Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2621: Magical Purple Jade

The reason why the Void Mother Insect is powerful is because of the terrifying power of the void. Their understanding of the law of the void is no less than that of the Void God King, and the second is the power of the flesh.

The body like a mountain makes every tentacle of the Void Mother Insect possess extremely terrifying destructive power. If the Void Mother Insect's Void Law and the tentacles are combined to attack, a female worm of the main **** rank can compete with the God King on an equal footing.

Void worms are also used to the power of the void when their tentacles attack, which makes their tentacles not famous for being hard, but rather flexible.

Under normal circumstances, the Void Mother Worm can fight ten Aigules by herself, but now the Void Mother Worm is filled with mud and cannot release the laws of space. The power system is only a primary lower god.

Aigulie is the upper **** of the ancient gods, a pure power system, his real strength is stronger than that of the main god, and he is holding a sword of the **** king level.

Under the situation, Aigulie cut the Void Mother Worm like an adult beating a child. It didn't take half an hour before the Void Mother Worm was hacked to the ground by Aigulie, and there was no breath at all.

"Huh, be happy!" Aigulie hadn't fought this kind of bullying battle for a long time, and the whole process was like torture.

Lu Yang couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the tragic death of the female worm in the void. This female worm was too miserable. Almost all the tentacles were pulled out by Aigulie, and the corpse was scattered on the ground. Meat is not easy.

Ai Guda walked to Lu Yang's side with glowing eyes, put his arms around his shoulder and said, "Brother, can you send us some mud, this thing is very useful."

Lu Yang looked at Ai Guda with a smile and said, "This is your thing in the first place. I'm just borrowing your place. You can dig that mud lake as you like."

"Enough." Ai Guda hugged Lu Yang's shoulder in excitement, and said longingly: "With this mud, I can kill the upper gods in the future."

"No." Aigulie walked to Aiguda's side and said in a solemn voice, "How can you take shortcuts in cultivation, go back and use soul crystals to improve your strength, don't think about these crooked ways."

Ai Guda was speechless.

Lu Yang figured it out, why Aigulie clearly saw a treasure like mud, but didn't let Aiguda and the others use it. This is the real master.

Aigulie continued: "Mud is a thing that takes a long time to make our bodies gradually become muddy. Whoever of you wants to become the same as those two people, just use it secretly behind my back."

Gorman and Payne, the two mud monsters, were dancing recklessly on the female worm, venting their changed emotions.

When Ai Guda and the other elders and legion commanders saw this scene, they no longer thought about doing this kind of thing. Who would want to be like Gorman and Payne?

"Ah! Why is there a hole in here?" Gorman shouted with jumping feet.

Lu Yang hurriedly looked in the direction of the female insect. Right in the middle of the female insect's body, a space portal was crazily twisting, with a diameter of 100 meters.

Aigulie said: "Don't worry, the female worm has this kind of space portal in the body, and the other end is the world established by the female worm, and the upper god-level Void Zerg they produce hatches there. This kind of portal is in After the female worm dies, it will dissipate automatically within two days, so don't worry about it."

"You mean there are still a lot of upper-god-level worm eggs in it?" Lu Yang asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but they're all abandoned eggs that haven't hatched, not even soul crystals," Aigulie said.

"I'll go in and have a look." Lu Yang said eagerly.

"Don't forget to burn the corpse when you come out. If other female worms find it, we will be uncomfortable." Aiglie prepared to take the clan back.

"Okay." Lu Yang handed all the clay pots to Aigulie, and asked the ancient gods to help send them back. He jumped into the space channel alone.

The light flickered.

Lu Yang landed in a purple space, where there are skeletons everywhere, and not far away there are purple-black flesh **** thirty meters high, these are the war bug larvae of the upper **** level.

The reason why he came in was because the Blazing Demon God told him that there must be a special treasure in this space called the Heart of a Mother Worm.

"The worm's heart looks like a diamond, shining with black light. That thing is not only the key to holding up this space, but also the essence of the worm. If the body of the worm dies, it will definitely be there. Before the soul dissipates, it burrows into the heart of the female worm, and then finds a worm's egg to attach to it, and after hundreds of thousands to millions of years of recovery, it will return to the state of the main **** level." Blazing Demon God said.

Lu Yang carefully searched in the air, but the space was too large and there was not much light, so it was very difficult to find.

"Original Fighter"

Lu Yang instantly turned into a thousand-meter-high flame giant with four heads and eight arms. At the same time, he transformed into an eight-kilometer-high avatar, exploring eight directions, looking for the mother. Worm Heart.

The Blazing Demon God said cheerfully: "My apprentice Xia Yuwei is in urgent need of the heart of a mother bug. With this, he will be able to master the secret of advancing to the main **** Lu Yang is also looking forward to Xia Yuwei's ability to Rapid promotion, just as he was looking for it, suddenly, not far from him, something slowly floated past.

"Do you still want to run?" Lu Yang instantly activated the chaotic demon flame pillar, trapping the black light. No matter how hard the black light struggled, it was useless. When the black light was exhausted, Lu Yang looked carefully, and it was the Blazing Flame Devil God. The heart of the female insect is a diamond-like purple-black diamond.

"Hi!" The soul of the main god-order female worm roared wildly in the heart of the female worm, but it didn't make any sense.

After the Blazing Demon God refined it, he said: "You can give it to Xia Yuwei when you go back. After eating it, you can be promoted to a lower **** after practicing for a few years, which is much easier than you."

Lu Yang laughed, and released red flames from his right hand, and burned all the upper-level **** war bug larvae in front of him into divine soul beads. Although the energy contained in it was only low-level god, it was enough for Li Mao and Liu Juan, the Void Girls. Soldiers used.

The light flickered.

Lu Yang came out of the portal, and another fire set the corpse of the female worm on fire. At first, Lu Yang thought that he could burn a real body of Yuanling, but in the end, a purple jade was burned out. the same thing.

"What is this?" Lu Yang was a little confused.

"How is that possible?" Demon God Blazing Flame and the First Prince flew out of Lu Yang's body at the same time, staring at the purple jade in front of him, their eyes gleaming.

Lu Yang was a little curious and asked, "What happened to you two?"

The Blazing Demon God let out a long sigh of excitement and said, "You're lucky boy, I never thought that this thing was burned with red flames."

"Yeah, I should have thought of it a long time ago, I should have thought of it a long time ago." The eldest prince was full of remorse with excitement, and he could not wait to beat his chest.

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