Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2450: world of darkness

In order to win the war, sometimes some sacrifices have to be made, and the soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood have long buried the principle of sacrificing themselves and protecting their brothers in their hearts.

From the beginning of the night, Zhou Tianming was looking for qualified candidates among the many warriors, while Lu Yang first passed through Bandarsburg's teleportation to the area he was going to this time - the world of darkness.

The difference between the different world and the human world is that the earth in the human world rotates and revolves, but the planets in the other world do not. The celestial bodies of the stars correspond to the Holy Light Star, the Dark Moon Star, the Flame Star and the Extreme Cold Star respectively.

These four celestial bodies are distributed in a square shape on the front, back, left and right sides of the different world. Therefore, the planet in the other world has two sides that are always under the strong light of the Holy Light Star and the Flame Star, and the other two sides are always under the strong light of the Holy Light Star and the Flame Star. Under the dim light of Dark Moon and Frigid Stars.

As a result, half of the creatures in the other world are born to the light, and the other half do not need much sunlight.

The area of ​​another world that Lu Yang went to before was the north pole of another world. That place could receive the light of four stars at the same time, but they were not strong, and they were also within the acceptable range of human beings, but this time the area he was going to was in The north side of the north pole of the different world belongs to the area close to the dark moon star, called the dark forest.

The light flickered.

Lu Yang appeared in a dark forest with a hazy night. All the surrounding trees were black, but the grass and trees on the ground exuded a little bit of starlight. Looking up, his eyes passed through the shade above his head, and he could see that there were some stars in the sky. A huge pale white planet with a purple star ring on it.

The Blazing Demon God said with emotion: "This is the dark world under the rule of the Dark Moon Star. There are hundreds of main gods such as the God of Death, the God of Curse, and the God of Pain living on that star. The Moon God is just the most inconspicuous one among them. Don’t easily exude a demigod-level force field, although the gods in another world are fighting against the Chaos Beast, the gods who stay in the palace and discover the flame of the **** of flames may still be able to investigate in the lower world.”

Lu Yang nodded and asked, "Where are the dark demons?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "Go north, there is a cave there, which leads directly to the world of the Dark Demon. This race is accustomed to living underground and is the best miner of various minerals. Currently, it is attached to the Blade Demon family and is responsible for the Blade Demon. Mining minerals such as Broken Star Iron and Star Steel."

Lu Yang walked in the direction indicated by the Blazing Demon God, and sure enough, he found a huge cave not far away. There were no guards at the entrance of the cave, only hundreds of black chariots.

Hundreds of humanoid creatures all in black and three meters tall were getting off the car. Their shoulders, arms, and even their backs were covered with tentacles like sharp black blades, as if their bodies were surrounded by sharp blades.

"What is this?" Lu Yang asked curiously.

The Blazing Demon God said: "This is the Blade Demon. Today should be the day when the Blade Demon family came to collect ore. You can follow them in, and there will never be any Dark Demon staring at you."

Lu Yang asked with a smile, "Why?"

Blazing Demon God said: "When I was still weak, I came to the world of dark demons. They are a typical race that bullies the weak and fears the weak. The strength of the blade demons is more than a little bit stronger than them, and the worst is the spiritual level. In terms of strength, the Dark Demon is first- and second-order, and it has no power to fight back against the Blade Demon, so the Dark Demon will absolutely surrender to the Blade Demon."

Lu Yang understood that once the blade demon came, there would be no safety or danger at the entrance of the cave. In the world of the dark demon, it was impossible for any creature to attack their underground world under the guardianship of the blade demon.

The Blazing Demon God went on to say: "The Blade Demon family is not a powerful race. In the war between the new **** and the old god, the Blade Demon family took refuge in the new God, and their strongest is just a lower god, so the Blade Demon After the victory, the family was assigned to the border position of this dark moon region, and now in the war with the Chaos Beast, the lower **** of Blade Demon has gone to the war with all the strong, and will not be back in the short term."

Lu Yang nodded, took out the invisibility scepter from the demon space, followed behind the blade demon and walked into the cave.

"Hey, I don't know how the battle ahead? Has our **** won the war against Chaos Beast again?"

"Our **** is the strongest. Chaos beasts are nothing but materials for the weapons in our hands."

"It's a pity that we can't participate in the war, otherwise, I'll kill Chaos Beast to get materials."

"It's up to you? Collect materials honestly, enter the human world, and slaughter humans is what we should do."

"Earth people really are delicious food. I can't wait to hear that Borance and the others are killing the Quartet in the human world."

"That, that is, after the ore has been shipped this time, it's time for us to go to Earth..."


The blade demons chatted, and the topic turned to the matter of going to Earth. Obviously, a large number of blade demons have entered the human world and are still slaughtering humans.

Lu Yang felt that the place they were talking about might be the southern part of the country, and his face suddenly became frosty, but he didn't startle the snake, but continued to follow them.

The underground passage is long and dark, and every 50 meters on the walls on both sides there is a white stone that emits a faint light, and the light is also very weak.

three hours later.

The blade demons suddenly disappeared, and Lu Yang was a little surprised. He made sure that he was not exposed, and slowly approached the area where the blade demons stood. He was surprised to find that a huge underground world appeared in front of him.

At this time, he was standing at the exit of the cave. There was a cliff at his feet, several hundred meters in height. Under the cliff, there was a huge black city.

The city is full of white-glowing stones that you see on the road, but the stones here are brighter, almost turning the entire underground world into white.

Next to the city, there is a larger pit, where countless dark demons are mining ore, and in a further area, there is a large pit where countless dark demons are mining.

Lu Yang looked at his feet. There was a escalator here. The blade demons who had just left took the elevator down. There were many blade demons below, as if they were welcoming them. Among them, the strength of ten blade demons was In the monarch rank, there is another blade demon whose strength is a demigod.

"The strength here is quite strong." Lu Yang said with a sneer.

The strength of the normal creatures in this is mainly the first and second orders. The only reason for the eighth-order powerhouses such as demigods is that there are mines here to prevent them from being robbed by other races.


A strange voice appeared, not far from Lu Yang's side, a light green mist floated, but Lu Yang was already at the level of a demigod at this time, and he could see at a glance that there was something wrong with the dense fog.

Blazing Demon God said excitedly: "Hurry away, why is there such a poisonous fog here, **** it, I don't know if you are lucky or unlucky, tell you, this poisonous fog encounters, even if it is a lower **** must die."

Lu Yang was startled, he quickly retreated back into the cave, away from the dense fog, and asked, "What is this?"

The voice of the Blazing Demon God trembled a little, and said: "The ruins, the fog unique to the prehistoric ruins, damn, these dark demons have dug up the treasure."

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