Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2584: Temple of Doom

a day later.

On the flame star side of the different world, near the border of the arctic region, there is a black-red mountain that can't be seen to an end.

At this time, Lu Yang was climbing on the cliff of a mountain on the outermost side of the mountain range. The mountain peak was several kilometers high. Looking up, there was not even a cloud above his head, but he did not dare to change into the form of a phoenix, let alone release it. A shred of magic.

"I can't believe that, when I enter the magical world, I still need to exercise one day." Lu Yang gasped violently as he crawled.

The Blazing Demon God smiled and said: "This is the Doomsday Mountains after all, the residence of the great prince of the ancient Vulcan, and the prohibition is supergravity spells and cursed flying. After all, if you want to see the son of Vulcan, you need a pious heart and firmness. Willpower is what qualifies."

Lu Yang didn't bother to pay attention to the Blazing Demon God. After all, the Blazing Demon God didn't need to work hard in his body, and Lu Yang climbed hard all by himself.

From the moment he entered the foot of the first mountain in the Doomsday Mountains, he had already felt the supergravity spell. At the beginning, it was twice the gravity. It didn't matter to Lu Yang, but as he climbed, the gravity spell became more and more powerful. The stronger it is, it is now a hundred times his own gravity.

Every time Lu Yang climbed one meter, he had to put in a lot of effort. If it wasn't for the support of the flames in his body, his body would have been unable to carry it.

What made Lu Yang speechless the most was that flying was not allowed here. Once he flew into the air, he would drop a spell attack of the main **** level, so he could only climb like this.

When Lu Yang was struggling here, at the other end of the mountain, there was a group of people who were also walking on the mountain road with difficulty. Humanoid creatures, their height is more than 3 meters, their skin is like a red rock, but they are very smooth, without any edges and corners, and their whole bodies are covered with magic runes from top to bottom, as if they were born like this.

"Are you sure that there is a sacred object of my family in it?" The leader of the strange creature asked with a frown.

"Of course, how dare I deceive you, the leader of the ancient gods, this is what I read from ancient books, as long as you get the treasure, you can make the ancient gods stronger again." Zuo Feng said respectfully.

"I hope you didn't lie to me." The leader of the ancient protoss snorted coldly and didn't ask again.

The corner of Zuo Feng's mouth showed a smile. He didn't expect the legendary ancient gods to be so easy to deceive. With a few simple words, he asked the patriarch of the ancient gods to personally follow him with the elite of the clan.

"Om~!" The Fiery Demon God of Darkness suddenly moved in Zuo Feng's consciousness and said, "I feel it, Lu Yang and the Fiery Demon God are also in this mountain range."

"It's really coming?" Zuo Feng's eyes lit up, and he conveyed the news to He Xin, Luo Feng and others with a smile, which made more than a dozen of them look excited. , became united again.

"There is not much space in the Temple of Doom. As long as Lu Yang enters, he will definitely meet with the ancient gods. The ancient gods will never allow anyone to touch the treasures of their clan, and they will definitely fight with Lu Yang. You must take advantage of it. At this time, if you activate the mechanism, you will definitely be able to trap them to death." The Dark Flame Demon God said.

The Demon God of Blazing Flames came here in the past, and the memories of this place are fragments of the Demon God's heart, as well as the Demon God of Blazing Flames of Darkness.

Zuo Feng frowned and said: "Everyone knows the specific location of the organ. After entering, go to the trigger location. You must be careful. After all, we are facing Lu Yang and the Blazing Demon God."

"Yeah." Luo Feng, He Xin and others nodded.

Their strengths are all at the pinnacle of quasi-gods. At this level, every battle is extremely dangerous. One wrong step could lead to death and destruction. Not to mention the ancient gods around them, each of which is above the strength of the lower gods. , Zuo Feng and the others all felt that their souls were depressed when they were leading the way.

"Tang Lin must have been killed by Lu Yang, I must kill Lu Yang and avenge Tang Lin." said a man in the team with a fragment of the Moon God's Heart. His name is Chen Yang, and he and Tang Lin are male and female. Friendship.

Luo Feng, Zuo Feng and others also felt that Tang Lin should have been killed by Lu Yang at this time, and the expressions on their faces were full of anger. They entered the different world and now they have gradually gathered together and experienced life and death. For several years, they have had deep feelings, and they were unwilling to accept Tang Lin's death!

"If you catch Lu Yang, I'll give you a chance to deal with him personally." Zuo Feng patted Chen Yang on the shoulder and continued to walk forward.


The sudden sound of the horn resounded throughout the Doomsday Mountains. Zuo Feng and others hurriedly stopped and hid. More than a dozen fire-type monsters with piranha-like heads and four arms flew through the air. Even the ancient gods had to hide their aura to avoid being discovered.

Lu Yang, who was far away on the other end of the mountain range, had just climbed to the top of the mountain at this time. He lay on the ground and hid in the black and red grass.

Seeing the fish-headed monster with flames flying above his head, he said to the Blazing Flame God, "This is the flame spirit guard you said, right?"

Blazing Demon God said: "That's right, UU reading has the lowest level of guards when they go out. They are only low-level gods. They have poor eyesight and no sense of smell. They can only find enemies by sound. As long as you don't move, don't Unleash the magic and they won't find you."

A day ago, the Blazing Demon God and Malthus joined forces to build an illusion of the Doomsday Temple and Doomsday Mountains in Lu Yang's head, so that Lu Yang could be familiar with all the areas inside. Therefore, Lu Yang now has a very good understanding of the Doomsday Temple.

The so-called flame spirit guards are actually fire-type ghosts. After the death of the eldest prince of the ancient flame **** king, the ancient flame **** king was enraged and bestowed the death of all the guards of the princes.

These guards also feel guilty. After death, they turned into resentful spirits. They have guarded this area for life and life. I don’t know that after millions of years, they have become what they are today. They have no sight, no sense of smell, only hearing and Perception of magic.

Lu Yang looked at the guards. It didn't take long for the Yanling guards to fly towards the middle of the Doomsday Mountains. There was a flattened mountain, and beside the mountain there was a hundreds of kilometers long, dozens of There was a huge crack that was meters wide, and all the guards flew into the crack.

"That's where the Temple of Doom is located, right?" Lu Yang asked.

The Blazing Demon God said: "Yes, there was a great war here in those days. The elf king of the sword turned into a giant sword, and the effect of a desperate blow was the same as the death of the eldest prince."

"The future of half a lifetime of bitter love is still very promising." Lu Yang smiled and walked forward. After reaching the other side of the top of the mountain, he jumped down.

Going up the mountain is not easy, but going down is easy. With the help of gravity, within a few minutes, he came to the bottom of the mountain, and after that, he ran towards another mountain in front of him.

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