Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2464: Single kill the next god


The main city of the jackal-headed orcs.

The cries of the warriors of all races, the light of magic constantly emerging from the city walls, and the cries of the jackal-headed orcs in the city all testify to the tragicness of this war.

When Lu Yang put away more than 40,000 brothers and flew back over the city, what he saw was this tragic war scene, and he flew straight to the temple area.

The clone he left has been hidden in a corner on the beam, and was not affected by the spells of both sides. Therefore, Lu Yang could know the fighting situation of the strong men of various ethnic groups such as Karl Wu and Golin.

The two sides were about to decide the winner. Goering and the others were still one move away. Sixteen quasi-gods were severely injured by Karl Wu, and three quasi-gods were killed. An arm was broken.

"Goering! Goering! I will kill you, I will make you die horribly, and I will make every one of your clansmen die horribly." Karu roared frantically.

Goering was still alive, but Dalama who stood in front of him had been hacked to death by Karu, and the scars all over his body could not be recognized by his face. It was Dalama.

"Karlwu, even if you die, I will pull you to die with you." Goering looked crazy, holding the divine weapon blood spear, and rammed towards Karlwu.


A blood-red light collided with a black-purple light, and the violent shock wave caused the more than sixty quasi-gods still alive in the arena to be blown away, hitting the railings of the temple heavily and vomiting blood.

Goering could no longer stand up. Although he tried his best, he could only lean on a pillar, while Karu, who was opposite him, was still standing with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Who else? Who else?" Karu looked around with a crazy look on his face. He hadn't played so smoothly for a long time. Facing the pain of Goering and others, he was extremely excited.

"Father's power is boundless!" Although Karu's sons were lying on the ground unable to move, they were still cheering wildly. They seemed to have seen the massacre of the surrounding races and the fact that the jackal-headed orcs became the king of this area. scene.

Goering kept spitting out blood, but he couldn't utter a word. Just when the quasi-gods of the various races thought they could no longer deal with Karu, a strange voice appeared on the beam.

"Kalwu, how about I come to fight with you?" Lu Yang fell to the ground in the form of a demon body with flames all over his body.

"Flame-based?" Karu stared at Lu Yang, frowned and said, "Why is your strength still in its prime? You hid and didn't participate in the battle yesterday? You coward."

"Pfft~!" Goering spat out a mouthful of blood, pointing out that Lu Yang couldn't say a word.

Lu Yang glanced at Goering with a smile. He knew that the look in his eyes was unbelievable. A blood-red flame flew out from his right hand and wrapped around Goering's body.


Goering turned into ashes and disappeared in this world. Even his soul was burned by blood flames. Except for the blood spear, there was nothing to prove that he appeared in this world.

Karu suddenly widened his eyes, stared at Lu Yang in horror and said, "Blood flame, how can you have blood flame, isn't all that stuff thrown into blood purgatory? How can you have it?"

Lu Yang looked at Karu with a smile and said, "You are quite knowledgeable?"

"I participated in that decisive battle back then, and we killed all those who knew how to use blood flames. You must be the remnant left behind, and I must kill you." Karu roared and activated the power of his whole body. , rushed over with a phantom.

Lu Yang only felt the darkness in front of him, and Karu appeared in front of him. In an instant, Lu Yang's chest was penetrated by Karu's sharp claws.

"Death to me~!" Karu's arm burst out with divine power.

With a loud "Boom", Lu Yang's body was blown to pieces by divine power, and in the rain of blood, Karl Wu showed a grin on his face and said, "Fortunately, it's just a quasi-god, otherwise, I'll be the one who will die today. already."

As soon as the words fell, the sons behind Karu roared wildly.

"Father, behind you."

"He's not dead yet!"


Karl Wu turned his head abruptly, and was surprised to see that Lu Yang's body had recovered from the rain of blood, and the temperature of the flame was higher than before.

This is the Great Nirvana Technique!

Facing a speed-type low-level **** like Karl Wu, Lu Yang couldn't even use the move of God's Extermination Slash, so he could only use the Great Nirvana Technique to fight the enemy. It happened that he also wanted to test the power of the Great Nirvana Technique. The temperature of the flame was 30% higher than before, because part of Karu's divine power was absorbed by the Great Nirvana Technique and became the nourishment for the flame.

Of course, if you understand this trick, you only need to avoid Lu Yang for a while, then the absorbed divine power will be completely consumed, and the temperature will naturally drop, but Karl Wu does not understand, where has he seen the ancient gods He was deceived, so he cut Lu Yang's body into six pieces with one claws in anger.

In the blood rain, Lu Yang died again, but in the blood rain, Lu Yang's body slowly condensed, looking at Karl Wu, who had already reacted somewhat, a sneer appeared on his face, and said: "It's time to come. I'll attack."

At this time, Lu Yang had absorbed the two attacks of Karu, and the flame power in his body expanded, and even his speed increased a lot.

"Death to me!" Karu once again hit Lu Yang in the head.


Lu Yang's body exploded. Unlike the previous one that turned into a rain of blood, this time it exploded. The huge explosive force blew Calwu's body back ten steps. When Calwu stopped, Lu Yang body reunited.

"You, what kind of spell are you?" Karu was stunned.

"The spell to kill you." Lu Yang bumped over again. In the collision just now, he absorbed the divine power of Karu again. At this time, the temperature emanating from his body was already higher than his own strength. 90%!

Although the power is less than 10% of the lower gods, the temperature of the flame is already close to 40,000 degrees. If Lu Yang is not using the body of a demon, he can't bear such a temperature.

Karu couldn't bear the temperature either, so he had to take out a shield and poured the divine power in his body into the shield.


The two collided, and the shield of the lower **** level was scalded red under this ultra-high temperature, and the corners became watery and melted. It was sucked away by Lu Yang again.

At this time, Lu Yang, under the charge of the white sun in his body, has already expanded his strength. With the help of Carl Wu, his current strength is already 120% of the original. Looking at the opponent whose whole body is scorched, A smile appeared on Lu Yang's face.

"Is there such a shield? If not, you can die!" Lu Yang bumped into it for the fifth time.

Where is there such a low-level god-level magic weapon in Karl Wu? In the face of Lu Yang's charge, he did not dare to use his body to resist it. He took out the magic weapon long sword, activated his magic power to strike a sword beam, and smashed Lu Yang's body into one piece. Divided into two.

But this move hit Lu Yang's arms. The moment Jianmang cut open his body, the power absorbed instantly restored his and continued to slam towards Karu.

Karu is a low-level god. If it was someone else, he would avoid it, but Karu has the dignity of his own god. If he runs away in front of a quasi-god, he will never be able to forgive himself. waving the long sword in his hand.

The sword lights cut Lu Yang's body into pieces, but Lu Yang's body recovered faster and faster, so that at the end, the sword light couldn't cut Lu Yang's body at all, just giving His body was recharged, and at this time, Lu Yang also turned into a giant fireball and came to Karu.

"Die~!" Lu Yang grabbed Karu's arm and neck, and released all the flame power in his body, more than 600% of his own body's flame explosion power was released.

Gold-red light flashed.

Karu's body was blown to pieces, and under the rain of blood, there was no trace of breath anymore!

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