Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2457: Orc City

Lu Yang didn't expect this matter to become so simple. Originally, according to his plan, once Mei Cheng and others who were using blood cells encountered a sneak attack by a demon of the heart, Lu Yang and the demon **** of blazing flames took action to help them suppress it, but no one could do it. Guarantee the time and place of the demon invasion.

If Lu Yang and the Blazing Demon God were not around, this matter would become troublesome, so Lu Yang wondered if he should keep them in Bandarsburg.

I didn't expect to find the tomb of the ancient gods this time, and get treasures like the prisoner stone, and creatures like the extraterrestrial demons will only make sneak attacks in the early stage of the cultivator's promotion of a rank, or when the cultivator's mentality has serious problems. At other times, a strong man other than the extraterritorial demons will be able to resist the attacks of the extraterritorial demons, so he would not dare to do it.

In this way, Mei Cheng and the others will be able to live normally with other brothers in the future, and there is no need to set up a separate residence.

Beside the Prisoner Stone.

After Lu Yang made sure that Mei Cheng was fine, Zhou Tianming asked a second person to come over. This person was called Ban Lei. After he took the blood cell and ate it, the process was the same as that of Mei Cheng. Devil's attack.

Lu Yang launched the Prisoner Stone to smash the soul of the extraterritorial demon, turned it into nutritional supplements and entered Ban Lei's body.

Next is the third person, the fourth person...

After the last Huo Yun was also promoted to the mid-monarch rank, Lu Yang looked at them with satisfaction and said, "Yes, although it looks a bit ugly, but the strength has improved a lot, and we can attack stronger groups. "

Ban Chao, Huo Yun and others, everyone's skin is blood red, and there are black runes all over their faces and bodies, as if they are always telling everyone that this group of monarchs hate elements, or, look, look When they got to them, they knew that they were a group of warriors who were stared at by extraterritorial demons and could go crazy at any time.

"Boss, I can't suppress the killing intent in my body." Ban Chao said with some pain.

Lu Yang was a little surprised, and said, "Is the extraterritorial demon looking for you again?"

Ban Chao shook his head and said, "It's not an extraterrestrial demon, or the killing intent in the body, as if it were about to rush out."

The Blazing Demon God was a little emotional and said: "This is the second side effect of using the Blood God Orb. They can't control their killing intent. After the Blood God gives everyone who believes in him, the Blood God Orb will add a A crazy energy that keeps them killing all the time, to sacrifice blood and life to him."

Lu Yang said: "It's easy to handle. Let's find a hostile race. If we become like this, we will specifically find these races to kill."

There are 11 more monarch ranks, enough for Lu Yang to find some more powerful groups to attack. He looked at the Zhuojiu and others around him, and said, "You are responsible for smelting these broken star iron ingots and making weapons as soon as possible. I'll go to the world around me to see if there are any suitable groups to attack."

"Yes." Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others said in unison.

"Wait for my news." Lu Yang waved his hand and took Mei Cheng, Huo Yun and others into the Void Hall. Then, he jumped into the air, quickly flew out of the underground world, and moved towards the south side of the dark woodland. flew over.

When he killed the demigod-level powerhouse of the Blade Demon Clan just now, he searched for the soul of the other party, and learned that there was a large city in a valley area 500 kilometers away from the dark woodland. fortress.

If the Dark Demon and the Jagged Brotherhood have a blood feud, the Orcs are the common enemy of the entire East China Sea. In terms of killing, the jackal-headed Orcs cause far more damage to humans than the Dark Demon.

All of Lu Yang's brothers died at the hands of the jackal-headed orcs, especially those with the blood of the gods. Now that he has learned the ancient magic, he really wants to meet the lower-level **** of the jackal-headed orcs for a while.

"What else should I pay attention to when fighting against the lower gods?" Lu Yang cautiously discussed with the Blazing Flame God. He didn't want to be slaughtered by the lower **** of the jackal-headed orc tribe with a big move.

The Blazing Demon God smiled and said: "According to the memory of the blade demon, this jackal-headed lower **** is at least 500,000 years old. For you, the devil's body, 500,000 years is nothing, but for the jackal-headed orc It is said that it is already in his old age, if there is no better means of prolonging his life, his strength is estimated to be the lowest level of the lower gods, and it is very good not to fall to the quasi gods.

What you need to worry about more is the quasi-gods of the jackal-headed orcs. These quasi-gods with strong qi and blood are extremely fast, and you may suffer. "

Races like the jackal-headed orcs are born to kill for food. Their movements are quick and ruthless, and they have no mercy for other races. Once they set their sights on their target, they will definitely hunt them down to the end.

Lu Yang said, "I will pay attention."

He deliberately slowed down the flight speed. In the area with trees, he flew close to the trees, and at the same time maximized his perception ability to prevent other creatures from attacking him.

more than an hour later.

Lu Yang flew out of the black forest. On a prairie, he saw a fortress made of red rocks from a distance.

It just so happened that the sun's rays came from the horizon and illuminated the castle. Like the dark satyr, the sun's rays here only had an hour's exposure time.

At this time, Lu Yang looked at the main city of the jackal-headed orcs again, and was surprised to find that there were countless orcs and people of various races waiting to open the door at the gate of the city, and among them there were creatures of the flame race.

He was a little curious and turned into a demon-level fire demon. He walked out of the woodland quickly, came to the vicinity of the city gate, walked to the tail of the team, and followed a group of fire demons and trolls in front of him into the city.

"What treasures did you bring, thanks to the protection of the Great God Karu, I must find some useful ones today." A fire demon said excitedly.

"Humph~!" The troll sneered and said a little unhappily: "That old immortal didn't go to the front line, instead of being ashamed, he was proud of it, and he started a business in the vicinity based on his identity, which is really a shame for the orcs. ."

"Don't say that, after all, this is a lower god, keep us Besides, it's good to say that your uncle has returned safely from the battlefield, otherwise, don't offend a lower **** easily." A harpy analyzed calmly.

Everyone came to their senses, and the Viscount was far away from this troll, for fear that the lower **** would hear their conversation, so as not to be troubled in the future.

"Will I be afraid of him?" The troll didn't care about speaking ill of others at the door of other people's houses.

Lu Yang felt that this person was very interesting, so he took the initiative to lean over and asked in a cliché: "This brother, even if the lower **** doesn't kill you, his quasi-god descendants will trouble you."

"I'm a quasi-god, do any of his descendants become quasi-gods? There are only three quasi-gods in total, or the lowest level. It's ridiculous." The troll was even more rampant, and even laughed.

With a smile on his lips, Lu Yang continued to chat with the troll, extracting the information he needed.

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