Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2516: who is the winner

The three-faced tribe and the Void Zerg fought in a dark, shattered mountain and river. The quasi-gods and demigods in the two tribes released any attack spells that were comparable to the destruction of the world. Among them, the three-faced tribe's spells and the Void Zerg The demigod-level female insects opened the eyes of Lu Yang, Zhuojiu and others.

The demigod-rank female insects of the Void Zerg, because of their huge size, each have the strength comparable to the quasi-gods of the Three-faced tribe, and they can still survive one to three.

Each of the three-faced clansmen has three different faces, but in general, they can be roughly divided into basic elements such as ordinary wind, fire, and thunder, high-level dark, arcane, evil energy and other bizarre elements, and The strongest time, space, chaos and other original elements.

Under this powerful magical attack, a large number of monarch-rank sickle worms created by the void mother worm were killed, but the fertility of the demigod-rank void mother worm is extremely terrifying, and tens of thousands of void sickle worms can be reputed in the blink of an eye. .

The Void Mother Insect's attack is also dominated by Void Spells. The body like a mountain can teleport to the target in an instant, whether it's the weird Void Spell or the time-space rift created by the tentacles. Which three faces are encountered? The clan members will kill them instantly.

The second elder of the three-faced clan, Domingo, and the other two elders restrained the most powerful one of the Void Mother Worms at the same time, and they typed with all their might. The demigod-rank Void Mother Insect only caused minor trauma. Conversely, the furious counterattack of the Void Mother Insect under the pain had to be avoided by Domingo and the others with all their strength.

"Ola Kaig, where are you~!"

"Answer me, why haven't you shown up yet?"

"Why haven't you come out, my friend, where are you?"

Domingo called while dodging. If Olakag was here, one person could deal with a demigod-rank Void Mother Worm. Why should they fall into such a hard fight.

The third elder Elvis gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Don't expect Olakag, maybe he ran away alone with all our cultivation resources, let's hope that Bailie Ming can attract reinforcements from the ghost face clan. ."

"Don't insult my father, or I won't be able to spare you." Gulisto's voice came from the side.

"Then tell me, where is your father?" Elvis roared.

"I...I don't know." Gulisto couldn't answer, but he turned and said furiously: "But my father is not a traitor to the clan, he won't hide with the supplies alone, he must have encountered something ."

"Your father is the pinnacle of the quasi-god..." Elvis was about to speak, when the second elder Domingo suddenly said angrily: "Enough, we are fighting, shut up for me, it's important to repel the enemy first, I I feel it, Bai Lie Ming is coming back."

The voice just fell.

A blue-black streamer flew over quickly in the distance, this was the name of Bailie, who came to Elvis, Gulisto and others, and said with horror: "Something has happened, ghost face. The clan is finished, they are locked inside by the great formation they set up."

"What do you mean?" Domingo asked while attacking.

Bai Lie Ming hurriedly told the picture he saw and said: "The magic circle of the ghost face clan is to prevent the enemy from invading, and now the formation method has been completely reversed, and the power of the magic circle has been additionally enhanced, and now the ghost face clan is fully More than 1 million people from the clan are trapped in the circle, we can get in, but they can't get out."

"This, this is impossible, only God can do such a thing, but the teleportation array has been closed." Domingo said in horror.

Gulisto said excitedly: "It must have been done by someone sent by God, and my father must have had an accident. Damn, we are cursed by God, and the people they sent are going to kill our whole family. This The emergence of the Void Zerg must also have something to do with this."

Domingo also felt that this matter was not good, and said with some horror: "Don't scare yourself, fight with all your strength, if Olakag really has an accident, then our war will not be so easy. Victory, clansmen, put down all your prejudices and face the enemy together, the moment of life and death for our three-faced clan has come."

Gulisto and Elvis and other three-faced clansmen glanced at each other, nodded one after another, put down their own prejudices, and cooperated again to fight against the Void Mother Worm.

But this time the battle was different from before. When they learned about the actual situation, they always thought about who secretly controlled the ghost face clan, and whether Olakag was killed by that mysterious person, with these thoughts in mind. , they only played less than 80% of their level in the battle, and were gradually dominated by the Void Mother Worm.

There is only one loophole that allows a female worm to attack other three-faced clansmen. Countless sticks are shot, each with countless space-time cracks. In an instant, hundreds of three-faced clansmen are torn apart. Killed in place.

Lu Yang, Zhuojiu and the others watched this scene from a distance, and said with a smile, "It seems that the three-faced clan won't be able to survive this time."

Malthus flew out of the turbid wine, looked at Lu Yang beside him, and said, "You kid is a brilliant move. Even if the Three-faced Clan wins, they won't have many clansmen left."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I won't let the three-faced clan win, nor will I let the Void Mother Worm win. This battle can only be won by us."

Malthus was a little surprised and asked, "What else can you do, you can't participate in such a war."

The melee between the two races has reached this point. Once they get close to the edge area, they may be involved in it, and they will never die!

Lu Yang said, "Why should I join the battle head-on? When the three-faced strong people are seriously injured and need to rest, they must return to the city to rest. Can't I just go to the city and squat?"

In Xue Renyi's video, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com has a complete map of the Three-faced Clan camp. He can easily enter the camp. After simulating the surrounding environment in advance, every seriously injured Three-faced Clan powerhouse will fall into his illusion.

The Blazing Demon God flew out of Lu Yang's body, looked at Malthus, and said, "This method is good."

"But someone needs to stay to protect the turbid wine and them. Leave it to me here. If there is any danger, I will immediately open the portal of the Void Palace and send them in." Malthus said.

"Please." Lu Yang solemnly handed the Void Shield to Malthus. Although the place he went to was dangerous, it was also dangerous for Zhuojiu and Baishi to stay here.

At the juncture of life and death, who wants to have a bunch of melon-eating people around, driving them out is already the minimum counterattack, maybe it will lead the Void Mother Worm to the turbid wine and them, forcing them to participate in the war.

Zhuojiu and the others are the peak of the monarchy, and they are still a long way from the demigods. Lu Yang doesn't want to see his brother have an accident. Now that Malthus is helping him, he can rest assured. It landed on the ground and quietly sneaked into the city from the rear of the Three-faced Race battlefield!

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