The four beauties turned down several waves of people who had spoken to each other, and then walked over to the bar.

It looks like they should just be here to play casually.

Gao Wen, in particular, still looks a little restrained.

Estimate the number of times you have come to such a place before, it should not be too much!

It could even be a first-time visit!

But the next moment, when they saw Su Chen, who was also sitting on the bar, they immediately couldn’t help but see their eyes light up!

“Handsome man, are you alone?”

One of the more daring beauties couldn’t help but lean over to Su Chen and ask slightly teasingly.

“Yeah, why don’t we get a table?”

Su Chen replied very generously.

At the same time, his eyes did not shy away, staring at Gao Wen on the side!

I have to say that Gao Wen, who has just turned 19, has a stunning appearance!

No wonder it can become a top traffic flower in the future!

You must know that in Su Chen’s last life, the entertainment industry can really rely on the appearance alone, it is red to that extent, it is Gao Wen and the big baby!

But the big baby’s plastic surgery face is naturally incomparable with Gao Wen!

It can be seen that Gao Wen’s appearance is how good she can fight!

“It turns out that the handsome guy is looking at us Wenwen!”

Another beautiful woman spoke.

At the same time, the beautiful woman who picked up Su Chen also showed a frustrated expression.

She thought she was also a big beauty.

But compared to her roommate Gao Wen, she is still very self-aware…

As for Gao Wen, after discovering Su Chen’s gaze, he suddenly couldn’t help but become more restrained…

I couldn’t help but shrink behind a roommate next to me…

How cute it looks to be!

After all, at this time, she is not the big star in the future, who is very comfortable with various media.

If Su Chen is not mistaken, she should have made her first TV series at this time.

And it is also a TV series of CCTV!

It’s just that this TV series does not reflect her unique appearance very well.

Plus now this TV series has not been broadcast.

So at this time, she naturally does not have any fame!

“Handsome man, you’re looking at us like this, I’m afraid it’s not good?” But look at you look quite good, at least more pleasing to the eye than those people just now, this way, give you a chance, please four of us for a drink, maybe this girl is happy, will give you our Wenwen contact information! ”

The beautiful woman who had picked up Su Chen spoke again.

However, at this moment, Gao Wen finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and said with a delicate face: “Yuanyuan, what to say!” ”

And the last beautiful woman who had not opened her mouth also continued: “Yuanyuan, didn’t we say okay before, come in and sit for a while and leave, and then go back to school, how can we drink?” ”

“Qingqing, just have a drink, it doesn’t matter!”

Speaking, the beautiful woman who talked to Su Chen, that is, the “Yuanyuan” in their mouths, looked at Su Chen again.

“Handsome man, you wouldn’t even be reluctant to ask for four glasses of wine, would you?”

At the same time, her eyes couldn’t help but glance at the Patek Philippe watch on Su Chen’s wrist!

This is Patek Philippe!

And look at the appearance of this handsome guy in front of you, it doesn’t look like the kind of local tycoon who pretends to come out!

Therefore, such a young and handsome local tycoon, if they miss it, it is called regret!

Even if this handsome guy doesn’t like her, it doesn’t matter!

As long as he wanted to pursue Gao Wen, would he still have less of their benefits?

Just this kind of words, of course, she is not good at saying it in front of Su Chen’s face!

Unfortunately, she didn’t know that this little action of hers had already been seen by Su Chen.

But he didn’t care.

Otherwise, why would he have to dress up like this and go out?

He doesn’t have that bad taste of playing a pig and eating a tiger!

So the next moment, I saw him waving at a waiter not far away: “Waiter! ”

“Brother, what do you command?”

The waiter immediately trotted over.

Obviously, he had also noticed Su Chen long ago.

After all, the most important thing about being a waiter in a bar is to have eyesight!

Who is really a local tycoon, who is a fake big money, not to say that you can see it at a glance, but at least you can see an 89 points!

“Help me open a booth!”

Su Chen said casually.

“What kind of booth is my brother going to open?” Large or small calories? Brother, you five people, open a small card is almost enough! ”

The waiter’s eyes lit up and he immediately suggested!

Although the consumption of opening a large calorie is definitely more than that of a small card.

But he also has to think about the customer.

So that the next time the customer comes back, he will continue to look for him!

At the same time, he did not mention any minimum consumption.

As far as Su Chen is dressed, does he seem to care about the minimum consumption of people?

But then, Su Chen’s answer surprised him: “No, I see that the front position is good, if no one has booked, just open it for me!” ”

It turns out that that the location is the whole night bar, the biggest and most luxurious card seat!

A night’s low consumption, at least more than 50,000 yuan!

And if you encounter a holiday, you can’t take it without 100,000 yuan to spend!

At the same time, that “Yuanyuan” was even brighter again!

This big handsome guy is definitely not running!



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