Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2590: Divine Warhammer

Forging a treasure like the Divine Phoenix Golden Spirit is not the same as forging a piece of ordinary iron. It seems to be just a piece of gold spirit, but it contains not only part of the soul of the eldest prince, but also his negative emotions, including swords. part of the energy of the elf king.

"Pure World Fire!" The Blazing Demon God took over control of Lu Yang's body and started calcining with the flames in Bandarsburg.

The sky filled with white flames surrounded the Divine Phoenix Golden Spirit. Gradually, the Divine Phoenix Golden Spirit changed from an egg state to four liquids of red, gold, black and white, and flowed into the castle of Bandarsburg.

The castle itself is a mold, and a single divine sense can turn the castle into various forms. The Blazing Demon God turned the castle into two warhammers. The black and white liquids flowed into the warhammer mold on the left, and the red and The golden liquid flowed into the warhammer mold on the right.

"It's amazing, it can actually strip my negative emotions from my consciousness, and also inject the energy of the Sword Elf King into the negative emotions." The eldest prince said with admiration.

The Blazing Demon God was a little complacent, and continued to increase the power of Jingshi Tianhuo. He said to Lu Yang: "The warhammer on the left is the dark flame warhammer. It has two emotions of anger and resentment, which can match your three The thirteenth heaven spell is released, and the enemy who is at war with you must not only block your physical attacks and flame attacks, but also resist your spiritual attacks at all times.

Again, this hammer can not only be used for melee combat, but between the hammer head and the hammer handle, I used a chain made of the energy of the sword elf king to connect it with a length of one kilometer. Once you want to attack remotely, you can put the hammer The head is thrown out, after which it is retrieved by the chain.

The warhammer on the right is a pure flame warhammer. In the future, you don't need to use the golden soul core anymore. Using this hammer can also release the explosive flame technique, so that your strongest blow can reach the mid-level god's strength. . "

Lu Yang said with admiration: "It's awesome~!"

The Blazing Demon God said: "Not only that, because these three kinds of energies are absorbed by the Divine Phoenix Golden Essence, they are already of the same origin. When you release the Four-armed Dharma Sign, the Moonlight Seven Form, and the Explosive Flame Technique at the same time, you will The two warhammers can be combined into one long-handled warhammer, and the power of the strongest blow can even reach the peak state of the median god."

Lu Yang took the two warhammers excitedly, and said with a smile: "I'm only a quasi-god. It's incredible that this hammer can hit the peak of the mid-god."

The Blazing Demon God said: "Don't use it lightly. Below the **** rank, you still use magic power. Convert it into divine power release. You can swing up to three hammers.

"Don't worry, I won't use it indiscriminately." Lu Yang was humbly taught.

The Blazing Demon God continued: "Drop your blood essence on the two warhammers, His Royal Highness, please accept these two drops of blood essence, so that your hearts and minds can become one."

The flame phoenix looked at Lu Yang and said, "My name is Yanlie. From now on, you and I have the same fate. I will be destroyed, you will die, you will die, and I will die. I hope you don't let me down."

Lu Yang clasped his fists respectfully, and said, "I swore that I would not let any of my brothers die at will, and I will do the same to you. If one day encounters a desperate situation, I will take the initiative to break the oath, let you go."

Yan Lie glanced at Lu Yang in surprise, then looked at the Blazing Demon God, and after receiving the affirmative nod from the other party, he said, "Drop your blood."

Lu Yang instantly transformed into a quasi-god form. He used the source energy in his soul as his blood essence, and dropped two drops on the two hammers. In an instant, the warhammer that had burst into flames lost its temperature in Lu Yang's hands. It was burning, but it seemed to grow on Lu Yang's arm. It was no different from his body. Lu Yang could clearly feel the true state of the two warhammers.

"I went back to recuperate, and you can call me anytime in the future." Yanlie said.

Lu Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "I really have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Yan Lie asked.

Lu Yang said, "Do you have any other treasures in your palace? You're leaving with me anyway. Give me two pieces."

Yanlie smiled speechlessly and said, "No, the reason why I died in battle was because all the defensive magic weapons in the temple and the treasures in my hands were stolen by my own younger brother, I'm not afraid to tell you, I hope The one you will help me kill in the future is not the descendant of the Elf King of Swords, but my own younger brother, if he hadn’t provoked my relationship with the Elf King of Swords behind his back, we would not have fought to the death.”

Lu Yang was a little stunned and asked, "Where is your younger brother? What rank is he? He's not a **** king, right?"

Yan Lie said: "It was the first level of the God King back then, it's been millions of years, at least it's the peak of the God King, I don't know if he has broken through to the God King, and I don't know where he hides. I don't know, but take your time."

Lu Yang sighed and said, "I have a lot of enemies now, not counting these new gods and chaotic beasts, but also the ice **** king and the ancestor of thousands of flowers from ancient times, and now there is another one from the previous generation. The second son of the King of God is also of the order of the King of God."

The Blazing Demon God laughed and said, "Isn't there an old saying among you, you don't have to worry about debts and lice don't itch, you are all like this, accept the reality, the greater the pressure, the greater your achievements."

Lu Yang was also helpless for a while. Just when he was about to exercise his combat skills, news came from his clone that the people of the Ancient God Race came out. UU reading

The light flickered.

Lu Yang flew out of Bandarsburg and landed beside the clone. Seeing that the patriarch of the ancient gods and a group of clansmen were beside him, he canceled the clone and said to the elder of the ancient gods, "Sorry, just now some things."

"Thank you for your life-saving grace. Aigulie, the patriarch of the ancient gods, is here to express his highest respect to you. I wrongly blamed you before. It doesn't matter if you punish me or take my life." Aigulie and the one behind him All the ancient protoss warriors knelt in front of Lu Yang. Even so, Aigulie was a head taller than Lu Yang.

Lu Yang helped each other up and said with a smile, "Although we meet by chance, I admire your bravery in rescuing your subordinates. There is no hatred between us, but Zuo Feng's group deceived you. I don't think so. Hate."

With an excited look on Aigulie's face, he hugged Lu Yang's arm and said, "From now on, you will be a friend of our clan. If you want, Aigulie is willing to become a brother with you."

Lu Yang's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that another world was still popular, and immediately said: "Of course, my name is Lu Yang, and I'm not from this world. I'd like to become brothers with Aigulie, but I don't know if you mind. ."

"It turns out that you are also a human being. Of course I don't mind. We are all races that should not belong to this world. Let's swoop." Aigulie shrank to Lu Yang's height, pulled him to a mountain, and said: "Our ancient gods don't respect the four stars, we only respect this earth, we are the life born from this earth, but the race under the four stars can't tolerate us, we have always felt lonely, and now there are finally creatures like us. , we are here to worship the mountains and the land."

"Okay." Lu Yang knelt down following Aigulie's example, and the two knelt three times and nine times before the mountain, completing the sworn ceremony.

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