Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 843: Lightning Elemental Ball


A thick-armed thunderbolt fell on dark elemental creatures not far away, and several dark elemental creatures with hundreds of millions of blood were all wiped out.

"This power is so strong." Yeyue said to the wind.

Lu Yang said: "The Lei Ling Temple and the Fire Spirit Temple are tied for the most difficult temple to fight. They are very eating equipment. Fortunately, the Thunder Elemental Temple has a way to crack it. Come with me."

He led the crowd into the hall.

The system prompts: You found the Thunder Palace

There is a huge lightning ball with a diameter of 5 meters suspended in the center of Lei Ling Temple Square. He has no shape, it is a sphere, wandering around the center of the hall. From time to time, a bucket of thick lightning strikes the blue metal columns around it. Make a deafening roar.

General Lei Ling (Lord)

Level: 80


"This lord's lightning looks very thick." Xiao Liang blinked and said, he felt unable to carry a lightning injury.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "You can't resist this, let Han Ying's baby resist."

Xiao Liang and Yeyue listened to the wind and looked at the red puppy beside Han Ying. Yeyue listened to the wind and said, "Can this resist, how can I feel it in seconds?"

The thunder beast tilted a glance at Yeyue to listen to the wind, took a few steps forward under the command of Han Ying, and his body suddenly stood upright.

Yeyue listened to the wind and only felt a huge dark shadow appearing in front of him. When he reacted, the red puppy just turned into a giant red monster with a height of 5 meters.

"So strong." Yeyue sighed at the wind.

Han Ying smiled slightly, pointed his right hand at the thunder ball, and the thunder beast rushed towards General Lei Ling.

"Somebody dared to challenge the dignity of the elemental god." Thunderball's voice echoed in the hall, and from his body, a lightning thicker than the bucket hit the thunder beast.


The thunder beast has 800,000 blood, which hurts him nothing at all.

Yeyue Tingfeng added two consecutive cures to the thunder beast's body, and the thunder beast's health returned to full value.

"It's too easy." Yeyue heard the wind.

A burning heart of Lu Yang hit General Lei Ling's body, killing the opponent's nearly 2 million health, and said, "Change Xiao Liang and you will know, Xiao Liang's more than 10,000 magic resistance can't bear it Thunder beast has a thunderbolt. "

Han Ying said, "The thunder resistance of the thunder beast is 100,000 points."

Yeyue Tingfeng and Xiao Liang both looked startled.

"Then I can't carry it," Xiao Liang said.

Lu Yang laughed, released a lava eruption at the foot of General Lei Ling, attacked with a fire cross, and hit him while communicating with Lan Yu's speaker, saying "how many levels."

"It's level 80 soon, and there are at most 3 hours. The upgrade here is too fast." Lan Yu said.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "I'm telling you something, the news I just got, Li Xiuyu is married."

Lan Yu was surprised and asked, "Who, slang?"

Lu Yang said: "Li Xiuyu married a beautiful woman as his wife at the request of the marriage of the family, and slapped a slap in front of the new wife."

Lan Yu said, "Weird."

Lu Yang shook his head, and Lan Yu's character was good. The last life's silk language and Li Xiuyu were treacherous, but it hurt Lan Yu's life.

"Don't sympathize with this woman, she blame herself." Lu Yang said, it is conceivable that the second half of the Silk language will be cast aside by everyone, anyone who knows the Silk language will laugh at her for being punished like this.

As for Li Xiuyu, although he has married his wife now, Lu Yang will not spare him, and it will not be long before the economic crisis will come.

The global economic crisis will not only destroy Li Xiuyu's family, but also countless other powerful families like him, not to mention that Lu Yang asked Qi Yun to take care of Li Xiuyu's company and his wife's company.

Lu Yang and Lan Yu talked for a long time. It has been a long time since he and Lan Yu talked, because Liu Jie, Tian Yao, the economic crisis, and the national war are about to start, everything let Lu Yang Feeling nervous.

He would spend time solving these problems, and sometimes even left Lan Yu cold, but Lan Yu was very good. She is a very obedient girl. Knowing that Lu Yang is busy, she never messes with her.

She never asked Lu Yang to take her out to buy luxury goods. Every day when Lu Yang was idle, she quietly stayed with Lu Yang to relax Lu Yang's mood. When Lu Yang worked, she would Go to lead the team to improve their ranks and reduce the pressure on Lu Yang.

A little girl silently shared the pressure for Lu Yang and never had any requirements. She was like a drop of clear spring. When Lu Yang was tired, her heart was sweet.

"Brother, I'm very tired to see you these days, take a rest." Lan Yu softly advised.

Lu Yang's heart was softened and he said, "Wait a second, after destroying Miriam."

Without killing Ma Lizhe, there is always such a nail around him, which makes Lu Yang very uncomfortable.

Soon, Merlech ’s affairs will soon be over. His troops are far worse than Lu Yang ’s combat effectiveness. The only special thing is the Skeleton Army and the Poisonous Heart. Both of these things can be solved, but A matter of time.

System prompt: You killed General Thunder

Lu Yang looked into the field, General Lei Ling fell to the ground, and an elemental thunder ball fell from his body. A thunder element wizard made a transfer certificate, thunder seal and a special lightning system skill.

The Thunder Seal is the same as the Fire Seal, increasing the level of the Lightning skill by 5 levels. The effect of God's Penalty Thunder is the same as that of Blazing Heart Flame, and it also deals damage based on intelligence.

Lu Yang said: "It's really good, Mu Yu is all here."

He returned to the city of St. Gall ~ ~ and called Mu Yu back, took the little girl to transfer to learn skills, and then brought Mu Yu back to the element space.

"Now we can go to the Light Elementary Temple." Lu Yang said.

Along the way, Mu Yu was still in a confused state, but he was very proud of the lightning skills he just learned.

The little girl Mengmeng said to Lu Yang, "Brother, where are we going? I feel like I'm strong."

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Go to the Light Elemental Temple, it's all up to you this time."

"Um." The little girl gestured a little fist. Under the blessing of the thunder mark and a suit, Shen Xun Tian Lei was born with a level 7 skill, and the damage value is intelligence multiplied by 120. , Elemental Ball, Demon Heart to Mu Yu, his output value is not much worse than Lu Yang.

This is why Lu Yang dared to hit the Holy Spirit Temple.

System prompt: you enter the Holy Spirit Temple

In the middle of a hall illuminated by the holy light, there was an angel-like creature floating in the air.

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