Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2443: perish together

"Earth Demon God, the Earth Demon God of the upper **** level, the use of the earth's gravity is superb, you should restore your body well, that Demon God's corpse is no longer with you." Blazing Fire Demon God said regretfully.

Lu Yang was also a little depressed and asked, "Is there no chance at all?"

Blazing Demon God said: "Unless there is another god-king level, or a demon **** at the upper **** level, but this is impossible..."

Before he finished speaking, the ground suddenly vibrated wildly. At the entrance where the Earth Demon God had just disappeared, a brown shock wave with a diameter of 100 meters suddenly rushed out, and the spherical body of the Earth Demon God with a diameter of 100 meters rushed out from the ground.


The Earth Demon God didn't know where the sound came from. All the thick pipes on the black sphere's body expanded at the same time and spurted out airflow, followed by the same brown light hitting the direction he came out of.

The two brown rays of light collided, and Lu Yang, who was five or six kilometers away, instantly turned into dust, and the terrifying shock wave made Lu Yang have no chance to react.

Lu Yang's mental strength was about to be overdrawn. This sudden injury made him panic, but just as he was about to escape, his entire body slammed to the ground uncontrollably.

"Gravity of the Earth"

The Earth Demon God floated in midair, and all the pipes in his body spurted out a strange light again. Within a few kilometers around, all the things floating in the air were suppressed to the ground.

If it wasn't for Lu Yang being far enough away and his body in the form of flames, he felt that his body would be instantly crushed, but at this moment, an even more bizarre humanoid creature suddenly flew out of the deep pit where the Earth Demon God was.

He had hundreds of heads, so many that Lu Yang couldn't count them in a short period of time. His body was over a thousand meters tall, with two arms, and his body was still gray-black.

"Earth Demon God, how about my earth magic? It's more powerful than yours." The demon gods with hundreds of heads laughed at the same time.

The Earth Demon God didn't speak, but Lu Yang felt that the gravity was even more terrifying. Even though Lu Yang was in the shape of a flame, he was still tightly pressed to the ground, and he was unable to take a step forward.

The demon gods with hundreds of heads seemed to be still unaffected by gravity, and opened their huge mouths at the earth demon gods at the same time.

"Magic Flames"

"The Wrath of the Wind God"

"The God of Thunder"

"Blood Sea"

"The Earth Shakes"

"Space Storm"

"Time Storm"


"Mixed Spells Infernal Hell"

Lu Yang has only one feeling. He is fortunate that he is far enough away. Even if he is within a range of three kilometers, Lu Yang is dead. This kind of mixed spell can kill him infinitely, not to mention mixed spells. together.

The Earth Demon God, who is in the center of the attack range, has a ball-like body, and every tube is melting, but the Earth Demon God's body is also recovering, as if he can use his body to resist this attack.

This made the demon gods with hundreds of heads very dissatisfied, and more heads joined the spray of the spell, but the demon gods were still recovering.

Lu Yang asked, "Who will win between the two?"

The Demon God of Blazing Flame was once a god-king-level powerhouse. His strength was gone, and he still had some experience. He frowned and said, "Both are high-level god-level powerhouses. The demon **** with hundreds of heads is called the fusion demon god. His body can be fused with any kind of spell, as long as he devours the creature. I have been to the blood purgatory many times, and I have seen the power of the fusion demon with my own eyes, but his spells are not specific, and his head is a little abnormal. He is a little crazy with too many other demon gods."

Lu Yang also felt that there was something wrong with the fusion demon. His purpose was not to **** the body of the **** of flames, but to fight the demon of earth.

The Blazing Demon God asked, "Can you still hold on? Do you want me to help you?"

Lu Yang was a little surprised and asked, "Can you do it?"

The Blazing Demon God was a little depressed, and said: "At most, I can help you run a few kilometers, but once I take action, the breath of the god-king will leak out. Blood purgatory eats souls. is their favorite."

Lu Yang said, "That's fine. I can still hold on for a while. I hope they will decide the winner as soon as possible."

As soon as the words fell, the fusion demon actually took the initiative to walk towards the earth demon. The eyes on each head emitted rays of various spells, and attacked the earth demon crazily. The edges of the body were pierced.

"Devil on the ground, hand over your body, let me eat you, and when we fuse together, your life will have meaning." Hundreds of heads of the fusion demon laughed at the same time.

The Earth Demon God was unmoved, and his body remained motionless. In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to move, but the gravity of the earth was released to the extreme. He was also under the gravity of this spell and could not move at all, but he didn't think that the fusion Demon God could still Move, and now can only watch the other party approach.

100 metres

50 meters

10 meters

The fusion demon came to the front of the earth demon, grabbed the spherical body of the earth demon with both hands, and opened a huge mouth in the middle of the head, biting towards the earth demon.

But at this moment, Earth Demon God's body suddenly opened, and a strange human head flew out from the center of the sphere. It was a human-shaped head, but the hair on the head was like a needle. Fusion on all the heads of the devil.

In an instant, countless black flying needles shot out, and hundreds of heads of the fusion demon were instantly shot through by the black flying needles.


The fusion demon let out a deafening wailing sound, but instead of letting go of his hands, he opened his huge mouth furiously and bit the head of the earth demon.

The head of the Earth Demon God was deformed again, from the previous human shape into a giant sword, a brown light flashed, and the main head of the fusion Demon God was pierced by the giant sword. The next second, the giant sword was retracted and stabbed out, fusion The Demon God's heart was pierced, and then the two shoulders were removed from the giant sword.


In less than 5 seconds, the fusion demon was cut into dozens of pieces by this giant sword. In the end, he fell to the ground weakly, and died like that!


The giant sword returned to the appearance of a human head, with an excited look on his face, and after a roar, he rushed towards the main brain of the fusion demon god, wanting to eat it.

The main brain has not died yet, showing an unwilling look, and growling: "Despicable bastard, let's die together."

Hundreds of heads groaned at the same time, which caused Earth Demon God's frightened body to emit a brown light, and his head also drilled back into the ball.


Lu Yang only felt a burst of light come on, and when he came back from Bandarsburg, the scene he saw made him a little dazed.

The terrain has changed. Just now, it was a flat land, but now it has become a grand canyon, which is bottomless and surrounded by several red mountains.

"What about the Earth Demon God and the Fusion Demon God?" Lu Yang couldn't sense it, so he hurriedly asked the Blazing Demon God for help.

Blazing Demon God said: "Under the Grand Canyon, it seems to be dead, go down, maybe you still have a chance to grab a piece."

Lu Yang turned into a phoenix and flew into the grand canyon. In the deepest place, he saw a black piece of meat and half a black long sword.

"It's really Lu Yang sighed.

The Blazing Demon God said: "Pick it up, you can't use this thing, but you can give it to your earth-type mages. If one can grow to the peak of the monarchy, use this fragment to replace the body, even if it is a dog. Can grow to the upper god."

Lu Yang shrugged his shoulders, put the black piece of meat into the Devil's Temple, and asked with a half-length black long sword, "This thing should be the head of the Earth Devil, isn't he dead?"

The Blazing Demon God felt it, and said, "It's dead, and the soul is completely gone, but his soul will grow again. You should keep it first. For the time being, you can use this half-length sword to kill the gods and cultivate as an Earth Demon God. The essence is in this half of the long sword."

Lu Yang nodded, put away the long sword, and continued to look for it. What he needed most was the body of the God of Flames, but he was a little skeptical, whether that body would still be able to survive a battle after losing its soul. There are fragments.

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