Rebirth Of Xiangjiang: From A Multinational Chaebol To The Light Of A Private Enterprise

Chapter 86 Let It Come If It Should Come! ~ Please Subscribe! Please Customize!

Han Xiao smiled and grabbed her hand, rubbing it lightly and said: "Sister Li, you are always singing sweet songs, and, for Chinese New Year, it's great to sing sweet songs, it's festive and joyful. "

Deng Li glanced at the hand wiped by Han Xiao and said, "But, I don't think this song is very good, so I don't want to sing it anymore.

She is arranged to sing the song "Sweet Honey" at tomorrow's party.

This is also one of Deng Li's masterpieces.

It can be said that it has become popular all over the country at this moment.

And in the 1980s, with the opening of the mainland, the singers in Hong Kong, Bay and Hong Kong, represented by Deng Li, were like a tornado. In just one or two years, they became household names in the mainland.

Deng Li is widely loved.

Han Xiao asked: "Then, which song are you going to sing?"

Deng Li sang too many good songs, there are simply too many to count. If she just sings "Five Six Three" and sings it, it will drive the fans at the party crazy.

Her popularity in Xiangjiang at the moment is not covered.

Deng Li said: "I want to sing a chorus with you, can't I?"

She looked at Han Xiao with two beautiful big eyes, which were watery again, and the emotions inside were a bit complicated.

Han Xiao thought for a while.

It would be nice to be able to sing a song with Deng Li.

Tomorrow night's show is destined to create a sensation like an explosion.

Now, Han Xiao's voice has improved significantly. He is indeed very happy to cooperate with a sweet song queen like Deng Li to add luster to the party.

He himself can also leave a strong mark in the Chinese music scene.

But, which song is better to sing?

There are too many excellent male and female duet songs in the previous life.

However, there are only a few songs that can be considered classics.

Otherwise, just take out your confidant lover.

This song was released in the late 90s in the previous life, and then it became a huge hit. In the 20s of the 21st century, when going to KTV to sing, there are still many couples who will choose this song to sing duet.

Thinking this way, Han Xiao let go of Deng Li's hand and said, "Sister Li, I have created a new song before, but I haven't released it yet. I'll show it to you now, or we can cooperate Just a little, I'll also take advantage of you and increase my popularity a bit. Haha!"

Deng Li said: "It must be the kind of love song duet.

Han Xiao blinked and asked with a smile: "Why do you have to sing love songs? Do you have any unreasonable thoughts about me?"

Deng Li lightly hit Han Xiao's chest twice with her small fist, and said coquettishly: "Sister and brother can't sing love songs? Hmph! She also said that I have unreasonable thoughts about you, since I sit down, You just took my hand and rubbed it so hard, it made my face warm and my heart beat, you are really bad.

Han Xiao said with a smile: "Haha! When I did that, my heart was very pure, and I didn't have any bad thoughts at all. You have to be careful not to create demons because of this."

Deng Li pursed her mouth and said: "You have a lot of fallacies. Anyway, please remember that there is absolutely no pure friendship between a man and a woman! When you get too close, you will definitely get out of hand, and then It's a mess, it's unstoppable!"

Han Xiao got up and went behind his desk.

He opened his drawer and took out the song "Best Lover" from the drawer.

In fact, he was already thinking about who would sing this song first.

Han Xiao walked back to Deng Li with the paper that said there is a confidant lover. He sat down next to Deng Li, looked at her with a half-smile and asked, "You mean, if a man and a woman get close, it is easy to develop Is that what impure friendship means?"

Deng Li nodded: "Yes! Anyway, I feel that we must not be able to maintain the pure friendship between us."

Han Xiao smiled and asked: "So, do you feel panic?"

Deng Li shook her head: "There is no panic. Let it come when it should come."

Han Xiao said: "So, are you looking forward to its arrival?"

Deng Li rolled her eyes at Han Xiao, covered her mouth and chuckled, "What do you think?"

This smile is really rich in connotation and style.

Han Xiao said: "I think you should be looking forward to it, hehe! Sister Li, let's watch this song first!"

Han Xiao handed the song "Best Lover" to Deng Li.

Deng Li took the paper, and her left hand took the initiative to grab Han Xiao's hand, scratching his palm with her little finger.

Han Xiao grabbed her hand tightly to prevent her from moving.

Deng Li was extremely happy when she watched the song Confidant Lover.

"Wow! This song is so sweet!" Deng Li said.

"That's a must! It's full of affection. It's different from any other duet love songs!" Han Xiao said. …

Many love songs are sung duets, and they are all heart-piercing, anyway, they are the kind of love to death.

Most of the love songs express broken love, bitterness and so on.

Only this song "Best Lover" is the interpretation and praise of sweet love.

This song expresses the pledge of eternal love, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, and this love will never change!

Deng Li said: "Brother Xiao, why don't we cooperate now and try singing a cappella?"


This name is really a bit creepy.

But Han Xiao knew that Deng Li must have done it unintentionally. He thought it best not to remind her.

Han Xiao said: "Of course!"

The two began to try to collaborate on this song.

This is a new song, not just singing to the subtitles like Karla OK, but a new interpretation and interpretation.

This is a very difficult thing.

Of course, Han Xiao sang this song many times in his previous life, and he is very familiar with the melody and everything else.

As for Deng Li, she is also a professional with high musical talent.

So, the two will soon be able to sing together.

Moreover, the effect of singing is still very good.

After completely matching a song, Deng Li still couldn't finish it. She smiled and said: "I really look forward to performing this song with you at the party tomorrow night."

Han Xiao said with a smile: "I am also looking forward to it. I hope this song can set off a good response. 1.4."

Deng Li went to get a tissue to wipe the sweat off Han Xiao's forehead, and said with a smile, "Do you really want to sing this song with me? Are you afraid that your other confidante will be unhappy?"

She looked up at Han Xiao slightly, waiting for his answer.

Han Xiao stretched out his arms and took her into his arms, and said with a smile: "Your worries have many reasons.

"It's just a song, I really don't know what kind of weird thoughts are going around in your little head all day long!"

Deng Li smiled sweetly: "It's really strange to be held in your arms like this."

"Brother Xiao, can I invite you to my house tonight? You know, you gave me such a big house, but I only live in it. Sometimes, the night is really empty and cold. "

She actually sent him an invitation to visit her house at night......

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