Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2662: damaged home

The direct descendants of the Sun family want to insult the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family. If this matter gets out, Sun An's future will be ruined, and it will even make the Sun family lose the right to speak in front of the other three families when they go to another world.

Because Sun An is the person in charge appointed by them to go to another world, how can a person in charge convince the public after doing such a thing?

Another one, the Zhao family did have a problem finding Lu Yan, but before the Zhao family could find Lu Yan, Sun An had already done this kind of thing, even if the Sun family exposed this matter, the other two would If you don't believe me, you will think that the Sun family is doing something wrong.

The key issue is that the only witness is Lu Yan. If Lu Yan talks nonsense...

Sun Yong looked at Lu Yan and said, "President Lu Yan, there is no business for you here, I hope you can leave for a while, and let our two families handle this matter by themselves."

"Who cares?" Lu Yan stood up and walked out of the conference room with his suit in his hand. Just in time, he met Zhao Liang who was coming back.

"Cut!" Zhao Liang and Lu Yan cursed contemptuously at the same time, and left separately.

Lu Yan's goal has been achieved. It is conceivable that the Zhao family and the Sun family will never be as monolithic as before. It is already very good that they don't want to kill each other. Now, he doesn't have to worry about Sun An and the four of them thinking that they are I also know the situation in the other world.

As for the winger, Lu Yan could already think of the ending of this person, but it has nothing to do with him.

In the ward of the hospital, Sun An was staring up at the ceiling in a daze. He had just been given anesthesia, and the doctor told him that the one below had been kicked to pieces, and the other one was also seriously damaged. As for whether it can be recovered, the doctor did not dare to confirm.


The door of the ward was pushed open, and Sun Yong walked in holding his anger, and asked, "What's going on?"

Sun An shed a tear, telling how he found out that Qiao Ning wanted to discuss things with Lu Yan secretly, how he arranged for the winger to drug Lu Yan's wine, how he toasted, and then went to room 502 to chat with Zhao Pengfei things said again.

"Didn't you go to 502? Then why did you go to 402?" Sun Yong asked with a frown.

Sun An said: "I clicked on the 5th floor. I don't know why I stopped on the 4th floor. I also checked the house card specifically. It is indeed the 5th floor."

Sun Yong felt something was wrong and said, "Did the winger not change your drink? Did he deliberately pretend to be rebelled by you?"

"Impossible, he has already sent his family to the imperial capital, so he should be absolutely loyal to me." Sun An said in disbelief.

"Then there is only one possibility left, that idiot winger handed you the wrong wine." Sun Yong said.

Sun An rolled his eyes and said, "I'm already like this, so let's stop joking."

Sun Yong said: "Then there is no other explanation. It is possible that Lu Yan discovered the action of the winger, changed the wine back, and then sent someone to modify the 4th and 5th floors of the elevator, and changed all the numbers. The cards were all changed, and while you were away, all the number plates were changed?"

What Sun Yong said is very correct. That's what Lu Yan did. The elevator was rebuilt by Jiangtong, and the room number was also temporarily pasted.

The temporary worker who has been cleaning is actually a master. After Sun An entered, he immediately changed the number of the entire trip. The whole process was like a smooth flow, but it required huge financial resources and manpower, as well as top experts. do it.

Sun An smiled at Sun Yong, and said: "I don't believe it, it's impossible, how could Lu Yan have such ability, unless he knew all my plans in advance, but this is impossible."

Sun Yong said: "Let's interrogate the winger. There is a high probability that the grandson passed the wine backwards."

Sun An thought for a while, and it seemed that there was only one possibility, and cursed: "If it's true that he handed it back, I'll beat him to death."

"I'll go for you." Sun Yong stood up and walked towards the door with a sneer on his face. When he was about to go out, he looked back at Sun Yong and asked, "Is that okay for you?"

Sun An: "..."

"I can do it, **** it, I can do it." Sun An was anxious.

"Yes, yes, yes, you can do it, you must do it." Sun Yong left.

Sun An went crazy, and shouted excitedly: "I can do it, I can do it."

It's a pity that no one pays attention to him...

Sun An's expression was distorted, and he growled, "Zhao Pengfei, I will definitely kill you, I will definitely kill you!"

In the hotel room, Zhao Pengfei sneezed and stared at Qiao Ning in front of him for a long time without saying a word. The ins and outs of the matter were clear. The only problem was that Qiao Ning said that he was not bullied so he couldn't believe it.

The two wrestled in the room for nearly ten minutes. Qiao Ning's clothes were torn. Qiao Ning also said that he was not bullied. Who can believe it?

"Qiao Qiao, trust me, I will avenge you and myself, and I will never spare Sun An." Zhao Pengfei growled.

Qiao Ning also wished that Sun An would die now. It was not easy to get an errand from Zhao Tianxiao this time. He should have performed well, but Sun An ruined An and made her look like this.

Qiao Ning is very smart, a simple analysis can tell that Sun An must have plotted against Lu Yan, but Lu Yan rebelled against her, but she can't care about trouble with Lu Yan now, she has to work hard to calm Zhao Pengfei's anger , and to restore the relationship with Zhao Pengfei, otherwise, she would not be able to stand in the Zhao family.

"Husband, don't be angry, okay. I'm all for our relationship. My family is not good. My father doesn't like me. If I don't make progress, between you and me... woo woo woo!" Qiao Ning's tears fell down patter.

Zhao Pengfei's heart softened in an instant. He held Qiao Ning in his arms and said, "Don't worry, no one can affect our relationship. In the future, I will work harder. You don't have to worry about family matters."

"Yeah." Qiao Ning obediently acted like a little bird.

the other side.

"Hey, eat a mouthful of dog food." The little fat cat looked at Lu Yan beside him with a displeased face, and said, "Is there anything else you want to see."

Just now, after Lu Yan returned to the hotel, he contacted Little Pang Mao and read the reactions of the main characters of the Zhao family and the Sun family.

"The two families want to settle the matter." Lu Yan sneered, and said, "How can I let you two end this matter so easily?"

The little fat cat also felt that it was too cheap to let the Sun family and the Zhao family go, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Call out the videos and voices of the Wei family and the Tao family, and see who Wei Ran and Tao Wei have instigated." Lu Yan said.

When Lu Yan was dealing with Sun An and Qiao Ning, Wei Ran and Tao Wei were still methodically wooing the army chiefs and legion chiefs of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood, knowing nothing about Sun An and Qiao Ning.

Lu Yan has to let the two of them know, only if these two know, there will be more good dramas in the future, and the four families will not care about targeting the Brotherhood of Brotherhood.

"The one you want has already been found for you. The army commander Han Chao and Xiehuang joined Wei Ran's guild, the army commander Kuangshen and Mo Ying joined Tao Wei's guild, and the army leader Saint Saint was killed Daphne made a move, you know how to do it," said the little chubby cat.

"In just one day, I lost five army commanders. It's really evil." Lu Yan was really speechless.

The little fat cat said, "What do you think?"

Lu Yan expressed his thoughts, and said, "Tomorrow, I will let the four of them fight among themselves, and avenge Ramsay."

"It's wicked enough, I like it." The little fat cat gave Lu Yan a thumbs up.

Lu Yan quit the game proudly and went to sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Yan appeared in the cafeteria of the guild. Several army commanders were gathering around Qianli Zhengzhan, Huolong and others. When they saw Lu Yan coming, they stood up one after another.

"Boss, boss..." Everyone shouted.

"Sit down, what are you talking about?" Lu Yan asked curiously.

A group of army commanders looked at Qianli Zhengzhan, and they all winked at him. Qianli Zhengzhan couldn't hold back, and said to Lu Yan with a smile: "Boss, I heard there was a story last night, Sun An was sent to the hospital Yes, what happened."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at them, and said: "This is a big secret, let me tell you, you must never tell Uh, um, we will never tell it .” Qianli Zhengzhan and the others nodded fiercely.

Lu Yan beckoned to them, and in a low voice forced Sun An to enter Qiao Ning's room, but was stopped by Lu Yan, and then Zhao Pengfei came and broke an egg of Sun An.

"Eggs are broken?!" Qianli Zhengzhan asked excitedly.

"Hush! This is a secret." Lu Yan hurriedly made everyone whisper, but this made Xie Huang, Mo Ying and others sitting not far away all look excited.

After breakfast, just as Lu Yan returned to the office, word spread throughout the brotherhood.

"Have you heard? Zhao Pengfei kicked one of Sun An's eggs into pieces." One person whispered to the other.

"I heard that both of Sun An's eggs were broken." The second person said to the third person.

"It's a big secret. No one is allowed to tell it. Sun An was born with no eggs. Zhao Pengfei kicked Sun An's place." The third said to the fourth.

At ten o'clock at noon, Jiang Tong walked into Lu Yan's office and said with a smile: "Have you heard the rumors outside? Zhao Pengfei showed his power last night and gave the eggs of Sun An, Sun Yong and all the men of the Sun family. It was broken, and now there is no one in the Sun family who is a man."

Lu Yan was drinking tea, and spit it out with a puff, and said with a big smile, "Who, it's too wicked to spread such a version."

Jiang Tong shrugged his shoulders and said, "It seems that Lin He spread the word, and that kid is telling everyone."

Lu Yan smiled and said, "Very good. It will be interesting when the game starts in the afternoon."

This afternoon is the first day of the official competition. Players from all over the world will arrive at the scene. He really wants to see how Sun An, Sun Yong, and Zhao Pengfei enter the arena.

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