Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2440: Demon body

So far, none of the other world powerhouses who have fought against Lu Yang have used wind and thunder spells, and none have confronted Lu Yang head-on in spells.

Lu Yang didn't know how strong his magic was. He wanted to fight against the invisible enemy. In the face of sixteen tornadoes, he didn't use the Chaos Demon Flame Formation, but kept condensing his magic power.

"Fire Soul Slash, open it for me~!"

Lu Yang's 100-meter-high body suddenly burst into a blazing red light, and a 100-meter-long flame figure shot out of his body, and a tornado condensed not far from the center.

With a loud "bang", the tornado was scattered by the Fire Soul Slash, and then the Fire Soul Slash flew out of Lu Yang's body, smashing all the remaining fifteen tornadoes, leaving only the gust of wind around him, but this wind It is the natural formation of heaven and earth, and Lu Yang can't destroy it at all.

"It turned out to be the pinnacle of the monarch rank. Being able to hit so many Fire Soul Slashes, your mental power has also been depleted a lot. I want to see how you can break the hurricane between the world." The soft voice continued on Lu Yang rang next to him.

Lu Yang laughed when he heard this, and said: "Together with your ability is to hit these sixteen tornadoes, and you won't be able to let it out a second time after that. If you can't fight hard, you just want to borrow the power of heaven and earth, but You can't help me, if you don't want to fight, then I'll leave."

He jumped into the sky, and in the next second, he transformed into a phoenix and flew forward, which made the wind and thunder powerhouses who were hiding in the surrounding hurricanes stunned. After that, the enemy usually tried to find a way to fight him to the death in the gust of wind, but Lu Yang actually flew away and mocked him for a while before leaving, which made the strong wind and thunder rage.

"Damn, you lowly human with no sense of honor, I'm going to kill you." The feminine voice became extremely twisted and vicious, and chased in the direction of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang sensed the other party, but this strong wind and thunder type was still hiding in the hurricane, as if he had the ability to be invisible. He couldn't see the person's face clearly. In this case, Lu Yang couldn't lock him. Suddenly, Lu Yang thought of a way.

"The **** you believe in is just a joke." Lu Yang said contemptuously.

"Damn, you dare to insult my lord, I'm going to kill you." The wind and thunder powerhouse was even more angry, the wind speed increased greatly, and caught up with Lu Yang at a very fast speed. When the distance was only 10 meters, a bucket thick The lightning bolt shot out, hitting Lu Yang's back.

In an instant, Lu Yang's body swelled rapidly, and the next second, Lu Yang's body burst into blazing light. After a loud bang, a mushroom cloud was blown out in the surrounding sky within 100 meters. Lu Yang's self-destruction technique.

Lu Yang returned to reality from Bandarsburg, looked at a strange creature with four wings and two heads that had been blown up in the distance, frowned and said in Elvish language, "What are you?"

"I am the noble Tansilien, the incarnation of wind and thunder, the messenger of the sky, the pioneer of the gods, the punisher of the world..."

Lu Yang looked at the two-headed bird man speechless for a while, and said, "Just tell me what your name is, don't talk to me about this useless."

"Bastard, this is the basic etiquette of aristocrats, you have to listen to me." The two-headed birdman was furious.

Lu Yang sneered and said, "I'm not a noble, what do I do listening to you so much nonsense, say your intentions, why are you blocking me, and what's your name, two-headed birdman."

"I'm not called the Double-Headed Birdman, I am Powell, the Tanslian Pioneer." The Double-Headed Birdman was so excited, his other head said, "My name is Sprewell."

Lu Yang looked at the two heads with a tired face, and cursed: "You two can get it with one name. If you have two names, I will call you two-headed birdman."

"You're courting death." The two heads of the two-headed birdman were furious at the same time, the one on the left spewed hurricanes, and the one on the right spewed thunder and lightning.

Lu Yang sneered, flapping his wings to avoid the attack, and at the same time, a purple-gray flame emerged from his hand, hitting the two-headed birdman.

"Hurricane~!" The four wings of the two-headed birdman fluttered at the same time, and they fanned back the flames that could burn through the void.

Lu Yang's eyes widened, and he quickly avoided the attack of his flames and flew into the clouds. He said to the Blazing Demon God, "What kind of monster is this, it can fan my spells back."

The Blazing Demon God smiled and said: "This is why I advise you to use the body of the demon as soon as possible to return to the biological form. You will eventually encounter creatures that restrain you. This wind element is purely restraining you. He is better than the ice element and the water element. And restraint."

In terms of water and ice, Lu Yang, the flame monarch at his peak, can fight as much, but the wind element is different. This is pure restraint. No matter what Lu Yang's spells are, they will be fanned back by the opponent.

Lu Yang asked: "Then the wind element restrains all categories, and he can blow back any water element, ice element, and soil element."

The Blazing Demon God said: "The wind element can only restrain water and fire, but he can't restrain the thunder element, space and time, or even the earth element. The earth element of the same rank can make any spell of the wind element ineffective. After all, you can create a Mountains, the wind system cannot be blown away."

Lu Yang said: "Okay, then I'd better run quickly, it's obviously impossible to beat."

Blazing Demon God said: "Fly north, find a safe place, and we will study how to attract a high-level extraterritorial demon for you."

Lu Yang nodded, he no longer entangled with the two-headed birdman, and flew towards the north side quickly. With the additional flight power of the flame of the phoenix, even the two-headed birdman could not catch up with his wings. . UU reading

An hour later, Lu Yang dumped the two-headed birdman without a trace, and found a forest. After Lu Yang made sure that the surroundings were safe, he stopped, changed back to human form, and said, "This place should be It's safe, I can't think of it, I still have a day of defeat."

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said: "What kind of failure are you, you have been defeated, even if you become a lower god, if you only know flames, you will still be unable to beat that two-headed birdman. Him, unless you drain his magic."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Blazing Demon God said with satisfaction: "You're not bad, at least you didn't lose your temper because of failure, this is a very good psychological quality, and it will make you go further on the road of becoming a god, okay, no Digressing, let’s talk about the extraterrestrial demons. I know you have a taboo about changing a body, but the most suitable body for accommodating multiple spells in this world is the body of the extraterrestrial demons. Of course, there is another kind of body. Appropriately, it's called the Demon God, which only exists in the blood purgatory, are you interested in roaming the blood purgatory?"

Lu Yang felt that the Blazing Demon God was fooling him, and said, "Tell me the truth, did you want me to find a demon body from the very beginning?"

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