already arrived, please show up." Lu Yang said loudly.

In the sea water on the south side of the island, Aparisti also sensed the huge magic power of Lu Yang and others. He sneered and used the vibration of water waves to make a sound, saying: "Hand over all your magic cores, I will release the people of the sea demon clan. ."

Lu Yang said: "I put the magic core on the island, now it's your time to show your sincerity."

"Leaving the island, our water element family, we always keep our word, and we will never break our word." Aparisti growled.

"Okay, I'll return Chavez to you." Lu Yang pretended to be too lazy to know where Aparisti was, got up and controlled Hong Ye to fly into the air, towards the sky in the distance.

Aparisti waited in the sea for more than half an hour. After feeling that Lu Yang had really left, he slowly surfaced and came to the central area of ​​the island, but before he could find the magic core, he saw it. Chavez, his vanguard.

"You still have the face to come back?" Aparisti gathered the water elements in a rage, ready to attack.

Chavez pretended to be dazed and said, "Patriarch, why can't I come back, I was taken away."

"Lu Yang said you exposed all our secrets." Aparisti growled.

"I am a proud member of the water element family, how could I do such a thing." Chavez pretended to be surprised.

"Stop doing this, I will never believe you." Aparisti said excitedly.

"You're right if you don't believe it." Chavez's body suddenly turned into a pool of sea water.

the other side.

In the sea, Chavez's body aimed at a reef area and chanted a spell.

"Sea Dragon Blast"

Nine sea dragons suddenly appeared behind Chavez and slammed into the reef frantically.


The reef shattered, and Aparisti's figure appeared on the sea. He looked at Chavez angrily, and scolded, "I thought you surrendered to humans at most, but I didn't expect you to dare to attack me, I want Kill you."

"You don't have this chance." Zhou Tianming's voice came from the sea, and a purple-red ghost flew into the sea.

This is an attack method similar to Fire Soul Slash. Once hit, it will cause heavy damage to Aparisti's soul.

Aparristi dared to let this attack hit his body, so he hurriedly dodged, but just as he dodged, the ghost turned around and chased after him, circling crazily around his body, and kept shrinking and encircling him.

"Rain Slash"

Aparristi couldn't hit the ghost, and launched a group attack. With him at the center, countless water droplets turned into sharp blades and shot out.

No matter how fast the red ghost is, it can't avoid such dense water droplets. After being hit many times, the ghost collapses.

But before Aparistido could breathe a sigh of relief, a giant sword in the sky plunged straight into the bottom of the sea, and the half-life incarnation of bitter love turned into a sword light, and stabbed Aparisti's body at a faster speed. This time, Aparis Ti didn't dodge, and was cut off in half by Jianmang.

"Think you want to kill me like this?" Aparisti sneered, his body actually recovered, and the half of his body that was cut off turned into a huge water ball, imprisoning his bitter love for half his life.

"Sword is invisible"

The body that had been in love for half a lifetime scattered, turned into countless sword qi, pierced the water polo and escaped, and attacked wildly around Aparisti.

At the same time, Zhou Tianming in the sky released a second ghost, and the purple-red light and sword energy went straight to Aparisti and rushed over.

Aparristi saw that he couldn't dodge, his body suddenly turned into dozens of water waves, which flew out in all directions, and at the same time he roared: "Lu Yang, I will kill all the sea demons to punish you, wait. Let's collect the corpses for them."

The voice just fell.

Xia Yuwei appeared in front of Yaparisti's real body, and the dagger in her hand pierced the water waves, breaking Yaparisti's soul core.

"This, how is this possible?" Yaparisti recovered his water element form, looked at Xia Yuwei weakly, and said blankly, "How could you find my body?"

Xia Yuwei couldn't find it either, neither could the Blazing Demon God, but Malthus could find it. As an ancient Holy Light Spirit, Malthus had no attack power, but he had a lot of knowledge. Even Blazing Demon God didn't know much about the spell mechanism of the water element. But Malthus knew.

He saw Yaparisti's real body at a glance from high in the sky, and Xia Yuwei took the opportunity to launch an attack, killing Yaparisti with one blow.

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief in the sky and said, "This is the most dangerous war so far. I can't help at all."

Blazing Demon God separated a flame clone next to him, smiled at Lu Yang and said, "You should trust your brothers more, with the current strength of your race, even in another world, it is enough to be called It's a higher race."

Lu Yang nodded, and he also discovered that the current human beings are stronger than the elves and Hasturs that came here, because they have six monarch orders.

"Boss, what about the magic core?" Xia Yuwei teleported to Hong Ye's back and handed the magic core to Lu Yang.

"Leave it to the deep sea, let's go back to the city, it's time to talk about the final Lu Yang said with a smile.

Xia Yuwei was a little surprised and asked, "What topic?"

Lu Yang said, "Seal the twisted time and space."

This is a very important matter for all the people of the East China Sea. Now as long as there are no powerhouses above demigods, there will be no greater danger for human beings. For three or four years of peace time.

During this period, there were as many as two or three million newly grown children of human beings. If the warped time and space were completely closed, it would be equivalent to cutting off their opportunities for cultivation. This is not something that Lu Yang can decide, it depends on the whole East China Sea people's wishes.

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others flew back to Lu Yang's body, and when they heard this, they all showed thoughtful expressions, they looked at each other, and Bai Shi said, "I don't think most people are willing to close it, after all , We are blocked here, but other areas are not blocked, but we have no energy for cultivation, which is not suitable."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "It depends on the wishes of the majority of people. Let's go back first."

Everyone nodded and followed Lu Yang back to the East China Sea.

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