Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2467: Fallen Pampas

three hours later.

In a chaotic stone forest, Lu Yang saw a giant castle built entirely of sixth-order obsidian.

In the castle, a large number of dark orcs have started their new day's work. Beside the city, there is a huge pit and a stone mound more than 200 meters high.

Stones dug out of the pit are piled up on the mountain, forming a new mountain. There are about tens of thousands of orcs in the pit, and there are 40,000 to 500,000 dark orcs in the city.

In the nearby sky, there are a large number of orcs riding black birds patrolling the air, and the farthest has reached a few kilometers away from the waste rock mountain.

Only there was no one patrolling the top of the waste rock mountain. Lu Yang was in the form of a phoenix. He shrank his body and quickly flew to the top of the waste rock mountain. Standing on a rock, he changed back to his original form and put Balha. Released from Bandarsburg.

"Can you hypnotize the city?" Lu Yang asked.

Balha held the totem of the trolls, with a frenzied look in his eyes, and said: "There is no problem, I just need to recite the spell to hypnotize them all, but, master, you have to be careful, except for me, including You also get hypnotized."

Lu Yang asked, "Is there any way to solve it?"

Balha said: "You will wake up if you are injured too seriously. Another one is that the mental power is particularly strong, and it will not be controlled by the totem spell. The third one is the demon body. Anyone with a demon body will not be affected by the totem spell. Influence."

Lu Yang happened to be the body of a demon god, and his mental power was four or five times stronger than that of an ordinary demigod. He said, "You do some preparation here, and I'll go see their high-level powerhouse strength."

He jumped into the air, turned into the form of a phoenix, neighed, and flew towards the Obsidian Castle. In an instant, the huge demigod pressure within Lu Yang's body was released.

"Where did the demigods come from, they dare to be arrogant over the heads of our dark orcs." The furious roar of the orcs sounded in the castle.


After a long howl, Lu Yang watched an orc flying towards him on a Yalong, and finally stopped 50 meters in front of him.

Lu Yang looked at the orc with a smile on his lips, because he felt that the orc was only a quasi-god, and he asked with a smile, "Are you the only quasi-god in such a large dark orc? Woolen cloth?"

"Killing you a demigod, I think I look at you too high." The orc was extremely arrogant, the dragon spear in his hand stood on his chest, and said to Lu Yang: "My name is Pampas, tell me your name, flame demigods of the tribe."

"It is enough for you to know that I am a demigod of the Flame Race." Lu Yang's body rushed towards Pampas.

On the way, a giant fire dragon with a body of more than fifty meters flew out from the portal in front of Lu Yang, bit Yalong's neck, and then slammed it hard, Yalong's head and body were separated.

Pampas didn't expect Lu Yang to have this trick, so he jumped up from the dragon and landed on the top of the obsidian castle with a phantom on his body.

Orcs mainly cultivate the body, not the elements. Therefore, even if Pampas has cultivated to the level of a quasi-god, he still cannot fly in the sky. Only when he reaches the stage of a lower god, can the Orcs barely fly in the air.

"You have the guts to come down." Pampas roared at Lu Yang.

"I'm here." Lu Yang launched the Great Nirvana exercise and bumped into Pampas.


A black iron hammer appeared in Pampas's hand, which was made of obsidian spirit, comparable to a weapon of a lower god, and hit Lu Yang's head firmly, directly smashing Lu Yang's body into pieces.

In the rain of flames that filled the sky, Pampas grinned and said: "A demigod of the element system dares to fight me close to me. It's really tired of living."

Normally, elemental creatures stop in the air for long-range attacks when fighting against strong men like Orcs. The only thing Orcs can threaten the Elements is the weapons they throw such as javelins. At other times, All Orcs were attacked by the element system, and it was not over until one party showed a flaw, or one party took the initiative to escape.

It was the first time that Pampas had encountered someone like Lu Yang who came up to fight the orcs, so he was very comfortable with this hammer.

Lu Yang was also very comfortable with the hammer. Just now, he took Pampas's full blow and absorbed about 80% of it. Therefore, in the rain of fire, Lu Yang quickly recovered his body and looked at the stunned expression in front of him. Pampas, said: "Your strength is very weak, I didn't even feel the power."

"This is impossible, give me death." Pampas raised the warhammer in both hands, jumped over Lu Yang's head, and smashed it down with a rounded hammer.


Lu Yang's body exploded again, and the huge shock wave caused cracks in Pampas' body. However, in the next second, Pampas's body returned to its original state, and Lu Yang slowly formed his body in the rain of flames.

"What kind of monster is this? Let's help you." The roar of the orcs came from a distance.

The three demigods of the orc race charged towards Lu Yang, and the weapons they used were also iron hammers.


Lu Yang exploded for the third time, and the strength of the three demigods was far worse than that of the gods. This time, Lu Yang's explosion was 60% stronger than his own strength, killing the three demigods on the spot. In place, only Pampas was left as a quasi-god.

"Bull, Tyron, Arya~!" Pampas instantly sensed that his three subordinates were dead, he glared at Lu Yang angrily, the giant hammer in his hand spun frantically, and roared, "I'm going to kill you. , the wrath of death."

Among the black rays of light, pure colorless rays of light hit Lu Yang's body instantly. This time, Lu Yang's body was turned into ashes by the rays of light, but the flames rained again, even bigger than before.

"It's very powerful. The combination of the martial arts of the Temple of War and the dark dragons, you are not an ordinary quasi-god." Lu Yang's body slowly formed in the air for the fourth time.

Pampas was dumbfounded. He had never encountered such a fighting method as Lu Yang. As Lu Yang said, he was indeed not an ordinary quasi-god, because he was a dragon orc born from the combination of dragon and beast.

Not only can he use the exercises of the Temple of War, but he can also use the exercises of the dark dragon race. He combined these two exercises to form his strongest move, Death Rage.

It looks like two beams of light. In fact, one type of energy is an energy ball filled with darkness, and the other is a sharp light wave formed by countless sword spirits. Once it touches the target, it will not only produce an annihilation effect~www.readwn. com~ will also be cut by sharp light waves.

Even if the lower gods face Pampas's move, they will suffer huge damage, which is why the dark orcs left Pampas as the last line of defense to guard the castle.

Pampas has always thought that his skills are powerful, but he didn't expect that hitting the flame race demigod in front of him would be completely useless.

In fact, the shock in Lu Yang's heart was even more violent than that of Pampas. His move was too powerful. The Great Nirvana Technique came to absorb the energy generated by the dark spells and the sword spirit of the Temple of War. Now His strength expanded by more than 120% than before. Looking at Pampas in front of him, he said, "You can die."

The light flickered.

Lu Yang hit him at a speed that Pampas couldn't dodge at all. A terrifying explosion sounded, and the huge air wave shattered the walls of the Obsidian Castle. Looking at Pampas, it was already blown into pieces. A pile of rubbish.

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