Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2480: Blood Guards Attack

"Lu Yang, I admit that you are strong, but you humans are too weak as a whole." Pandaros sneered and folded his arms, looked at Lu Yang and said, "My army can easily flatten your clan, if you dare Keep attacking and I will order them to destroy your race."


More than 200 big demons of the monarch rank stood up and roared loudly at Lu Yang, waving their weapons, and had a tendency to attack Lu Yang.

If Pandaros and Lu Yang were wrestling with each other, if these two hundred monarch-level demons jointly launched a spell attack, Lu Yang would really not be able to withstand it. Even if he was a demon, he would still be severely injured and even die!

Lu Yang looked at the legion of Pandaros. In addition to the more than 200 monarchs, there were more than 2,000 kings of demons behind, and there were hundreds of thousands of spirits and lords behind.

"I didn't expect you to come here this time, the purpose is to completely destroy my human race." Lu Yang looked at Pandaros with a smile, and said with a slightly sarcastic tone: "Did you find that I am too strong and dare not kill me, so You threaten me with the population of more than 20 million in the East China Sea."

"Stop talking nonsense, give you one last chance, surrender to the demon race, I can spare your race, otherwise, today is the day of your genocide." Pandaros said with a sneer.


Countless demons roared again.

Lu Yang was unmoved, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his right hand, the thousand-meter-high flames turned into a little flame and dissipated in the air.

Just when all the demons sighed at the beauty of the flames, in an instant, more than 40,000 warriors from the Jagged Brothers Alliance had assembled. Thousands of people, including the turbid wine and the white lion, who practiced in the Void Hall, exuded a violent power station all over their bodies. behind Lu Yang.

"The breath of the monarch?" Pandaros stared at the Zhuojiu and the others behind Lu Yang in shock, and roared, "Why are there so many monarchs in your team, this is impossible!"

Lu Yang raised his head and sighed, looked at Pandaros and said, "I also feel that this is not true. Why don't you try to attack it yourself."

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you." Pandaros was furious. He dared not imagine that humans have demigods and many monarchs in such a short period of time. If we continue to give humans time to develop, what human beings will become.

"The whole army attacks, kill all the humans~!" Pandaros roared and charged towards Lu Yang first.

Lu Yang was not afraid at all, and slammed into Pandaros. This time, neither of them used the quasi-divine form, but collided with their own strength.

It's not that the quasi-deified form consumes too much energy, it's just that there are too many flaws in this move. Even a real **** will not use a quasi-deified form if they are not ready to die or die together.


Lu Yang's double hammer and Pandaros' long knife collided together. There were too many brothers on the battlefield, and Lu Yang did not dare to use the Great Nirvana, for fear of hurting his own brothers, and Pandaros did not dare to use large-scale dark spells. , Afraid of killing the high-level powerhouse he finally gathered, he always feared the orcs on the grassland.

"Hey, you really don't dare to use spells, then it depends on the battle of your subordinates. Do you really think that your more than 40,000 people can beat my hundreds of thousands of people?"

"Then you have to try it." Lu Yang had a confident smile on his face. He knew that it was time for his brothers to show their strength.

"Xue Lingwei, attack~!" Zhou Tianming shouted, his body turned into an extraterrestrial demon form, two huge black wings appeared from his back, and the whole person turned into a demon, the first one to move towards the demon. rushed over.

"War~! Roar~!"

Huo Yun, Mei Cheng and other 51 blood spirit guards roared at the same time, their skin turned blood red, holding a seventh-order star silver sword, and madly rushed towards the nearest demon monarch rank powerhouse.

"Since you are courting death, you will be fulfilled." The monarchs on the demon side are better at dark, wind, fire, and thunder spell attacks.

"Dark Light Beam"

"Dark Thunder"

"Black Flame"

"Rear Hurricane"

With black rays of light, the four-line spells instantly collided with the blood spirit guards such as Huo Yun and Mei Cheng. These monarch-level spells are extremely destructive, and they are still the most powerful attacks of the major monarch-level demons. The bodies of other powerhouses, ranging from broken bodies to annihilation of souls.

Just when the demons were grinning and looking forward to the death of Huo Yun and others, suddenly, Huo Yun rushed out of the magic circle with a star-silver long sword unscathed, and stabbed a big demon in the heart with one sword.

"You, how come you didn't get hurt? No, you, you are the blood abandoned by the elements..." Before the big demon could finish speaking, Huo Yun opened his huge mouth and bit his neck, with this The soul of the famous monarch-level demon was also eaten by Huo Yun.

The surrounding demons fell into a panic. They were already ferocious enough, but this human race powerhouse was even more ferocious than them, like an evil ghost that came out of hell.

Suddenly, a monarch-level demon reacted and shouted: "Don't attack with spells, they are blood spirit guards, creatures abandoned by the elements, and spells below the **** level are ineffective against him."

Only then did the surrounding demons react, and hurriedly raised their weapons and slashed over, but Huo Yun's face showed a sneer, staring at the rushing demons and said, "Do you think I'm the only one who is the Blood Spirit Guard? Damn it. The bastards, see clearly, I have brothers."


Fifty blood spirit guards slammed out facing the spell, and when they arrived at Huo Yun's side, they held the star-silver long sword to block the black long swords that were slashing around him.

"Brothers, my last shred of reason is about to disappear. Everyone cherishes it. I hope everyone is still alive at the end of the battle, ah~!" Huo Yun went completely crazy under the stimulation of the war and blood.

Killing the surrounding demons, Mei Cheng and the others were similar to Huo Yun. They fell into a state of rage one after another, and crashed into the army of monarch-level demons with blood mist all over their bodies.

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, and Zhou Tianming originally wanted to help, but seeing this scene, they knew that there was no way they could intervene.

The Blood Spirit Guards are now indistinguishable except for those who are the same as them, and the rest of the demons are indistinguishable. If they get close, they will be attacked indiscriminately. This state will only last until the end of the war, and they will be attacked by the Druids. The rattan will not stop until it loses its strength.

At the same time, these blood spirit guards cannot be healed by elemental spells. As creatures abandoned by the elements, they only have to fight to the death now, no one can help them, no one can stop them!

Zhou Tianming took a last look at these brothers, holding the blade of grief and said, "I will charge with them, don't worry about our life or death, the rest of the area will be handed over to the brothers."

"Yeah." Even if there are thousands of words in Zhuojiu's heart, he can only turn it into this one word, looking at the rest of the crowd and saying, "The spirit-level formation, the monarch-level and the king-level charge with the white lion."

"Kill~!" The white lion roared, and charged with Blood Roar.

Behind him are 1,000 king-rank Void Warriors, 1,000 king-rank Holy Light Knights, 1,000 king-rank Divine-Blood Warriors, and 110 monarch-rank powerhouses of various lines.

De Buchangshi led 3,000 king-level wood-based mages, followed closely behind the team, and launched wood-based magic attacks, while more than 30,000 spiritual-level powerhouses started magic circles in groups of 100 to confront the enemy.

On the battlefield, although there are few people on the side of the Jagged Brotherhood, UU reading www. But everyone is wearing the best armor at the current stage and using the most suitable weapon for them. On the other hand, on the demon side, although there are many weapons, the armor is scarce.

When the two armies collided, there were a lot of casualties on the side of the demon race, especially the 1,000 Holy Light Knights. The attack of the king-level magic circle turned the war into a one-sided massacre.

The 200 monarchs of the demon race wanted to help at first, but they were suppressed by 51 blood spirit guards, and Xia Yuwei and 10 monarchs of the Void Warrior also joined the battle.

The turbid liquor also used the Holy Light spell to attack from the rear, causing more than 100 of the 200 monarchs of the demon race to be killed in less than an hour.

Only then did the remaining monarchs know how powerful humans are. They dared to continue fighting. They turned around and ran away. One of the monarchs shouted to Pandaros: "His Royal Highness, retreat, we lost."

Pandaros was fighting fiercely with Lu Yang in the air, neither of them dared to be distracted, but when his subordinates were shouting, Pandaros took the time to glance at the ground, but in an instant, he was stunned, because he The army of hundreds of thousands of people was killed, and almost half of them died!

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