Late at night, Su Chen lay leisurely on the large bed in the bedroom of the top-floor duplex villa of Tomson Yipin.

At this time, he had officially moved from the five-star hotel to the villa.

And the 4 villas he bought, all of which were renovated, can be moved in directly!

It is still 2011, and Tomson Yipin only officially opened in 2009.

But at first, the house here was not easy to sell.

Now that two years have passed, although the situation is a little better, there are still not many people who can afford to buy such an expensive house.

So even if it is the top floor duplex villa, the unit price is only 120,000 square meters!

Before Su Chen was reborn, the price of this villa could rise to at least 300,000 square meters!

So Su Chen, who bought 4 villas, even if he can’t live by himself, is definitely very cost-effective!

Unfortunately, after helping him move before, Ding Damei left.

Otherwise, it would be even more perfect if it was so dark and accompanied by beautiful people!

But Su Chen was not in a hurry.

He could see that after tasting the sweetness today, Ding Damei’s thinking had obviously changed.

It’s just that for a while, I haven’t made up my mind yet!

Even before, if he had kept her a little, maybe he could have left her behind!

But compared to the prey itself, Su Chen obviously enjoyed the process of this hunting!

After all, although he looks very tender, deep down, he is a veritable old driver!

At least in theory!

It was only because he had a girlfriend in the last life that he had been suppressing his heart.

But in this life, of course, he will not be so wronged again!

In the next few days, Su Chen took Ding Damei with him, which can be said to have visited the streets and alleys of the magic capital.

Ding Da Mei also completely became, his full-time nanny and secretary!

But who made that her job!

Nowadays, she doesn’t even need to clock in at work!

What’s more, following Su Chen, not only did she have to eat and drink, but she didn’t have to spend money herself!

Of course she would be more willing!

The only pity is that in the past few days, Su Chen has never spent hundreds of millions of dollars a day as before.

Naturally, she has no extra money to earn….

But even so, her willpower is still being corroded by the power of money, little by little…

But it’s only 2011, and the idea of gold worship isn’t as prevalent.

Girls’ thinking is also somewhat conservative.

Coupled with certain things, she had no experience at all.

Therefore, it is still difficult to let her take the initiative to give her a hug…



“Hey, old man, are you still in Modu?”

On this day, Su Chen suddenly received a call from Chen Tao, a college roommate.

To tell the truth, Su Chen’s relationship with his classmates in college is very general.

But with the three roommates, they got along quite well.

However, after graduating from college in the previous life, the connection between them gradually decreased.

“What’s the matter?”

“Did you find a job?”

“Still looking for it.”

“That’s it…”

Hearing that Su Chen had not yet found a job, Chen Tao immediately hesitated.

“If there’s anything to say, don’t swallow!”

“Well, yes, the day after tomorrow is Lin Yao’s birthday, so Zhao Gang is ready to take this opportunity to call all the students who are still in the magic capital together, and everyone will get together, so that after graduation, everyone will be strange!”

Chen Tao explained.

So Su Chen immediately remembered, it seems that in the previous life, Chen Tao had also invited him to participate in Lin Yao’s birthday party.

It’s just that at that time, because he had to work overtime every day until the early morning, he didn’t have time to participate!

But later, when he became the technical director of the company, at a party, he met Lin Yao, a class flower in college.

And almost wiped out a spark!

But at that time, he already had a girlfriend, so he could only resist the impulse in his heart…

Thinking of this, Su Chen suddenly moved in his heart and asked again, “The party organized by Zhao Gang?” Wouldn’t he have asked you to call me to a party? ”

Zhao Gang was the class president of Su Chen’s university.

Still a second generation official.

However, he has not dealt with Su Chen all the time.

Because this guy likes to be in the limelight the most.

The most famous person in their class is not his class leader.

It’s Su Chen’s school grass!

Yes, when Su Chen was in college, he was the famous “school grass” in the school!

The girls who actively pursue him are even more numerous!

Unfortunately, before he went to college, his father was in business, and he was cheated out of money and in debt.

So much so that he even had to earn the living expenses of his college days!

Where is the time to fall in love?

Coupled with the fact that Zhao Gang has been pursuing Lin Yao, but there are rumors, Lin Yao has always been interested in Su Chen.

So Zhao Gang would take the initiative to invite him to the party, which was strange!

Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, Zhao Gang wants to show his superiority in front of his classmates by stepping on him.

After all, when I was a student, everyone was still relatively simple.

Even if he wanted to show superiority, it would have no effect.

It may even cause disgust among other students!

But now, everyone has gone into society.

Naturally, the idea is different from before!

That’s the reality!



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